smh21183 Member


  • Also, Keep in mind your weight fluctuates every day. I've only really been at this for a month. I weighed myself everyday for the first two weeks, just to see how my body fluctuates from day to day. If you are weighing weekly, daily, or monthly, it is also important to weight under the same circumstances. That means, if…
  • I often have this same struggle... I don't want to log for the rest of my life... I really don't. I actually hate taking the time to log, but I feel that it's the only way for me to keep the weight coming off.... I am interested to see how this works for you. :) I'm hoping you can find the best way for yourself!
  • I'm a VA girl that loves starches, I am so good at staying away when I'm cooking... but that homemade mac and cheese yesterday, just about did me in... I'm calling it a win that I only had one helping of it!
  • In the same boat! My goal is to drop 100 but I would really like to drop 120. I am really trying to focus on being healthy, not just the weight loss. But in just one week, I dropped 2 pounds! Adding exercise is wonderful and you start to feel better in a matter of a week! I look forward to my workouts now (most days)! Good…
  • I love to eat out, so I have this problem, too! I always plan to excercise on the days I go out... pre plan what I am going to eat and don't snack that day. I may still go over my goal, but it's good to forgive and start the next day over right! Keep up the good work!
  • I used to be a soda fanatic. I had one soda a day and thought I was being good. I suggest you research all that is in your soda. Some soda's have harmful additives that are found in things like batteries and tend to have lots of acids. And, they are so bad for your teeth. Doing all this research really killed my need for…
    in Soda! Comment by smh21183 March 2015
  • I'm in the same boat! I started just Sunday for real after having MFP on my phone for a year. I am hoping to lose 106 pounds in a year! I could use some support and would be happy to provide some motivation!
  • I can relate! One of my students, just today, told me I should get those pants that hold your tummy in! Talk about a wake-up call! Sometimes we need the harsh words to motivate us. I am hoping to find that through my super honest student.... Good Luck to you!