To juice or not to juice?



  • jessicamanzanares
    jessicamanzanares Posts: 6 Member
    I use my juicer almost everyday but only to keep up with my recommended daily servings of veg and fruit. I count it toward my calories but never use it as a meal replacer.
    I tried the cleanse once and it was rough. Granted it did clean me out and I felt great afterward but it's not really for the faint of heart. I would only do it if I felt truly sick and wanted to "reboot" in a way. Not for prolonged periods but maybe for 5 or so days, twice a year.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    Again, juicing isn't intended to be done forever as so many people apparently seem to think. But if you are juicing fruits and vegetables (mainly vegetables is recommended) tell me what foods you are eating that will allow you to a bigger calorie deficit?

    If I juice an apple and you eat an apple, who takes in the most calories?

    As I said in my previous post, there are other benefits than just losing weight to juicing.

    To be honest I couldn't care less if somebody chooses to juice or not. I had a positive experience with it, and will be doing it again. So I'm sharing my Positive Experience on thread that asks the question. "Too Juice or Not to Juice". My issue is that all of the negative posts (the ones I've seen on here) are from people who thinks this or thinks that about juicing but has NEVER tried it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume the OP wanted opinions from people that have actially tried it, not just people with opinions.

    While juicing clearly isn't for everyone, if someone wants to give it a try why would you tell them not to when you haven't tried it yourself?

    I react badly when people talk about detoxing the body - because the body does not need detoxing because we have livers and kidneys .. if the body needs detoxing you should be hospitalised!

    I react badly when people say "well I lost 30lbs in 7 days and kept it off" because there are lurkers reading this and seriously they don't need to hear any more snake oil or magic tricks that don't exist ... anything I can do to convince people it's about eating at a defecit and moving more for health (however you choose to reach those goals) I will do

    and actually I didn't say don't juice ... here let me repost what I said about it...

    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I'm going to put my standard lose weight with an eye to future maintenance guideline on it:

    1) will I like the taste?
    2) could I do this for the rest of my life?
    3) will it become one of my go-to foods that I can log in my meals?
    4) will there be enough bang for the calorie buck in terms of satiety, enjoyment and general yumminess?
    5) will it make my life easier?

    If the answer to any of the above are no ...then my answer is Oh hell no

  • 600lbs2Beast
    600lbs2Beast Posts: 25 Member
    YalithKBK wrote: »
    I have no advice, but if you can find a way to make a pizza drinkable I'd love to know!
    Lol I don't think it's juiceable (I think I just made that word up, but my Ninja can definitely turn it into a smoothie for you!
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    If it's not maintainable in the long term I'm not really that interested in it. I'm all for a smoothie/juice and recently I've made them for breakfast some days but as many others have said - I do like to chew my food! I think it makes it last longer and you can enjoy the different textures and flavours. It works for some as a meal replacement thing as you're taking in less calories.

    I'm always suspicious of 'meal replacement' fads as it's just not sustainable. Also, a cousin of mine on facebook has been doing this and she's moaning non stop about symptoms she's suffering because she's so flipping hungry but is taking on supplements! She's starved of enough calories so is knackered, lacking energy and feels down but the caffeine is preventing her from sleeping. She's skinny but miserable! She's not just juicing but as you mentioned meal replacement I thought I'd mention her.

    Eating out is a treat and I'd rather educate myself about making better choices than liquidise a fruitbowl each meal. Also, if you have kids you will be sending them a mental message if you drink your meals instead of eating the same as them.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    For someone that is telling people NOT to do or try something, one would think that you would know wtf you are talking about. If you had looked into juicing even a little bit, you would know that a big part of Juicing is the detox and waste your body loses. I'm sorry that you apparently don't like my opinion from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE versus yours from YOUR PERSONAL ASSUMPTION. The fact you automatically assumed I was claiming to have lost 30lbs. of fat in just 7 days is proof you have absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject.

    that's not how the body works

    not about personal experience, not about assumptions, about science.

    What were you claiming to have lost in 7 days then .. please do tell .. all ears

    Just noticed I said 'All Ears' and I'm currently a rabbit :bigsmile:
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Again, juicing isn't intended to be done forever as so many people apparently seem to think. But if you are juicing fruits and vegetables (mainly vegetables is recommended) tell me what foods you are eating that will allow you to a bigger calorie deficit?

    If I juice an apple and you eat an apple, who takes in the most calories?

    As I said in my previous post, there are other benefits than just losing weight to juicing.

