
At this moment, I really hate my body. I worked out today and I sweat a lot. Or at least I felt like it did.. I just feel so blah about me right now. I had been doing so well and gotten down to 147.5 lbs and was super proud. For some unfortunate reason I have steadily put back on almost all my weight. I had 7 lbs but it just seems like I'll be back to 155 in no time and that just makes me feel horrible. Also, I weighed and I was 153.2! I feel so bad right now. I need motivation. I've tried for at least 3 years and I haven't lost anything and I'm so upset with myself. :(


  • tmumma88
    Hey there,

    Lifestyle change is never easy and everyone has ups and downs. You are doing much more that most people and you should be proud of yourself for caring about your health and putting in the time and energy to work toward being healthier. Remember, this is a processes... a journey that will take time, patients, and continued learning and alteration.

    Now, there may be some things that you could work on slowly to get back on track.
    1. Weigh in the morning after going to the bathroom and with no clothing. This will give you a more accurate weight. Do not weigh at other times because the body does fluctuate and you do not want to be discuraged.
    2. Re-evaluate your eating plan. Are you eating small bites and snacks you may not be counting? Things can add up!

    The exercise you are doing is great and I applaud you on keeping up with it. If you already do my suggestions let me know. I can take a look at what you are eating and maybe we can work through it together! I wish you the best of luck!
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    First of all don't get down on yourself your trying and that's what counts. Maybe you need to mix things up both with your diet and exercise program. I like to walk on the treadmill but after a while I had to do other exercises to shake things up! This is a lifestyle that we all have to keep up with for the rest of our lives. Don't get down on yourself and what ever you do don't give up you owe it to yourself to reach your goal!