Does Slimquick work?

First off I should say, I am not under the impression that there is a cure all pill I can take to melt the pounds away whilst I eat whatever and how much I want. I am aware its intended to aid weight loss along side the appropriate diet and exercise. I am doing the right thing, reducing my caloric intake and getting exercise (though work beats me most days, since I never get to sit down unless they give me a break *rare* and I am constantly moving or they send me home). I use a pedometer on my ipod, and I have a fitocracy account because it makes exercising feel like videogames. Point being is I need the extra kick. Its hard for me to lose weight. Despite what I do I really only vary 10 lbs, 20 at most. My doctors have tested me for thyroid issues a few times but supposedly came up dry, I don't know. I know vitamins have given me a much needed boost, and Slimquick is really just a supplement targeted to help people lose the weight. So does it help? Anyone here with experience with it? Do you think it contributed to your weightloss? How did the supplements affect you?
I just started taking them. I also would like to ask if anyone here has taking these or similar and have disorders like bipolar or any heart defects or issues. Most of my weight gain has been because of bipolar treatments, which I am off now no worries about drug interactions. I also have a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve. There is some worries the caffeine and whatnot might cause palpitations, but if anything for some reason I feel more relaxed rather than jittery or anxious. I am curious to know about other peoples experiences with this supplement.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Have you checked this out with your doctor? I would be if I were you.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    theres no pills,shakes or magic weight loss sprinkles,even if Dr. oz says so!
    you know what works? counting calories,since your here why don't you give it a try for a couple of weeks and see what happens
    you may be surprised!
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Have you checked this out with your doctor? I would be if I were you.
    This especially with your heart issues and many diet pills being known to increase your heart rate.
    I personally never used any sort of pills to aid with weight loss other than metformin but in my case it was prescribed by my doctor for my type II diabetes and really couldn't tell a difference or noticed if I lost more weight quickly.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Looking at the panels of ingredients it's green tea and caffeine with some vitamins mixed in there depending on which one you pick. You can just buy those 2 supplements cheaper on their own if that's what you want to be taking. I'd be wary because their "complex" is listed as 893mg per dose with "Daily value Not established" for any of the ingredients.
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    @Snow_White If you had read my post, you would have seen I am aware of that fact, and that I am counting calories. Why else would I be using this site? I didn't come here for the great conversation. My only reason was to use their tools to track my eating habits and weight loss. I thought it couldn't hurt to use the forums since I had a question.

    I would like to restate to everyone else, I am not under the false impression it will drop the lbs for me. I already know there is no miracle for weight loss, that it only comes from hard work and self control. I'm not here because I don't know how to eat right. Unfortunately I didn't get here because I can't control myself or eat all the wrong things.

    I didn't have an issue with buying healthy until later into my weight gain. I was vegetarian for 8 years, not a junk food vegetarian, a legitimate vegetarian who ate all the right stuff. I had a breakdown, causing one of the worst episodes I have ever had. I was put on drugs like Lamictal, Trazodone, Seroquel XR, and Risperdal(the worst of them all). I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    So as stated, diet and exercise is not an issue for me other than when I can afford it. I have more money than I did before, but I work service at McDonalds for 15 hours, sometimes less, a week at minimum wage. My troubles aren't a matter of dedication. If I can cut meat out of my diet for 8 years, I can cut my calories. What I am looking for is a little boost. I need a little more energy, a little less stress (which is already started since I moved from my previous situation), and a lot less pills to be taking. I can't swallow capsules. I have issues with horse pill styled vitamins, and swallowing too many little pills makes me sick too. I have an awful gag reflex, and a prone to ulcers (thank medications again).

    I did not buy this bottle of slimquick, it was shared with me through my girlfriend's family. I have the Fat Burner one, blue label, and it says clinical strength. I like the look of what it contains, because I fully believe in the use of certain herbs and vitamins to aid in ailments. Its got everything I was looking to incorporate like Vitamin B's and Folic Acid. I already take some vitamins and made sure it doesn't overlap.

    I didn't want weight loss advice, I wanted to hear other's experiences with this supplement. I already know everything I could possibly cram in my head about diet and exercise. I took the classes, I did all the research, and I already am obsessed with fitness. I just think a little bit of a boost would be helpful, since I have issues with deficiencies and depending on the day or episode I feel drained all the time.

    Yes, I have checked with my doctor. They worry more about how weight loss pills would affect my bipolar rather than my heart. At the moment, nothing is hurting my heart worse than my weight. I can't get overly involved with cardio because its my aortic valve, and blood washes back into my left ventricle. As for the bipolar, they already messed up my treatment, a diet supplement won't hurt worse than those drugs did. They worry that some ingredients can increase mania or negate the ability of MAOIs but I have never taken and MAOI, and I suffer depression more than mania.

