Nektara Member


  • Not new to MFP but have had an on again, off again relationship with it for years. Time to change. All those years here and my only three friends were my mom, husband, and best friend. Ready to have fellow strugglers on their own journeys to share with and motivate, and by whom I can be motivated too. Just please forgive…
  • Lima beans have mashed potatoes inside of them. My grandpa said so, therefore it must be true. /nod Beets, beats and asparagus are all awesome even with their unpleasant side effects. :) Nutella rehab... I think I'm signing up for that one. There's nothing more to add, everyone's said what you need to know already so I am…
  • I just started SlimQuick Razor this weekend, so I can't give any success reports. However, I can say that I have had more energy in the last few days than I have in the last few months or years. I too must be careful with caffeine products, but because of my frequent migraine headaches and I have a love/hate relationship…
  • Today is day 4 of this nasty thing. I've been sick before, no big deal, but this one is acting strange. Started Monday afternoon and I just thought it was the lunch I ate, but then that night it was really bad. Then Tues & Wed I think I am okay enough to go to work, I go and get through most of the day (albeit…
  • Well, how's that for a Friday smile! Thank you. You're awesomer. :bigsmile:
  • Congratulations!