Summer Stomach Bug



  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    My daughter has had this for 3 days!! Not fun at all.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I get one of these every year... the BEST thing I have found for it is unfiltered unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar (Braggs works). I mix a shot in a few ounces of water and chug it every few hours. It really helps keep everything in/helps me keep food down. I hope it works for you guys!
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Thats a pretty agressive approach. Keeping everything "in" is not always advised.

    Most medical professionals will tell you that if "it" wants out, let it out.
    Keeping something in your body like that can do more damage than good.

    It should aleviate some of the stomach issues, but its not a preferred method of treatment.
    (you're treating the symptoms and not the problem)

    I would not advise that.
    **Just my opinion of course.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Thats a pretty agressive approach. Keeping everything "in" is not always advised.

    Most medical professionals will tell you that if "it" wants out, let it out.
    Keeping something in your body like that can do more damage than good.

    It should aleviate some of the stomach issues, but its not a preferred method of treatment.
    (you're treating the symptoms and not the problem)

    I would not advise that.
    **Just my opinion of course.

    Not aggressive, actually approved by my doctor and my nurse mom and bff. It's totally natural and your body still functions and things move "out", just not as rapidly and dramatically as when you are sick. I'm not sure what kind of stomach bug you are talking about, but when I get them I can't keep down more than an ounce of fluid. Violent projectile vomiting and severe diarrhea, usually leading to hospitalization and being hooked up to IVs. So, apple cider vinegar is way better than that if it allows me to be able to keep down my gatorade. Obviously if the problem is just an upset tummy, I would just tough it out without the vinegar.
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Ladies and Gents -

    Be on the look out for the Summer stomach bug . Its going around and has masked itself as a simple case of indigestion.

    The average case lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours .

    :sick: Symptoms:

    light headed
    general weakness
    loss of appetite

    Although your natural response would be to not eat, please try to consume around 1000 cal . Increase your hydration and get plenty of rest.
    This bug acts differently with each person. In order to expunge it from your body you need to keep your digestion system working. If you stop eating you'll only keep it in your body longer.

    ** If any of you have had it recently or know people that have, please feel free to add your expereinces.
    Nobody likes to be sick during the summer, so take care of yourself and recognize the signs early.

    - This has been a public service announcement from Dr Flo. :bigsmile:

    ** I also write Blog responses as an insight/advice column to those that are interested. Feel free to drop me a message (It doesnt have to be health/fitness oriented )

    Actually, consuming 1000 calories/day isn't necessary, as long as you're taking in enough clear fluids for the days you're sick you should be fine. (:
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Agreed !

    Hand washing is one of the most underutilized forms of prevention.
    Its important to be thorough, dont jsut let the soap slide off your hands under the water.

    Really scrub. 60-90 seconds under luke warm water.

    Just imagine you're scrubbing in for surgery. :wink:

    20 seconds of good scrubbing minimum...
  • Thank you Dr. Flo,just reading your response! After my Grandson I got the bug,his cousins who came over the following Sunday all got it also.:noway:
  • trinalily
    trinalily Posts: 18 Member
    I just got over this bug. Strange that it starts with indigestion. Totally stumped my doc - he gave me antacids and told me I had IBS.

    Yeah, riiiiiiight.

    I've been so sick. Ran a fever, body aches, horrible diarrhea, etc.
  • lillaura1
    lillaura1 Posts: 1
    I have the Bug Now ! This is day 4. I haven't been sick in years. How long does this last!
  • Nektara
    Nektara Posts: 7 Member
    Today is day 4 of this nasty thing. I've been sick before, no big deal, but this one is acting strange.

    Started Monday afternoon and I just thought it was the lunch I ate, but then that night it was really bad. Then Tues & Wed I think I am okay enough to go to work, I go and get through most of the day (albeit uncomfortably and sluggish) with only a few not-great trips to the ladies' room, then it escalates back to full on UGGGH! by mid-afternoon and lasts all night.

    For me anyway, it's like a 24-hour bug that just keeps coming back, leaving me drained since I haven't slept well in days as a result. Taking in the liquids or calories hasn't been a problem so much as keeping them in.

    Hoping today I can kick it for good,
  • Yesterday I woke up feeling like crap I thought I was just tired so I went to work and at work the ac wasn't working and everyone was burning up but I was freezing in the corner by the heater on! I went home early and had diarrhea and took a bath and was really weak. I layed in the chair for the rest of the day and took a goodie powder and ate a salad and a juice box. Then I went to sleep and woke up at 9 and felt so much better but I got my step mom sick and there are 5 more people in this house I hope they don't get sick
  • sashachilders18
    sashachilders18 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh god I got this yesterday!!!!! worst thing EVER! As soon as i woke up my breakfast went right through me. After I worked out and tried to eat something it went right through me again. I was able to keep my dinner down by going to bed afterwards! Horrible thing. My mom had it a few days ago too.
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    Not sure but this OP looks like a cut and paste of the one last summer.