ksommer13 Member


  • I totally understand why ur stressin but I would take the advice of doing some extra workout earlier in the day so u have more to play with later. Order something healthy and tasty and have fun. Its one night so have fun but keep the healthier food options in mind but don't obsess, guys really don't like that. Mostly tho…
  • Why do u need to b that way. It's a question on a weight loss site. That's what this site it for. I take care of myslef and have plenty of real issues. This is just a small one that I was just trying to get feed back on. If u can't b a normal understanding person then y write anything at all. I wish I could b as…
  • Is there a way on mfp to see if I met them??
  • I think that's what made me feel so guilty is how hard it was to stop eating them. So instead of feeling proud of myself for putting them down it scared me to see how easy it would b to over eat.
  • Thank you :smile: I think I've just been focusing so much and seeing results I just didn't want to mess it up. I've never been overweight until about two yrs ago and before then I could eat anything. So I'm just trying to figure the best plan for a better healthier me!
  • I meant to say shouldn't feel bad.
  • Shouldn't** feel bad
  • I stayed under my calories for the day. That's what's so annoying. I kno I should feel bad but I feel like I let myself down
  • I would love to join. I'm 26 yrs old and want to lose 25 or so pounds. I've been trying and failing for the past 6 months or so and I've been doing pretty good this time around but think I would do better with a support system. :D
  • That's how I am most of the time. I've been working there since may of last year in the deli and moved over to the bakery in November. I don't have a problem when I work eailer shifts but when I close I always feel tempted