To juice or not to juice?



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.

    I understand what your saying. Sorry your being attacked about it. I'm not thinking of juicing as another weight loss gimmick because like you've mentioned it has benefits aside from weight loss. Not that I'd complain about loosing weight lol. I suck at eating my veggies, as do most people in sure, so I was thinking of a 1x a day juice of fruits and veggies to help boost my nutrition. My digestive system has slowed down to almost non working from health issues which is why my nutritionist recommend juicing. She thought easing into eating more good foods and feeling better would come once my body had time to adjust to things. Until then juicing would give nutrients without my body struggling to digest them. Long boring story but I wasn't sure if I could get all I needed from a juice if I did that for a meal. Thanks for sharing your experience. That helped clarify a few things.

    He's not being attacked. He's just being called out on his BS.

    Now, I'm no doctor, but I've had my fair share of digestive issues (I recently had 8"-10" of my colon removed). You NEED the fiber in fruits and vegetables. It's what helps the poop move along in your system. I'm on a very high fiber, to the point of supplementing, diet per my surgeon. Juicing removes this needed fiber. You don't get to count that juiced carrot as a whole carrot anymore, because it's not, and then all those nutrients you're seeking are not really there.

  • Marie047 wrote: »
    I tend to juice for 7 days straight once in a while, whilst I do lose weight on it, I tend to do it because I have gone a stupidly eaten Gluten for a few weeks and its kills me with my IBS, and juicing for 7 days gets rid of all the symptoms quickly. However I do still have a juice every morning regardless as part of my breakfast, each to there own. You can lose weight on it however you need to be mindful that you are reducing your cals and after a week don't go straight back to previous eating as you would or you reverse everything. I tend to do after the week a juice for breakfast, soup/salad/juice for lunch and then a main meal ie salmon, chicken etc for the next week, then bring back more cals.

    Thank you for that info!! This is exactly what I'm looking for!! I am not sure if I have celiacs or a gluten sensitivity yet. Doc hasn't narrowed that down yet but my digestive system literally was non functional. So we are doing gluten free right now because he would rather see me feeling good than having a labeled diagnosis. I also couldn't get my vitamin levels up and was sleeping a lot. It's getting better slowly. Just trying to make healthy baby steps. So thank you for ideas!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.

    I understand what your saying. Sorry your being attacked about it. I'm not thinking of juicing as another weight loss gimmick because like you've mentioned it has benefits aside from weight loss. Not that I'd complain about loosing weight lol. I suck at eating my veggies, as do most people in sure, so I was thinking of a 1x a day juice of fruits and veggies to help boost my nutrition. My digestive system has slowed down to almost non working from health issues which is why my nutritionist recommend juicing. She thought easing into eating more good foods and feeling better would come once my body had time to adjust to things. Until then juicing would give nutrients without my body struggling to digest them. Long boring story but I wasn't sure if I could get all I needed from a juice if I did that for a meal. Thanks for sharing your experience. That helped clarify a few things.

    He's not being attacked. He's just being called out on his BS.

    Now, I'm no doctor, but I've had my fair share of digestive issues (I recently had 8"-10" of my colon removed). You NEED the fiber in fruits and vegetables. It's what helps the poop move along in your system. I'm on a very high fiber, to the point of supplementing, diet per my surgeon. Juicing removes this needed fiber. You don't get to count that juiced carrot as a whole carrot anymore, because it's not, and then all those nutrients you're seeking are not really there.

    OP - this is the beauty of the 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM). We start with zero nutritional value so you're not losing anything in the process! It's genius!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Glad to see the OP is listening to those who have views that do not line up with what she wants to hear. I'm shocked. Really.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have toyed with the idea of juicing. I can't bring myself to do every meal this way. What do you think of it as a lunch or dinner replacement? Any suggestions from those who've done this before successfully?

    I'd suggest a title change

    "I am going to juice - please provide unsubstantiated, bro-science evidence so that I can feel better about restricting my diet in this way "

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015

    Actually .. and quite seriously .. if you are having problems absorbing nutrients please don't forget the importance of fats in your diet
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Glad to see the OP is listening to those who have views that do not line up with what she wants to hear. I'm shocked. Really.


    MFP status quo
  • YalithKBK wrote: »
    I have no advice, but if you can find a way to make a pizza drinkable I'd love to know!