    Now that all of that is established, if there is anyone who has taken this as instructed for at least the amount of time they mention, followed diet and exercise, and could tell me about their experience with it I would be grateful.

    Thank you to those with honest advice, its appreciated.

    (Btw, There is more in it than green tea and caffeine. I already looked at that and already had green tea supplements as well as tons of teas and black chai for a caffeine boost.)
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    If you want user experience check out Amazon reviews. Half of the people say its a scam, the others look like they are advertising the product. This is typical of most "supplement" reviews.

    Don't be mad because people tried to advise you against taking it. If you saw someone asking how long it would take to fall from a building, wouldn't you expect people to say - don't fall from a building?
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I have a cardiac arrhythmia and the slimquick tears me up.
  • I bought the Slimquick Pure to add in conjunction with my exercise and calorie counting, so I will be sure to post back :) I think all diet pills can help, but only if you exercise and count calories. The only diet pills that I've tried and know for a fact work are Xyience.
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    @LexiMelo One of the first places I checked was Amazon. The problem with that is you get people who took it for a few days, a couple weeks at most and are butthurt that the pounds weren't just falling off. The other half are people propositioned to market. I see job ads all the time asking people to write positive reviews for various products. So any real reviews get lost in all the BS.
    I wasn't asking about lethal injection, I was inquiring about essentially a multivitamin. When people state the obvious or give me warnings for things I already stated I was aware of it gets redundant and I get frustrated. I didn't want a lecture, I wanted to hear from people who have used it and what they experienced. When I go to buy an appliance or something I am not looking for someone to lecture me on things I already know, I just want to find out if other people liked it or not and if they have any comments. If someone who doesn't even own it is lecturing me rather than giving a review of their experience, it gets annoying.
    Haven't tried it, then commentary isn't necessary. Have tried it and have an opinion, commentary welcome. Haven't tried this one but have another type to suggest, I'm open to info. How hard of a concept is that to grasp?

    @MagicalLeople Tear you up in what way? Jitters? Or palpitations? I was worried about it too, so cut out coffee and am being cautious. I haven't had any issues with it yet thus far though. If I liked it I was going to look into the caffeine free one possibly, depending if it affected my heart rate or not. I haven't gone to work while taking it yet though, I had four days off in a row. Have you tried anything similar that didn't affect your heart?

    @Raptorette69 What is Xyience? What was your experience with that? :) And thank you, I'd be glad to hear back on your experience. I feel the same, its meant to aid. Which is what I need, something to aid.
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    Have they ruled out PCOS?
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    I tried this once, and lost 20+ pounds with diet and exercise fairly quickly. Whether or not it helped, or if my diet and exercise are the only reason? I don't know.

    I also don't have bad cramps, so the claim it helped that is beyond my experience.

    I will say, however, that my mood improved greatly while on it. To the point if money wasn't an issue I would have kept taking it just for that.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    No weight loss product of any sort
    consult a doctor for medical conditions which hinder weight loss
    be consistent
    first 50 will just fly away :)
    the next 50 will come off with even more dedication
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    Have they ruled out PCOS?

    My doctor thought that and thyroid might be part of my problems, but I was tested for both with a lack of significant results. I know risperdal really screws up hormones and most of my issues started from that. I only recently regained my cycle. My hair and skin still suffer, but with care are improving. My doctors really don't know whats going on with me and tests indicate that other than what we already know I ought to be perfectly healthy and not having these issues with my weight since discontinuing the drug therapy they had me on. That, or my doctors are just clueless in general which wouldn't be the first time. While my hormone test or whatever came back with insignificant results, I previously underwent a lot of testing in high school because of suspected PCOS and Endometriosis. I was given a multitude of ultrasounds which confirm I have a lot more cysts that normal, and I've always been prone to cysts. So I don't know anymore whats going on with that. I can't go see a doctor regularly anymore though because I live outside the area my insurance covers, I moved in September.

    If it were PCOS, would there be anything I can do about it?
    If birth control is a suggestion, we already learned I can't do that. I was put on it in the past for Dysmenorrhea.
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    I tried this once, and lost 20+ pounds with diet and exercise fairly quickly. Whether or not it helped, or if my diet and exercise are the only reason? I don't know.

    I also don't have bad cramps, so the claim it helped that is beyond my experience.

    I will say, however, that my mood improved greatly while on it. To the point if money wasn't an issue I would have kept taking it just for that.

    Your mood improved? In what ways? I was curious about that, since mentions mood stuff. I have had issues with anxiety and depression. Thats why I have been being cautious with it, as well as my heart, but if anything I felt calmer or more relaxed the past few days and I didn't know if that was just circumstance or the vitamin. I have taken herbal remedies for anxiety in the past and found them effective. St. Johns Wort was a hit or miss though, I couldn't keep taking the tincture. Required taking it too many times a day, was too gross, and too expensive lol.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Almost heart failure. I start having trouble breathing, my heart flutters worse than usual, i bloat and retain water. Its not caffiene that bugs me-i drink a pot of coffee a day.
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    Have they ruled out PCOS?