    To be honest I couldn't care less if somebody chooses to juice or not. I had a positive experience with it, and will be doing it again. So I'm sharing my Positive Experience on thread that asks the question. "Too Juice or Not to Juice". My issue is that all of the negative posts (the ones I've seen on here) are from people who thinks this or thinks that about juicing but has NEVER tried it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume the OP wanted opinions from people that have actially tried it, not just people with opinions.

    While juicing clearly isn't for everyone, if someone wants to give it a try why would you tell them not to when you haven't tried it yourself?

    As was stated above, to lose 30 lbs of fat in a week, one would have to create a 105,000 calorie deficit for that week. That is 15,000 calories a day. It is impossible to create a 15,000 calorie deficit in one day, no matter how much weight you have to lose.

    Also, a juice is not ridding your body of any "toxins" that your liver and kidneys don't already handle. Toxins is a buzz word created by the diet industry to sell you juicers and supplements.

    Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead is just one long-@ss juicer commercial.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I enjoy masticating.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member

    stopped reading at the bit in bold

    because seriously?

    you think you lost 30lbs of fat in a week

    the equivalent of roughly a calorie defecit of 105,000 calories in a week?


    and you credit juicing with this - what did you do from day 8 through the amount of time you kept 30 lbs off .. did you diet and exercise by any chance?

    For someone that is telling people NOT to do or try something, one would think that you would know wtf you are talking about. If you had looked into juicing even a little bit, you would know that a big part of Juicing is the detox and waste your body loses. I'm sorry that you apparently don't like my opinion from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE versus yours from YOUR PERSONAL ASSUMPTION. The fact you automatically assumed I was claiming to have lost 30lbs. of fat in just 7 days is proof you have absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject.[/quote]

  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2015
    I love to juice, but I juice to supplement diet. For me I notice a huge difference in my skin after juicing regularly for several weeks. The best is to juice your veggies, eat your fruits. Only use small amounts of fruit to make the juices palatable. Juice all your nice dark green veggies. I love to juice kale, lettuce, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage with a little able and beet in it to sweeten. You can also add tumeric for anti inflammatory properties.
  • 600lbs2Beast
    600lbs2Beast Posts: 25 Member
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    @randomtai‌ GIF ... EVAH!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I have toyed with the idea of juicing. I can't bring myself to do every meal this way. What do you think of it as a lunch or dinner replacement? Any suggestions from those who've done this before successfully?

    Worst idea ever! eat food
  • adcini
    adcini Posts: 14 Member
    I don't really understand the juicing hype, but then again I don't really drink juice as a rule, too much sugar without much in the way of nutritional benefits. I'd much rather have a smoothie, so that I can benefit from the fibre to keep me full. My daily breakfast is often a smoothie with whole fruits (mixed frozen berries are my fav!), vegetables, milk and protein powder. It works for me.

    In short, I wouldn't recommend juicing as a meal replacement. You're missing out on a lot of the benefits those fruits and vegetables. For a snack, it's fine if it can work into your calorie count, just like any other food.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member

  • ashlygraves
    For those who actually answered my post thank you!
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I tend to juice for 7 days straight once in a while, whilst I do lose weight on it, I tend to do it because I have gone a stupidly eaten Gluten for a few weeks and its kills me with my IBS, and juicing for 7 days gets rid of all the symptoms quickly. However I do still have a juice every morning regardless as part of my breakfast, each to there own. You can lose weight on it however you need to be mindful that you are reducing your cals and after a week don't go straight back to previous eating as you would or you reverse everything. I tend to do after the week a juice for breakfast, soup/salad/juice for lunch and then a main meal ie salmon, chicken etc for the next week, then bring back more cals.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.



    I love Gene Wilder!!!

  • ashlygraves
    Bottom line, I gave my opinion from my experience.

    I juiced for 7 days. Whatever I lost, I lost 30lbs. of it, and I kept it off for a few months. If it was water weight, as everyone seems to think then so be it.

    The scale went down. I felt better. End of story.

    If you don't believe in juicing, then it's simple. Don't do it. If you want to try it, why not?

    So to everyone, I say good day.

    I understand what your saying. Sorry your being attacked about it. I'm not thinking of juicing as another weight loss gimmick because like you've mentioned it has benefits aside from weight loss. Not that I'd complain about loosing weight lol. I suck at eating my veggies, as do most people in sure, so I was thinking of a 1x a day juice of fruits and veggies to help boost my nutrition. My digestive system has slowed down to almost non working from health issues which is why my nutritionist recommend juicing. She thought easing into eating more good foods and feeling better would come once my body had time to adjust to things. Until then juicing would give nutrients without my body struggling to digest them. Long boring story but I wasn't sure if I could get all I needed from a juice if I did that for a meal. Thanks for sharing your experience. That helped clarify a few things.