rosaphene2 Member


  • You look great, you can really see a difference in your abs and legs
  • I imagine you will probably get some strong responses to this I agree that what works for some may not work for someone else as we are all different Fad diets can work short term, however they tend to cut out essential food groups and you lose valuable nutrients so could do you more harm than good. If you are wanting long…
  • You need to measure everything out and log it, like others have said it can be surprising just how off you can be when you just guess your portion. For things like the milk in my coffee I tend to measure out 150ml of milk and pour into a bottle which I use throughout the day instead of measuring the milk each time I have a…
  • UK based here, feel free to add
  • Count me in, got a holiday coming up in 77 days (yes I counted v.excited) so this will encourage me to stay on track. I don't have a specific goal but would like to lose between 14-20 lbs
  • From my experience I find if I do not enjoy a particular exercise then I will make excuses not to do it no matter how daft they are. Like the others have said swimming is good for you so you are off to a good start. My gym does a class called body pump which is something that can be modified to suit a beginner, just add…
  • I wouldn't ever say exercise is pointless, people have different reasons for doing it. I have a stressful job and exercise is a positive outlet for all that frustration, not to mention I exercise to get strong and healthier. Do you mean that you think it's pointless to do an activity unless it has an additional purpose to…