    My doctor thought that and thyroid might be part of my problems, but I was tested for both with a lack of significant results. I know risperdal really screws up hormones and most of my issues started from that. I only recently regained my cycle. My hair and skin still suffer, but with care are improving. My doctors really don't know whats going on with me and tests indicate that other than what we already know I ought to be perfectly healthy and not having these issues with my weight since discontinuing the drug therapy they had me on. That, or my doctors are just clueless in general which wouldn't be the first time. While my hormone test or whatever came back with insignificant results, I previously underwent a lot of testing in high school because of suspected PCOS and Endometriosis. I was given a multitude of ultrasounds which confirm I have a lot more cysts that normal, and I've always been prone to cysts. So I don't know anymore whats going on with that. I can't go see a doctor regularly anymore though because I live outside the area my insurance covers, I moved in September.

    If it were PCOS, would there be anything I can do about it?
    If birth control is a suggestion, we already learned I can't do that. I was put on it in the past for Dysmenorrhea.

    I had to fight for my PCOS diagnosis. All of my bloodwork came back normal. The symptoms really fit me, so I pushed for more testing until they finally diagnosed it with an ultrasound of my ovaries.

    My treatment is birth control (for the hormonal imbalance) and Metformin....which helps you lose weight.

    ETA: I'm newly diagnosed and still learning about the condition myself - I just read your symptoms and thought "wow, sounds like me."
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    Almost heart failure. I start having trouble breathing, my heart flutters worse than usual, i bloat and retain water. Its not caffiene that bugs me-i drink a pot of coffee a day.

    I wonder why that happens then, I thought it would be the caffeine that did it. How soon did you experience that? Did it take a while or happen within the first days? I just want to give A an idea of if something would happen what to look for and how long until we would know if we were in the clear or not. I know it sounds like I am playing with fire, but I just feel if I avoid things because something *might* happen, I would be missing out on a whole lot in life. At the moment, my heart is supposedly very healthy, It just has issues pumping blood. The valve doesn't open the way the normal ones do so the blood backs up. My main worry is if my heart starts racing or something. Stuff like that weakens my valve and that chamber. Its why I avoid too much cardio right now. Which seems the opposite of what one does with a heart issue since the point is to strengthen the heart, but until I get back back into the the mid hundreds it could be an issue.

    While I have the opportunity to talk to someone with heart problems as well, would you mind telling me what kind of exercises work for you? I get the problem that if I am too active my breathing gets funny **they originally thought I had asthma** and my chest burns and my heart doesn't keep up, and beats hard. So I avoid treadmills and running since running triggers it most, and A says I can't shovel snow this winter cause that triggers it too. Bicycling hasn't been that bad, I love riding my bike but its winter so most of the outdoor activities I do are off limits. At the moment I have been doing usual things like lunges, squats, sit ups, crunches, and etc. I have been looking into less intense versions of things like plyometrics and that muscle confusion stuff. I used to do cardio kickboxing and tae bo. Some advice from someone with similar issues could really help me out.
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    Have they ruled out PCOS?

    My doctor thought that and thyroid might be part of my problems, but I was tested for both with a lack of significant results. I know risperdal really screws up hormones and most of my issues started from that. I only recently regained my cycle. My hair and skin still suffer, but with care are improving. My doctors really don't know whats going on with me and tests indicate that other than what we already know I ought to be perfectly healthy and not having these issues with my weight since discontinuing the drug therapy they had me on. That, or my doctors are just clueless in general which wouldn't be the first time. While my hormone test or whatever came back with insignificant results, I previously underwent a lot of testing in high school because of suspected PCOS and Endometriosis. I was given a multitude of ultrasounds which confirm I have a lot more cysts that normal, and I've always been prone to cysts. So I don't know anymore whats going on with that. I can't go see a doctor regularly anymore though because I live outside the area my insurance covers, I moved in September.

    If it were PCOS, would there be anything I can do about it?
    If birth control is a suggestion, we already learned I can't do that. I was put on it in the past for Dysmenorrhea.

    I had to fight for my PCOS diagnosis. All of my bloodwork came back normal. The symptoms really fit me, so I pushed for more testing until they finally diagnosed it with an ultrasound of my ovaries.

    My treatment is birth control (for the hormonal imbalance) and Metformin....which helps you lose weight.

    ETA: I'm newly diagnosed and still learning about the condition myself - I just read your symptoms and thought "wow, sounds like me."

