Summer Stomach Bug

Dr_Flo Posts: 465
Ladies and Gents -

Be on the look out for the Summer stomach bug . Its going around and has masked itself as a simple case of indigestion.

The average case lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours .

:sick: Symptoms:

light headed
general weakness
loss of appetite

Although your natural response would be to not eat, please try to consume around 1000 cal . Increase your hydration and get plenty of rest.
This bug acts differently with each person. In order to expunge it from your body you need to keep your digestion system working. If you stop eating you'll only keep it in your body longer.

** If any of you have had it recently or know people that have, please feel free to add your expereinces.
Nobody likes to be sick during the summer, so take care of yourself and recognize the signs early.

- This has been a public service announcement from Dr Flo. :bigsmile:


  • koalajazzie88
    OMG! So I knew there was something going on ...My dad, best friend, and 4 of my employees have had this and it sucks! Tues at work one girl just threw up at her desk ,,, I mean all over everything... OMG! I thought I was going to join her once I got a whiff of that vomit...ugh makes me queasy just thinking about it again. Not sure if its contagious or what the hell it is but I have been dodging and or lysoling every freaking door handle, elevator button, and shopping cart since then! So far been able to avoid it *fingers crossed*
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Its brutal and effects everyone so differently.

    Its very important to wash your hands thoroughly and try to steer clear of anyone that you suspect has it.

    The bug is airborn and transmitable through touch.

    Be careful and take precautions.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    I know people who get those same symptoms from marriage.:laugh:

    I agree though. Working in a Wellness Center, we got a memo about ensuring we keep more vigilant about keeping our hands clean.
    Good thing is most of our members use hand sanitizer (all over the gym along with wipes) and wipe down their equipment. But nothing beats hand cleanliness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    My daughter had it last week and so did about 5 kids from her class. Ugh.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Agreed !

    Hand washing is one of the most underutilized forms of prevention.
    Its important to be thorough, dont jsut let the soap slide off your hands under the water.

    Really scrub. 60-90 seconds under luke warm water.

    Just imagine you're scrubbing in for surgery. :wink:
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Ya'll infected stay the hell outta Georgia!

    We don't need any zombies here!


    A zombie cat, not sure what that has to do with this post but people like kitties and zombies like brains so to any infected this should be the ultimate picture for you.
  • staceybradleywells
    staceybradleywells Posts: 331 Member
    I had it last weekend it was horrible. I lived on soup & powerade for a few days. All better now.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Glad to hear you're better Stacey
  • lorieric5037
    Ya'll infected stay the hell outta Georgia!

    We don't need any zombies here!


    A zombie cat, not sure what that has to do with this post but people like kitties and zombies like brains so to any infected this should be the ultimate picture for you.

    Wow! This is exactly what happened to me & my 3 cats two weeks ago!!! YIKES!
  • michellechawner
    There's always some thing going around.

    My mom works at a doctors office. She said she hasn't seen anything lately (maybe it hasn't hit where I live yet).

    I haven't been sick in about 2 years since I started taking all my supplements and I wash my hands regularly. Not working in healthcare anymore so I don't seem to pick up as many bugs as I did when I was an EMT.
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Lifting_Knitter Posts: 1,025
    Really? Geesh it seems like everything hit our household so I will prepare for this one.
  • teresalawrencejackson
    Thanks for posting,my grandson is not feeling well today,started out yesterday with what we thought was indigestion until
    he started throwing up last night,says he has all the symptoms you listed.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465

    Im sorry to hear that your grandson is sick. Keep in mind that its very important to keep him eating.
    He wont feel like it because his stomach will be upset. But in order to get it out he'll need to keep his digestive tract moving.

    Hydrate him, allow appropriate doses of Advil or like pain reliever every 4-6 hours in order to keep him comfortable and it will pass.

    Rest is very important. Even when he starts to feel better, take it slow.

    Simple foods- nothing heavy.

    Feel free to ask me for further guidance if you need it.
  • LissyLynn44
    LissyLynn44 Posts: 47 Member
    Mine started off as the bug. Thought I was fine then I got flu symptoms and now have bronchitis. Not fun! Just got 12 hours of sleep and feel better than I have in the last month of being sick!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Ladies and Gents -

    Be on the look out for the Summer stomach bug . Its going around and has masked itself as a simple case of indigestion.

    The average case lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours .

    :sick: Symptoms:

    light headed
    general weakness
    loss of appetite

    Although your natural response would be to not eat, please try to consume around 1000 cal . Increase your hydration and get plenty of rest.
    This bug acts differently with each person. In order to expunge it from your body you need to keep your digestion system working. If you stop eating you'll only keep it in your body longer.

    ** If any of you have had it recently or know people that have, please feel free to add your expereinces.
    Nobody likes to be sick during the summer, so take care of yourself and recognize the signs early.

    - This has been a public service announcement from Dr Flo. :bigsmile:

    ** I also write Blog responses as an insight/advice column to those that are interested. Feel free to drop me a message (It doesnt have to be health/fitness oriented )

    This would explain everything. Those two sub 1000 calorie days I just had aren't going to speed anything along I guess, but food hits my stomach and it just starts screaming in protest. Sigh
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465

    I completely understand. Its natural when your stomach feels bad to not want to eat. But your body needs that to push this bug out.
    If you stop your normal digestion it cannot move the bug along and out of your system.

    Eat light, dont strain yourself with heavy foods.
    Soup is good, crackers, whatever is your comfort food for your tummy.

    Keep your liquid levels high and expect a little dehydration, its normal.

    I suggest a propel or other electrolite additive to your water. Sometimes this is trial and error, I know there's a generic one that gives me some nasty reflux, so I stay away from it.

    diarhea is NORMAL during this bugs process. However, if you have loose movements for more than 48 hours... consult your physician. Prolonged dehydration can lead to much more serious issues.

    - Im here if you need advice
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    There are schools closed here because of this virus (norovirus).

    Very contagious. Even when you feel better, stay home a couple extra days.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    That is true .. you will continue to be a carrier for about 48 hours.

    So stop kissing your coworkers hahaha
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    Never!!! XXXXXXXXXX

    So stop kissing your coworkers hahaha
  • skinnydreams1997
    skinnydreams1997 Posts: 48 Member
    saving this for lator.