    You can juice a vegan pizza - tomatoes & basil. Enjoy! :#
  • Hello Ashly, I'm doing a juice detox, I'm on day 15! I have lost 1st 1lb in 2 weeks. I have taken my day 1 measurements and plan to take more measurements month 1 (in 2 weeks). I am weighing myself weekly, but not only weight, BMI%, body fat in st/lbs, body fat percentage & H2O%.
    Juicing has to be a personal choice, everyone has a different opinion! People who haven't even done it have opinions, it's only yours that matters!!
    For me juicing is proving to be extremely positive! I'm juicing for my health, I have medical conditions that I would love to see improve! I have Myalgic Encephlomiolitis so I physically can not exercise! And yet I'm doing everything possible (other than exercise) to get healthy.
    I've noticed that everyone is mentioning toxins. The world we live in is full of them!! Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, fizzy drinks, processed foods, any food with a shelf life! All chemicals & preservatives put in food to make you crave more, eat more & for it to last longer in supermarkets! These are all toxins!!
    Yes! Your body naturally heals and cleanses itself! But imagine how much pressure you're putting your body under to cleanse whilst constantly feeding it toxins. How about giving it a break? That's what juicing does.
    Juicing allows you to eliminate all toxins! It gives your body a real chance to cleanse! I plan on sticking to this until I can honestly say to myself that I feel healthy! That could be in a month, it could be in 3! I feel physically full to the brim on this. Yes I crave! Everything! It's not easy! But I know that no food will taste better than my goal will feel.
    If you have any questions please feel free to message me! Looking forward to hearing from you & what you decide to do! :smile:
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello Ashly, I'm doing a juice detox, I'm on day 15! I have lost 1st 1lb in 2 weeks. I have taken my day 1 measurements and plan to take more measurements month 1 (in 2 weeks). I am weighing myself weekly, but not only weight, BMI%, body fat in st/lbs, body fat percentage & H2O%.
    Juicing has to be a personal choice, everyone has a different opinion! People who haven't even done it have opinions, it's only yours that matters!!
    For me juicing is proving to be extremely positive! I'm juicing for my health, I have medical conditions that I would love to see improve! I have Myalgic Encephlomiolitis so I physically can not exercise! And yet I'm doing everything possible (other than exercise) to get healthy.
    I've noticed that everyone is mentioning toxins. The world we live in is full of them!! Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, fizzy drinks, processed foods, any food with a shelf life! All chemicals & preservatives put in food to make you crave more, eat more & for it to last longer in supermarkets! These are all toxins!!
    Yes! Your body naturally heals and cleanses itself! But imagine how much pressure you're putting your body under to cleanse whilst constantly feeding it toxins. How about giving it a break? That's what juicing does.
    Juicing allows you to eliminate all toxins! It gives your body a real chance to cleanse! I plan on sticking to this until I can honestly say to myself that I feel healthy! That could be in a month, it could be in 3! I feel physically full to the brim on this. Yes I crave! Everything! It's not easy! But I know that no food will taste better than my goal will feel.
    If you have any questions please feel free to message me! Looking forward to hearing from you & what you decide to do! :smile:

    Could you please list the specific toxins your juicing has helped you cleanse, along with the amount that was removed, and explain why your liver and kidneys were unable to handle the job?
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello Ashly, I'm doing a juice detox, I'm on day 15! I have lost 1st 1lb in 2 weeks. I have taken my day 1 measurements and plan to take more measurements month 1 (in 2 weeks). I am weighing myself weekly, but not only weight, BMI%, body fat in st/lbs, body fat percentage & H2O%.
    Juicing has to be a personal choice, everyone has a different opinion! People who haven't even done it have opinions, it's only yours that matters!!
    For me juicing is proving to be extremely positive! I'm juicing for my health, I have medical conditions that I would love to see improve! I have Myalgic Encephlomiolitis so I physically can not exercise! And yet I'm doing everything possible (other than exercise) to get healthy.
    I've noticed that everyone is mentioning toxins. The world we live in is full of them!! Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, fizzy drinks, processed foods, any food with a shelf life! All chemicals & preservatives put in food to make you crave more, eat more & for it to last longer in supermarkets! These are all toxins!!
    Yes! Your body naturally heals and cleanses itself! But imagine how much pressure you're putting your body under to cleanse whilst constantly feeding it toxins. How about giving it a break? That's what juicing does.
    Juicing allows you to eliminate all toxins! It gives your body a real chance to cleanse! I plan on sticking to this until I can honestly say to myself that I feel healthy! That could be in a month, it could be in 3! I feel physically full to the brim on this. Yes I crave! Everything! It's not easy! But I know that no food will taste better than my goal will feel.
    If you have any questions please feel free to message me! Looking forward to hearing from you & what you decide to do! :smile:

    This is all a whole bunch of no.

    Instead of spreading all of this misinformation to multiple threads, why don't you answer the questions that have already been asked of you?

    1) What specific toxins do juices rid your body of that your liver and kidneys can't take care of themselves?
    2) How exactly do juices cleanse the above toxins? Can you please explain exactly how that works?
    3) How exactly are things like preservatives harmful to our bodies?

  • I have shared my experiences and opinions on 2 threads, with good intentions.
    Ultimately these people are going to do whatever they want.
    I have stopped putting toxins (alcohol, caffeine, processed food, all of it!) in my body, if that's the only benefit from juicing, then great!
    But I don't feel like it is.
    My dermatologist says that I look healthier & I feel healthier, that's all that matters to me.
    If it's not for you, that's brilliant!!
    I don't care. It's for me. :smile:
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ever eat a pear? Did you know there is "toxic" formaldehyde in those suckers?
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Ever eat a pear? Did you know there is "toxic" formaldehyde in those suckers?

    That's like, the most preserving preservative there is!
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    edited March 2015

    Just in Anti-Peeps group executes peep cleansing group :p


  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »

    Just in Anti-Peeps group executes peep cleansing group :p

  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »

    Just in Anti-Peeps group executes peep cleansing group :p



  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »

    Just in Anti-Peeps group executes peep cleansing group :p




    Yo, for real, though. That is one of the smoothest loops I've ever seen on a gif.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.



    I love Gene Wilder!!!


    Me too! <3
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member