tropicgran Member


  • I don't get sick except once every 1-2 years. But when I do, I don't exercise and I have an appetite that won't stop. Knock on wood I don't get sick during this weight loss crusade!
  • I weigh almost everyday and log it here. But Monday is my official weight day and I log that on my own spreadsheet. I measure the 1st of the month.
  • I too had a sweet tooth and I know if I let myself, I could eat cakes, cookies, juices and pies all day. Sometimes I find that if I read the portion and calorie info, that's enough to stop me from eating it. I have been able to cut down, but rather than buy diet pastries, I make a regular boxed cake and cut it into 16-20…
  • Me too, Littled1986. Same stats and aiming for 8-10 pounds. I can't wait until the end of April!!
  • B) I <3 Florida! Been here 16 years. I finally got focused and determined last month. Congratulations on finishing grad school and your weight loss.
  • I have a cheat day every now and then. As a matter of fact, week before last, I had two. One was intentional--I was hungry, I wanted what I wanted and wasn't going to substitute. So I ate it--several times, LOL! The other time, I was at a restaurant I had never been to, with limited choices for eating what I needed. In…
  • I'm 5'0" and lost 18 pounds in ten weeks on 1600 calories a day. I'm in my 50's so there is a metabolism slow down in effect. But I was also participating in a YMCA weight loss exercise program twice a week and working out on my own 1-2 days a week during that time.
  • I can't quote my sources but I've heard that diet pop as well as regular, leaches calcium from your bones. Also the diet pop stimulates you to eat more. I don't know about any of this for sure, but I do have now now and then.
  • Did it again today. It wasn't bad at all. I'm going to keep it up for sure!
  • Monday and Wednesday of this week were days of impulse eating and nonsensical food choices. I then became very aware of my weaknesses and I vow not to let them overtake me like that again. But I'm not beating myself up about it. I aim to get back on track, starting now. We will do this!
  • Where do I start? My body hurts; it is getting less graceful when getting up from a chair or the floor; my clothes look horrible--clothes shopping is a nightmare--I have a whole closet of clothes that I haven't been able to wear more than once, or at all; I want to keep my medications at only two, or get off of them. The…