Walking 10,000 steps

MFP recommends 10,000 a day. I noticed my first 2 days I wasn't getting anywhere near that. In the hopes of encouraging myself I lowered my steps to 5,000. Then figured when I managed that regularly I'd increase it. But I'm barely hitting 2-3. Anyone pay much attention to theirs or have any suggestions on how to reach the goal?


  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I just walk as much as I can all day long. I am a very slow walker, so it can take me a while, esp if I am busy. But I walk whenever I am not busy at work, I walk in the hallways at night if I am short.....just whenever you are not busy doing something, walk until you hit that 10K, and then everything after that is gravy!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yes, some of us compete with each other and with family members. I've been sick for the last two weeks so my step totals have been atrocious, but usually I am in the 100,000 step range for any given week.

    This time of year my challenge is that I am doing a lot of gardening. It feels like a decent casual workout, but it really doesn't earn very many steps.
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    I used to set the timer on my mobile phone for 10 minutes and walk out the door and just walk when the alarm went off I would go home (you will walk home a little faster) and bingo you just did a 20 min walk ... after a while add 1 min or 5 min more, and slowly add more time. I enjoy walking, it's easy and takes no effort.

    each step is one step closer to your goal :smile:
  • This might sound really dumb but what's the thought behind walking 10,000 steps a day?
  • I used to set the timer on my mobile phone for 10 minutes and walk out the door and just walk when the alarm went off I would go home (you will walk home a little faster) and bingo you just did a 20 min walk ... after a while add 1 min or 5 min more, and slowly add more time. I enjoy walking, it's easy and takes no effort.

    each step is one step closer to your goal :smile:

    Hmm this is a great idea!! I'm a stay at home mom so I might just make that part of our routine. Thanks!!
  • Yes, some of us compete with each other and with family members. I've been sick for the last two weeks so my step totals have been atrocious, but usually I am in the 100,000 step range for any given week.

    This time of year my challenge is that I am doing a lot of gardening. It feels like a decent casual workout, but it really doesn't earn very many steps.

    Great idea competing! Do you do that on here with other MFP or with your family/friends??
  • Thank you!
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member

    10,000 steps is simply the threshold one needs to achieve for benefit. However, it is debated whether one actually has to reach 10,000 steps to receive benefit from walking.

    I relate with your story of finding it difficult to get 10,000 steps in. Because I currently work from home, I started walking a 25 step loop in my house. If I walk the loop for five minutes I put on 500 steps. I also have a treadmill, but I prefer the loop in my house.

    Try taking steps throughout the day. If you walk for ten minutes an hour, you'll get your steps in. Or walk for five minutes an hour and take one longer walk.

    You can also get steps in when you are waiting for something to cook in the microwave. Two minutes is 200 steps!

    I take steps during commercial breaks while watching TV. I got in about 3800 steps just walking during commercials during a two-hour program.

    The great thing about the fitbit is that you discover just how much or little you actually move in a day.

    Good luck!
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I do 10,000 steps first thing in the morning before I even do anything else. Then I am done and dusted for the day!
  • cbcurrie
    cbcurrie Posts: 1 Member
    Try reading the tips and explanations in the following site:
    http://www.thewalkingsite.com/10000steps.html Lots of great information for a beginner. You don't have to start at 10,000 - its a goal to shoot for. I find that if I do a 40 minute dedicated walk and then add my normal daily routines around the house it usually adds up to close to 10000.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Initially I would do just about everything on the most direct path possible. When I started counting steps it was hard getting to 10k a day. I incorporated things in my general day like when doing laundry - making those extra trips to check my clothes. In the grocery store, when you forget something all the way on the other side, just go for it. When cleaning up around the house, make multiple trips putting things away - etc.
  • Hi,

    10,000 steps is simply the threshold one needs to achieve for benefit. However, it is debated whether one actually has to reach 10,000 steps to receive benefit from walking.

    I relate with your story of finding it difficult to get 10,000 steps in. Because I currently work from home, I started walking a 25 step loop in my house. If I walk the loop for five minutes I put on 500 steps. I also have a treadmill, but I prefer the loop in my house.

    Try taking steps throughout the day. If you walk for ten minutes an hour, you'll get your steps in. Or walk for five minutes an hour and take one longer walk.

    You can also get steps in when you are waiting for something to cook in the microwave. Two minutes is 200 steps!

    I take steps during commercial breaks while watching TV. I got in about 3800 steps just walking during commercials during a two-hour program.

    The great thing about the fitbit is that you discover just how much or little you actually move in a day.

    Good luck!

    Thanks! Those are great suggestions. In the article mentioned in another comment they had mentioned an average person does at least 5,000 I think it was...yeah I'm under that too. I'm hoping to break 5 by next week. Just wasn't sure how Before now lol!!
  • I do 10,000 steps first thing in the morning before I even do anything else. Then I am done and dusted for the day!

    Do you go for a long walk to do that or? If so how long avg does it take you?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yes, some of us compete with each other and with family members. I've been sick for the last two weeks so my step totals have been atrocious, but usually I am in the 100,000 step range for any given week.

    This time of year my challenge is that I am doing a lot of gardening. It feels like a decent casual workout, but it really doesn't earn very many steps.

    Great idea competing! Do you do that on here with other MFP or with your family/friends??

    I use a Fitbit, and there is a "friends" function on the dashboard there.

    One of my main motivations is that my 73-year-old father is constantly beating me, even when I am walking 50 miles a week. I'm extremely competitive and it drives me nuts to let him beat me.
  • Yes, some of us compete with each other and with family members. I've been sick for the last two weeks so my step totals have been atrocious, but usually I am in the 100,000 step range for any given week.

    This time of year my challenge is that I am doing a lot of gardening. It feels like a decent casual workout, but it really doesn't earn very many steps.

    Great idea competing! Do you do that on here with other MFP or with your family/friends??

    I use a Fitbit, and there is a "friends" function on the dashboard there.

    One of my main motivations is that my 73-year-old father is constantly beating me, even when I am walking 50 miles a week. I'm extremely competitive and it drives me nuts to let him beat me.

    What is a Fitbit?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    10,000 steps is not that hard...keep working on it and you will find yourself reaching 20,000.

    I intentionally go to the store to buy just a few things at a time so that I can walk. I do a 1-mile/15 minute loop on my work breaks. I park as far away from stores as possible. I also dance...a lot!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i do the treadmill
    But a fun way to do it is trough Youtube. Some Leslie Sansone video's do the trick easily too
    15 minutes for a mile of 3 miles or 2
    I do the treadmill most days and next to it i do a couple times a week 30 minutes of dancing or walking video's
    Great with some weights and fun.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Can anyone recommend a decent app for an android phone that can measure steps? I don't have a fitbit or any of those devices. I'd bet I wouldn't even reach 1000 steps a day :disappointed: