

  • Haha, ya that is one way to look at it. Just make sure you are getting carbs from other sources because your brain likes to be fueled by carbs. Other sources of carbs are fruit, low fat milk and cheese, yogurt, tofu, nuts, and veggies.
  • Hey Mary, I would love to help in anyway possible. I am studying nutrition and can answer many questions. Let me know when you need help! I'll send a request
  • I hate to say it but sometimes you just have to compromise.
    in Coffee Comment by tmumma88 February 2015
  • That is a great start, I get in trouble with bread and grain products myself. I use a saralee bread that is 45 calories a slice, but there are also the bread thins. Also, like everyone knows most fruits and vegetables are low in calories. I have a goal of eating one fruit or vegetable at every meal, Right now I have…
  • With your current weight of 140 and your age you need about 1900calories to maintain your weight. If you would like to lose I would subtract 500calories and see how this goes. This would put you at about 1400 calories per day to lose. That being said, here are some tips: 1. Eat a fruit or vegetable at each meal for less…
  • Hey all, I am a nutrition major and would love to answer any questions. I also have weight to lost, about 30lbs (yes, nutrition professionals can be overweight!). I would love to share me knowledge and have some friends along the way!
  • Well this is definitely possible! If you lose about 6.5lbs a month or about 1.5lbs a week you should be right on track. I would make sure to exercise at least 30min a day to get your metabolism pumped up! Also, find a friend to eat healthier with you. Tracking is one of the best things you can do to attain a lower weight…
    in hello Comment by tmumma88 February 2015
  • Depending what you make I would freeze some of your portions. That is what I do and that way it stays fresh longer. The texture can sometimes be different depending what it is but it is worth a try to avoid waste and the easy excuse to splurge on chipotle.
  • Yes this is common. Your brain's main source of fuel are carbohydrates so your body is wondering where its main fuel is! If your body does not get enough carbs for the brain it will break down protein first to make carbs so that the brain has it's primary energy source. That being said, I would make sure you eat at least…
  • Hey there, Lifestyle change is never easy and everyone has ups and downs. You are doing much more that most people and you should be proud of yourself for caring about your health and putting in the time and energy to work toward being healthier. Remember, this is a processes... a journey that will take time, patients, and…
    in Ugh Comment by tmumma88 February 2015