need help!

I'm having trouble while at work staying on my diet. I work in a bakery (worst place to work while dieting!) And we are allowed if not supposed to try our amazing but horribly bad for you items to recommend to our customers. I don't have very much self control when it comes to the end of the evening so is there any tips on helping me stay on track??


  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    How long have you worked there? I know for me after about 3-4 weeks working with food it stopped being tempting because I could no longer smell it, even when it was cooking.
  • ksommer13
    ksommer13 Posts: 20 Member
    That's how I am most of the time. I've been working there since may of last year in the deli and moved over to the bakery in November. I don't have a problem when I work eailer shifts but when I close I always feel tempted
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    Is it because things are just gonna be thrown away? Are those cals really worth it if they aren't fresh from the oven and as moist as they can be? Do you really want day old dried out bakery items with lard/fat that has solidified and lost it's creamy quality?

    -At night tell yourself you will treat yourself to a nice fresh pastry tomorrow if you ignore the stale ones tonight.
    -go home and plan your day around that treat and make it fit your day.
    -look at what you have planned and choose is the treat is worth it or not. If it is enjoy a fresh wonderful pastry the next day.

    Congrats you have now taken control!!!!