MichPainter Member


  • I know it's just me here right now, but I'm going to keep posting and see if I can revive the group (that's my plan anyway - let's see what life brings). I completed Chapter 1 (again) and although it was re-reading stuff I already know I totally enjoyed Dr. G.'s sense of humor and perfect puns that he weaves throughout the…
  • I'm hoping to get this group restarted. I've begun reading Chapter 1 again and will post my thoughts on stuff that I think is meaningful, different than the usual stuff, worth mentioning, etc. I hope folks will join in the conversation with me!
  • Dr. Greger is the best! I read his book How Not to Die and couldn't get enough. Then How Not to Diet came out and I ate it up (pun intended). I followed his app with the Daily Dozen and Weight Loss Tweaks and dropped consistently. I had started a community group just before the pandemic hit in hopes to use it as a "book…
  • I apologize for setting up this group and then not following through with posts. I work in education and my job has gotten consumed with meetings and planning for shut downs and just a ton of other stuff. I'm sure everyone is feeling the same way! That said - if everyone ate a plant based diet, we wouldn't be dealing with…
  • I take a B12 supplement twice a week - Dr. Greger just came out with new recommendations on how much to take each week, so I adjusted to take less than I was previously. I also take D and a plant based Omega 3, Turmeric and that's pretty much it. I'm not consistent either - but I try to at least get my B12 and D in a…
  • I stopped eating meat at the end of 2015. The transition to cooking meals was a little difficult at first. Mexican food lends itself to plant based diets - Italian food and stir fries are also easily switched to non-meat meals. The issue I found was that I gained weight, rather than loosing. I was eating far too much pasta…
  • I love chocolate too - so in order to get more bang for my calories I drizzle Hershey's sugar free syrup onto things like berries (covered in sugar free cool whip of course). It's only 15 calories for 2 Tbsp, which is actually a lot of syrup. I also like Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Caramel Ice Cream Candy Bars - 80 cals…
  • Here is a good article about protein - from a reputable source...by getting the majority of your protein from a plant-based diet, you get to eat more for fewer calories. http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/vsk/vegetarian-starter-kit-protein
  • Let me get this straight...iamcallieu started this topic in order to get support from vegans in venturing into a more plant-based diet (whether full-blown vegan, veg-head, or somewhere in between), and she feared the keto/LCHF/Paleo community would give her a hard time for making a change??? Seems like this might have…
  • He may be looking for new clients and is clearly going about it all wrong. I agree with BZAH10's advise. As far as jogging - AWESOME on the two minutes. I've been slowly but steadily increasing my run to walk ratio and am moving to 2 minutes this week too. It feels like forever! Anyway, don't let that dude get in your…
  • Name: Michelle Painter Age: 50 Height: 5' 8" Start Weight (June1): 166 Goal Weight (July1): 156 Weigh-ins (week of...): June1: 166 June 8: June 15: June 22: June 29: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Teaching myself to run. I know it sounds silly, but I just don't run and when I do (whether outside or on the treadmill) if feel like I land heavy on my feet while everyone else seems to sort of fly. So I started working on it...and I'm up to 2 minutes running and 2 minutes walking - and adding time to the running each…
  • Thank you all for your input. I think you all make good points to consider - and I will just keep pluggin along. I know I'm doing a lot of the right things - exercising daily, eating a whole food/plant based diet and keeping stress out of my life as much as possible are all going to eventually help. I'm thinking about…
  • Yes, I've considered that inconsistency is a big issue, except that my inconsistency is not that often, and I exercise like crazy...but you are right, I need to try to be completely consistent for a couple solids weeks with no "cheat meals" and maybe that will help. But honestly, I don't think that my occasional slip ups…
  • I got my test results back yesterday that I have fatty liver infiltration. So I got on The Google and researched for hours! I'm almost 50 (ACK!) and I exercise regularly, eat mostly healthy, although I do get discouraged and pig out sometimes on really bad stuff, and I spent a lot of my 20s partying and my 30s social…
  • Here is my link - you have to go to your fitbit page on the computer and copy the address in the web browser bar to share with others - so here is mine - copy and paste it and you can find me :)
  • Peppa, can you add me from the fitbit website by pasting www.fitbit.com/user/366CX9 into your browser? That's how it worked for me an farmboy up there :smiley: And I'm glad you didn't think I was completely nuts to name my fitbit, but it seemed logical since it is with me all the time (but I don't talk to it, I promise!).
  • I've sent you both a request on here and on Fitbit. Note: I'm female, not a political bone in my body and I am human (most days). Thanks for your responses!
  • Jumping in a little late - hope that's okay! Name: Michelle Height: 5'8" Starting Weight (3/2):164 Goal Weight (3/30):155 3/2: 164 3/9: 161.6 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 2.4 pounds BABY! Loss/gain for the month so far: same as above Struggles or successes of your week: I actually started in Feb at 169.4. I'm…