LadyLethe Member


  • Just what I needed to hear! :)
  • I would love to join! I need some extra support as well. I've been in a rut and gaining the last 6 months, so I'm back to digging my way back out if here. I am 27, soon to be 28, and I have about 60 pounds to lose. It may be more, but I will reassess when I get there. Looking forward to achieving our goals and getting…
  • Hi! I absolutely know how you feel and please feel free to add me. I'm moving slow to make a lasting impact and recently had a set back, but we can do this and we will do it together! You can do this! Every time I feel down, I try thinking of all I have accomplished. You have already taken the time to ask for support and…
  • I'm also starting back up and am worse off then I was before. I actually commented on felicity may white's post a bit ago and I am ready to get going again. I would be happy to motivate everyone and I need the support! Add me if you would like! Good luck and we have got this!
  • Yeah, I'm there too. I actually lost some weight and now I have gained it back plus more. I am the heaviest I have ever been and could use some support too. So feel free to add me. I just hit a point this morning where I am devastated and mad at myself, but determined to do this.
  • Great work! That's an amazing accomplishment.
  • I am completely here with you. I'm in the middle of moving and have a stressful job. For lunches, I use leftovers and put them in a container for the morning so I can throw it in my lunch box. In the morning, while I wait for my breakfast to cook (quick cook oats that I top with fruit and flax seed), I wash my fruit and…
  • Hey all! I've been on here for a long while, but reading through some of the posts made me feel: yay! My people! :D I've never been on a forum or in a group, but this called out to me! Anyone can add me, I need support and want to support you all too! Just let me know who you are, what your geek love is/hobby/passion, and…