davidm9238 Member


  • Makes it easy to shop.
  • If your diet is not supporting your activity your body will take muscle for fuel. When that happens you have more fat in your body.
  • Hi had a bad accident at work and i'm trying to work at both cardio and weight lifting. Your mind is very important to achieve fitness goals. In order to make gains you have to push into the pain zone.
  • Cannot lose fat in certain areas. Most people will lose belly fat last. Your body protects your organs in this area with fat. There is no supplement that reduces weight that is healthy.
  • Muscle as you know weighs more then fat. You lifting heavy gains more muscle, Its the nature of the beast, We have people in the gym who bulk to add muscle then cut with a diet. There is some who say you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Been lifting for a couple of years and have found few that can do this. I…