Worst Fruits in Calories to avoid



  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    Can anyone tell me which fruits & vegetable should be avoided and which should be consumed most often?
    I understand bananas and potatoes are the worst...any others?
    What are the best???

    I eat a banana every single day and I eat potatoes a few times per week. That's just crazy! If you don't have allergies or if your doctor hasn't explicitly said not to eat those foods, then why would you avoid them? In essence, no fruit or veg should be avoided. They're all rich in vitamins and essential nutrients.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Bananas and potatoes are very good for you. I eat a banana every day. I would eat a potato every day, but baking them is a PITA.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    A variety of fruits and vegetables is good for nutritional balance. I wouldn't avoid any of them....

    C'mon, it's fruit. Think about this logically, in a big picture sense. Is any fruit really bad enough to necessitate avoiding it completely? I can understand avoiding trans fats, or fried food, or nutella, or even brownies....but FRUIT? nope nope nope.

    Nutella? My heart just died.

    I only avoid it because I never met a jar of nutella that wasn't a single serving with a spoon. Not that it's a bad food. Just, I'm a bad nutella eater. Like, I need to go to nutella rehab.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Yep as others have said definitely no need to cut out any particular fruit in its entirety as long as it fits your calorie and macro goals. Having said that if you are watching your sugar intake you may need to limit the amount you eat or focus on eating fruits that have a lower sugar content. I like to eat berries and often snack of vegetables instead of fruit because of the lower sugar content (while still getting plenty of micros).

    Here is a list with the amount of grams of sugar per 100g in a large variety of fruit

  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    The only thing I can say here is to watch out how much dried fruits you eat - just because they are smaller doesn't mean you get to eat more - a cup of dried cranberries does not equal the same as a cup of fresh cranberries

    The list I just posted above compares dried fruit too. Pretty much like eating candy
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Beats....avoid beats....yuck

    Beats are great because if you dance to them you can log it as exercise.

    Beets on the other hand are also great and are delicious too :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Whatever you do, do NOT eat lima beans. They are disgusting.

    Any other fruit of veggie (barring a medical condition) is fine.

  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    if you don't have enough calories in a day to throw in fruits like bananas then you're not eating enough imo
  • bonzaburns
    bonzaburns Posts: 29 Member
    Check this out for high fructose fruits etc.


    Interesting reading.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    potatoes and bananas are not bad for you. I lost 45 pound eating a potato almost daily for dinner. Now that I have lost a significant amount of weight I am struggling to lose lately and have stopped eating potatoes for a while. I do however make smoothies with bananas and also eat bananas with pb2. Bananas are very good for you.
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Bananas and potatoes are very good for you. I eat a banana every day. I would eat a potato every day, but baking them is a PITA.

    check out the produce section of your store. there is a new item called 'steamables' I believe they are different types of potatoes wrapped and ready to go in the microwave. takes about 8 minutes
  • Nektara
    Nektara Posts: 7 Member
    Lima beans have mashed potatoes inside of them. My grandpa said so, therefore it must be true. /nod

    Beets, beats and asparagus are all awesome even with their unpleasant side effects. :)

    Nutella rehab... I think I'm signing up for that one.

    There's nothing more to add, everyone's said what you need to know already so I am just agreeing with (most of) them. Even bananas and potatoes have their place, barring any medical issues with them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Bananas and potatoes are very good for you. I eat a banana every day. I would eat a potato every day, but baking them is a PITA.

    check out the produce section of your store. there is a new item called 'steamables' I believe they are different types of potatoes wrapped and ready to go in the microwave. takes about 8 minutes
    There is not much worse than a baked potato from the microwave. Gotta be baked in the oven! It just takes so long and I'm usually REALLY hungry. lol

    And now I want a freaking potato.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I guess I don't really notice much of a difference since I grew up with my mom putting a bunch of potatoes in a bag and nuking them in the microwave. I think the only time I may have had them cooked a different way might be when I have had a baked potato at a restaurant.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    Beats....avoid beats....yuck

    agreed! :)
  • potatoes aren't a vegetable, there a starch. But yeah their worst unless sweet potatoes. Cashews are full of fat also. Bananas for me cause weight gain. Blueberries, cantalope, watermelon, grapes, orages, apricots, pineapples are all good. almonds are wonderful. I do a lot of nuts for protein. Cucumber, cauliflower, cottage cheese and tomatoes are stomach fillers and stomach fat burners..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whats wrong with bananas and potatoes…???
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Can anyone tell me which fruits & vegetable should be avoided and which should be consumed most often?
    I understand bananas and potatoes are the worst...any others?
    What are the best???

    Some fruits have more fructose than others so you need to be careful of how much you eat of those fruits... keeping your sugar to 10 percent of your calories will solve that problem.

    Fructose is NOT metabolized as glucose is and is converted to fat!

    Joanne Moniz


    excess calories (energy) gets converted to fat
  • Dried Fruits* Highest in Fructose:
    Raisins, golden – 37.1g
    Zante currants – 37.1g
    Raisins – 33.8g
    Dried figs – 24.4g
    Dried peaches – 15.6g
    Dried prunes – 14.8g
    Dried apricots – 12.2g

    Fresh Fruits Highest in Fructose:
    Grapes – 7.6g
    Apple – 7.6g
    Pears – 6.4g
    Cherries – 6.2g
    Pomegranate – 4.7g
    Kiwi – 4.3g
    Blackberries – 4.1g
    Blueberries – 3.7g
    Watermelon – 3.3g
    Raspberries – 3.2g
    Starfruit – 3.2g
    Purple Passion Fruit – 3.1g

    Fresh Fruits Lowest in Fructose:
    Lime – 0.2g
    Avocado – 0.2g
    Apricots – 0.7g
    Lemon – 0.8g
    Grapefruit – 1.2g
    Peach – 1.3g
    Tomato – 1.4g
    Jackfruit – 1.4g
    Plum – 1.8g
    Cantaloupe – 1.8g
    Guava – 1.9g
    Pineapple – 2.1g
    Strawberries – 2.5g
    Orange – 2.5g
    Papaya – 2.7g
    Banana – 2.7g
    Figs – 2.8g
    Mango – 2.9g

    From here: http://fitnessprohealth.com/high-fructose-fruit/
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Can anyone tell me which fruits & vegetable should be avoided and which should be consumed most often?
    I understand bananas and potatoes are the worst...any others?
    What are the best???

    You can find a list on line; if you cannot, I can send it to you. Generally fruit with small pits have the least amount of fructose. Again, it is the fructose in the sugar that is DANGEROUS when there is too much. If we eat foods (usually fake foods) we consume too much fructose and then we add the fruit, it takes it over the top. Eat fruit for your sugar, not other foods with sugar and you will be fine as long as you don't overdo on fruit.