betsyellens22 Member


  • @atypicalsmith @mscheftg @melimomTARDIS Thanks everyone! I didnt mean to get defensive to some of the comments, I guess I just need people to talk to! I will consider therapy and do some soul searching for my self esteem issues. I never said what I do for a living, but i work in the entertainment industry where body/looks…
  • Thank you everyone!! I agree that is is water weight, a change in sodium intake, and that weight is usually not measured in a linear pattern because it just always depends. I weighed myself again when I woke up today (i have a weird schedule, i work nights and sleep during the day!). I lost another .2lbs. So from 170.5 to…
  • not really sure what you mean. Tell me about your experience!
  • yeah, plus i would have been excited with just a half pound difference. So i freaked out. BUT i also checked 3 times and again an hour later
  • oooooo yes! I havent thought of that. I suppose thats why everyone is saying to seek a professional!
  • @yopeeps025 thank you, maybe i will see help. I realise its something to consider now
  • @atypicalsmith if you had been part of the discussion before hand, obviously seeing that you havent read anything prior, I told everyone I was sorry that I didnt know the deffinition between what a food addict was and a binge eater. Everybody is really stuck up here huh! Thought I was the only defensive one. :D
  • Im sure if the title of this post said 'Binging Habit' instead of 'Food Addict' everyone would have acted differently. Sorry I didnt know the difference, I will admit that.
  • @jkal1979 i did take in and appreciated all the advice everyone has posted. I have just learned to defend myself, and I guess I dont understand why certain people only commented for me to seek help rather than being a part of the discussion and sharing food binging (i made the mistake of calling myself a food addict)…
  • i already admitted it. I guess my intentions of this post was to have people tell me little inspirations they've done to resist urges. Not get bashed into seeking professional help. Theres ways to get help for yourself than spend money on going to a special doctor. My bad!
  • Yup, meal prep! Thats what everyone has been saying! Also, i just went to Bob Evans yesterday (because the boyfriend and I were out and about, and got super hungry!) and most restaurants have certain menu items that are a low cal/overall better option!
  • @yopeeps025 lol how am I denying my own issues when I made a post admitting to my issues? Look, im new here, I just wanted to have a discussion with people and be open about our weight problems together.
  • Thank you for sharing!! :) And this goes for everyone, not just you - Everyone seems to be telling me to get help? Ive had my share of therapy and anti depressants. Having low self esteem doesnt mean I need a mental screening. I just assumed, appararently I am wrong, that people always have something about them that they…
  • Ok so new question. How to overcome self-esteem issues? I just hit 170lbs at 5'5", and as a 20 year old woman in this society... ESPECIALLY during summer, its rough.
  • Today is also my second day! *high five!* :D Im curious though, are you taking any diet pills? Ill be honest, I am taking Hydroxycut (started yesterday also with my diet) and I felt EXACTLY the same as you are describing today. Hmm.
  • @shell1005 thanks, i just summarized what I had meant to put in the beginning. right?? I havent been to the doctor in a few years anyway, but I've been meaning to
  • I typed up a 5 paragraph discussion, and all it showed is that first sentence! Im so upset, and I cant delete it lol.
  • I heard that rubbing in your mornings coffee beans into your problem areas tightens your skin! Preferably after your workout, and/or shower, rub it in your skin. And you'll smell delicious.