

  • Now you know where to go from here. I started at a measly 1000. These awesome folks gave me ideas and support so I made it 3000 the next 2 days. Then I went crazy and walked 7 miles (ouch) for the first time since my foot surgery. So I reached 23000 steps. Took me a day to recover from that. Last couple days I hit 5000 I…
  • I've managed to break 5!!! I'm so excited about the progress. Still learning but I'm doing better than a week ago!! Thanks for all suggestions, encouragement and info!!
  • I Don't recall saying I wanted to do a juice diet due to celiacs. I said I wasn't sure if I had cd or a sensitivity. Or something totally different for all we know. Due to my daughters gluten problem we as a family went GF. I am not as strict since I had no reason to be at first since my other docs swore gluten could never…
  • Thank you for that info!! This is exactly what I'm looking for!! I am not sure if I have celiacs or a gluten sensitivity yet. Doc hasn't narrowed that down yet but my digestive system literally was non functional. So we are doing gluten free right now because he would rather see me feeling good than having a labeled…
  • Great idea using as a supplement to my diet thanks! I need more veggies in my diet and I make smoothies for my kids and add juiced veggies to it sometimes. If I remember lol.
  • I understand what your saying. Sorry your being attacked about it. I'm not thinking of juicing as another weight loss gimmick because like you've mentioned it has benefits aside from weight loss. Not that I'd complain about loosing weight lol. I suck at eating my veggies, as do most people in sure, so I was thinking of a…
  • For those who actually answered my post thank you!
  • Family fitness! Love it. Not sure why this wasn't my automatic way of thinking but I am inspired now. My poor family won't know what hit them!! Lol
  • I have 2 dogs also. I can't usually walk them both because one sucks on a leash lol. He's a little special but we love him. Yesterday I walked them separately for 10 mins each to increase my steps. But my hubby was home so that made it easier since walking with 4 kids plus dog is kind of a nightmare for me. Maybe I'll make…
  • That's awesome!!! Good luck. My goal today is to increase my steps. Ive only got myself to challenge, hence why I was looking for ideas and support, so that's great your team does this!!
  • I'm a stay at home mom who home schools my 4 kids. So I spend more of my day sitting at a table helping them learn things than I do anything else. I'm also a military wife so the luxury of taking long walks alone isn't there since he works a lot and can't always watch the kids. My kids wouldn't be able to do those kind of…
  • I struggle with eating breakfast and lunch but I'm working on that. I found small 140 cal granola bars to help with that. I know we all want to see the weight off and quick but try small goals first. Hit those and set a new one. I'm doing that so I won't quit or burn out.
  • Congrats!
  • My iPhone 6 counts steps. But I don't always have it on me. I'm trying to be more aware of that now so I can remember to take it with when I'm walking.
  • I'm about to turn 31 and have 4 kids who I homeschool. I'm busy and tired due to health stuff. I stayed at 145 after all 3 of my girls but my son did me in. I'm at 166 now. Before kids I was 125-135. That was also 10 years ago so I'm not too hopeful to be that. My goal is 140s. I struggle with consistency and hate doing…
  • Thats how I am too. I want to see results now. For me though it started with health problems that zapped the energy. So not seeing results quickly is hard when I'm already worn out and don't want to try to be bettering myself.
  • What is a Fitbit?
  • Do you go for a long walk to do that or? If so how long avg does it take you?
  • Thanks! Those are great suggestions. In the article mentioned in another comment they had mentioned an average person does at least 5,000 I think it was...yeah I'm under that too. I'm hoping to break 5 by next week. Just wasn't sure how Before now lol!!
  • Great article! Thanks again.
  • Thank you!
  • I have a juicer and a blender for smoothies. I am just on the fence as using them as a meal replacer. I struggle to eat and so it was an idea the nutritionist threw out since it's easy on the digestive system and quickly absorbed. I guess some calories are better than none especially if they are fruits and veggies. I…
  • Great idea competing! Do you do that on here with other MFP or with your family/friends??
  • Hmm this is a great idea!! I'm a stay at home mom so I might just make that part of our routine. Thanks!!
  • This might sound really dumb but what's the thought behind walking 10,000 steps a day?
  • Hi I'm Ashly. I turn 31 this month. I live in sunny FLORIDA where I homeschool my 4 kids. and that can leave me exhausted on some days. I currently weigh 166 but would like to be at least 145. My dream is to loose this and gain my self confidence back. I'd like to feel good again and show my daughters that being healthy is…
  • I think I'll start with breakfast. Hopefully I'll have a similar experience as you did.
  • My goal this month is to increase my water intake while decreasing my soda intake. Plus exercise 3x a week for 30 minutes. Hopefully using this app will remind me that I need to do better eating. I'll at least have a clearer view of my eating habits.