    Do you think when I see a doctor next I ought to push for more testing? I mean even if it isn't, if they just ran some more tests maybe they'd figure out whats wrong. I've often been dismissed by doctors. I rattle off my list of problems and they immediately don't care, like I overreact or something. I do have a lot of issues. People often tell me I have way too many problems for a person my age. As if thats not bad enough, I was informed by an urgent care doctor a few weeks ago that I have scoliosis. When I told my mother she said "i've known since you were six" and when I asked why her answer was "I didn't tell you because you already had too much to worry about." Each time I have switched doctors and I've had some issue with my cycle or whatnot, they always think it could be PCOS, yet theres never been a diagnosis. I know what you mean about it sounding like it, after the second time a doctor said that I looked it up and there were just too many parallels to make me feel like its just a coincidence, yet blood tests have come up inconclusive and negative.

    Isn't it hard to get a metformin prescription without having diabetes?
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I lost my cycle, a lot of my hair, developed acne and bad skin, hair in strange places, and worst of all my pant size pretty much doubled. Despite eating as well as I could when I could nothing I did stopped the weight gain, let alone reversed it. I counted every calorie when I could eat and when I wasn't incapable of movement I exercised as much as I could.

    Have they ruled out PCOS?

    My doctor thought that and thyroid might be part of my problems, but I was tested for both with a lack of significant results. I know risperdal really screws up hormones and most of my issues started from that. I only recently regained my cycle. My hair and skin still suffer, but with care are improving. My doctors really don't know whats going on with me and tests indicate that other than what we already know I ought to be perfectly healthy and not having these issues with my weight since discontinuing the drug therapy they had me on. That, or my doctors are just clueless in general which wouldn't be the first time. While my hormone test or whatever came back with insignificant results, I previously underwent a lot of testing in high school because of suspected PCOS and Endometriosis. I was given a multitude of ultrasounds which confirm I have a lot more cysts that normal, and I've always been prone to cysts. So I don't know anymore whats going on with that. I can't go see a doctor regularly anymore though because I live outside the area my insurance covers, I moved in September.

    If it were PCOS, would there be anything I can do about it?
    If birth control is a suggestion, we already learned I can't do that. I was put on it in the past for Dysmenorrhea.

    I had to fight for my PCOS diagnosis. All of my bloodwork came back normal. The symptoms really fit me, so I pushed for more testing until they finally diagnosed it with an ultrasound of my ovaries.

    My treatment is birth control (for the hormonal imbalance) and Metformin....which helps you lose weight.

    ETA: I'm newly diagnosed and still learning about the condition myself - I just read your symptoms and thought "wow, sounds like me."

    Do you think when I see a doctor next I ought to push for more testing? I mean even if it isn't, if they just ran some more tests maybe they'd figure out whats wrong. I've often been dismissed by doctors. I rattle off my list of problems and they immediately don't care, like I overreact or something. I do have a lot of issues. People often tell me I have way too many problems for a person my age. As if thats not bad enough, I was informed by an urgent care doctor a few weeks ago that I have scoliosis. When I told my mother she said "i've known since you were six" and when I asked why her answer was "I didn't tell you because you already had too much to worry about." Each time I have switched doctors and I've had some issue with my cycle or whatnot, they always think it could be PCOS, yet theres never been a diagnosis. I know what you mean about it sounding like it, after the second time a doctor said that I looked it up and there were just too many parallels to make me feel like its just a coincidence, yet blood tests have come up inconclusive and negative.

    Isn't it hard to get a metformin prescription without having diabetes?

    Sorry I missed your reply until just now. I was given Metformin for fertility reasons - not for diabetes. I showed NO SIGNS of insulin resistance on any blood test. My doc mentioned he's given Metformin prescriptions JUST for weight loss.

    Two sets of doctors were dumbfounded with my diagnosis. Both of them INSISTED I did not have PCOS based on my bloodwork results. Both were proven wrong with the ultrasound.

    If they haven't done a pelvic ultrasound to rule it out - I'd ask.
  • Nektara
    Nektara Posts: 7 Member
    I just started SlimQuick Razor this weekend, so I can't give any success reports.

    However, I can say that I have had more energy in the last few days than I have in the last few months or years. I too must be careful with caffeine products, but because of my frequent migraine headaches and I have a love/hate relationship with caffeine as a result. So far, at least on the low dose, I haven't had any issues.

    Next week when I amp up to 2 pills per dose will really tell the story for me - palpitations are pretty normal for me and my stress levels have been through the roof lately, have ulcer and sensitive stomach on top of that. I'll know for sure then if it's doing more harm than good, but for now it's just been the boost of not feeling tired and run down constantly that has been the most beneficial for me at this early stage.

    Best wishes for your health in all of this - listen to your body first and foremost of course. I'd love to keep up with your experience and impressions of taking this if you'd not mind updating now and then.