MegaLoveBird Member


  • Only 7 weeks pregnant over here, but it's definitely something I've thought of. I gained @65 pounds with my first baby, I also started out 20 pounds lighter than I am now. I know better than to indulge in EVERY craving, but it doesn't make it any easier. Congratulations and good luck to all you mommies!!
  • I added you Michelle. Let's help each other out, I've got at least 30 to lose.
  • Megan Meketa. I've gone through and added as many of you that left names/emails. Thank you.
  • Awesome! I just hooked up my Jawbone today as well. Megan Meketa, if you would like to add me.
  • Megan Meketa here. Just synced up my UP24 and would love some buddies.
  • That sounds INTENSE @dizzieblondeuk !! I'm impressed!!
  • @dizzieblondeuk, that sounds like a FANTASTIC workout!!! I would LOVE THAT!!! As far as hoop purchasing you can even make your own, there are several YouTube tutorials. I have purchased several hoops online too,,, hoop mama on etsy. Each of those sites can offer simple hoops, the options are…
  • @editorgrrl, thank you for posting the link. @dizzieblondeuk, that class sounds fantastic!!! You're absolutely right about engaging your core while hooping, it really is the key to working the abdominals. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  • Hey yall, sorry I lag on the responses here. I'll still be hooping through July and so on. I've got so carried away in June I was hooping for hours!! I love it!! The initial group I set up still exists on Facebook but the name has been changed to "Hula Hoop Group" just for fun. Please feel free to join, post and invite…
  • Absolutely, @SarahJurina, I usually hoop at least 20/day, sometimes more than an hour, just for fun. I found that the low numbers that build are less intimidating for newbies. Seems to be working so far with others in the group. You are SO more than welcome, of course to hoop and even post about how long long you hoop for,…
  • It's okay, @idolon, it's a work in progress. It's really all about fun and community.
  • If anyone is interested I have opened a Facebook page for the "30 Day Hula Hoop Challenge - June 2015". Several people are in on it, submitting photos and other fun things. Just a safe space to have fun and be with like-minded hoopers!!
  • @MaryKayMariela We could stick to this chart, or even double it, just for an actual challenge. The challenge for me isn't the length of time, it's making the time daily... Know what I mean?
  • @samistarz I know what you mean! I typically hoop right to left, when I reverse it definitely feels weird! Before I had my daughter I used to go out to empty parking lots or my old front lawn and hoop for HOURS, no joke!! It's harder to find that kind of time now.
  • I'd like to start a 'Hula Hoop Challenge' if anyone is interested in joining me. Let me know. [/quote] Just link me a thing to a hulahoop challenge :) I'd love to try.[/quote] @QueenQueeri I'm doing the challenge posted above for this month. I'll look into some new ones for the month of June. That will also give you some…
  • Hey there you amazing mommies!! We've all got such similar goals so I went and requested each of you to be my friends. I'm @165 and would love to see 130-135. We can do this!! I'm already down 15+lbs thanks to Zumba and MFP. xoxo
  • I am SO inspired by you ladies!! I've just one 2 year old girl, but some days I am so exhausted... I don't know how you all manage such amazing lives with kids and everything else. Would love more kiddos, but I gotta get this body and my habits in check before that happens.
  • That's a PERFECT challenge!!!! Love it!!! Day 10, done!!
  • Ditto!
  • Feel free to add me please:
  • Average is @7/cal/min. I've noticed that different sources have different answers. Beachhouse is right about hoop variations and exertion, but I'll take my 7 and be okay with that. For now. I've got a HR tracker/Fitbit coming, so then I'll have a better idea of my numbers.
  • I've been hooping for a few years now (on/off) and I LOVE IT!!! I've done some research and the calorie burn is all over the map, the truest I've found is @7/cal/minute. That works out to @420/cal/hour. Which is a pretty good burn. I'm actually hooping while writing this. I hoop for fun and exercise. I used to do it for…
  • Super bummed, my test came back negative. I really thought with all the symptoms I was having that it would come back positive. It just wasn't our time. However, the more time passes the healthier I hope to be.
  • @DianeRenee‌ and anyone else, I would love to join as a sort of accountability buddy/support system. I do believe I'm just a few weeks along and I can't take a test until next week, all my symptoms point to prego. This would be Baby #2. First pregnancy I gained @65 lbs. and I don't want that to happen again so I'm going to…
  • Hey Shannon, Thank you for starting the thread! I am also losing weight for a healthier pregnancy. Baby #1 I gained @65 lbs. and ended up getting a CS after 30 hrs. of labor. Not the ideal situation. My hope and prayer is that this time around I make better choices and have more motivation to be healthy for my baby and…