I (reluctantly) just turned 50. Hello guys!
Welcome aboard!
I log daily as well. I'd love to make more friends.
What would you wear that would be considered provocative?
Happy Resurrection Day! xoxoxo
Yes!!! Well I'll do it if you'll do it.
Echos this. Adds this: Are You Crazy???? You look TERRIFIC to me!
Thats wonderful. Keep it up. Hugs!
Like Ninerbuff said, I agree that Doing Things like walking, running, whatever, does something to the body to remove all that hunger. I can't explain it, just trust me. Drinking water doesn't do it for me, because the hunger returns after 5 mins. (Maybe I'm weird)
My sentiments exactly! Well said.
I loveeeeeeeeeee the friendliness of this place! You all rock. I'm Carla, Santa Clarita, California. xoxoxoxoxo
Ask any guy, ANY GUY, if being "top heavy" is a bad thing. :)
I don't recommend anyone going up a band size just to accomodate their budget. Because the bra won't fit properly and this in turn can cause great pain (I know, its happened to me). Just my 2 cents.
Seems like a LOT of us are migraine sufferers! I'm sorry to hear that. Someone wanna start a thread? There seems to be threads on every other topic.
"Dope-A-Max"! Thats the PERFECT NAME!
Oh and NO I'm NOT bragging............. 32G bras cost a fortune!!! ugh.
OK, my story is very unique. My boobs went from a 34B (which actually was wrong) at the age of 12 to a 32G after having my 2nd child (early 30's). Obviously I've gained and lost weight with my pregnancies but my boobs continue to grow. Now my clothing size is back down to a 2, but I STILL wear DDD and G sized bras. Its…
I work out at my apartment complex gym, so, there aren't too many people who are there when I'm there; however, I think its even more awkward if someone asks me out at Church. Used to happen all the time when I lived in L.A. smh.
Funniest post I've read here at the forum! It should be Pinned to the Top for ALL to read!
I'm not scrapbooking tonight because I've got Open House at my son's school but I can tell you that I love it so much I have produced over 30 scrapbooks over a span of 18 years. But yes yes yes, it keeps me out of the kitchen and in front of the tv!
Yes, when I first started riding. But after the 3rd or 4th time, that goes away. Make sure your level is at 1 and take it easy.
All junk food. If its fried, its not my friend. But I do indulge sometimes cus I'm only human.
49, 5'5", 135 lbs, My daily calories are around 1350 calories, and I get on the elliptical 2x a week for 30 mins each. I am very happy at a size 2/juniors 5.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an apartment that has it's own gym room and there are 3 elliptical machines and 4 treadmills. I used to get on the treadmill thinking it would help me but one day I tried the elliptical and wow - what a difference! It requires a bit more stamina at first to use (in my humble opinion)…
I'm with all the posters who said to stay away from it! I was on it for years for my chronic migraines, and not only did the drug do NOTHING for my migraines, but it made me so stupid (and no, I'm not stupid normally) that once I went on an errand to a hardware store, with my 9 year old son in the back seat, and literally…
Wow now this here is a cool thread! I don't have pics of my journey, but as you can see in my profile pic, I am def feeling myself... lol. I can say I have lost about 20 lbs and I am never going back (God willing). Also, I could use more friends! So please reach out and friend a sista. :)
Its probably most movies but not All movies.
Where the plot or the scenes are Stupid, Quirky, Implausible, Unreasonable, etc etc.