Newly pregnant and looking for a support team

Hello MFP!

My name is Diane and as of today I am 7 weeks pregnant!

This is the first pregnancy for both my fiancé and I. We are so excited!!

I am looking for MFP friends who are in the same boat as me to share stories with, advice, nutrition and fitness tips. I want to be in the best health/shape possible so my baby and I can be as healthy as possible!

I have always found having a support team with anything you do is a fantastic way to get through anything! So let's do this together!!

Have a great day!!!


  • squishy84
    squishy84 Posts: 30
    Hi Diane!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm 16 weeks along and this is my third.

    I'm also trying to keep an eye on the scales as I'm already overweight, so I'm trying to eat conciously and not give in to huge quantities of carbs (up until now, I've been off most food apart from cereals/ white bread etc!).

    Good luck!
  • DianeRenee
    DianeRenee Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jessie,

    Congratulations to you as well! How exciting to be on baby #3!

    Have you been off most foods by choice or because you have been turned off from them?

    I have read stories from other Mommy-to-be's that carbs seem to be the only thing they can stomach eating. As a first time preggo, this is all so new to me. My first prenatal visit isn't till next week!

    I wish you the best of luck and hope we can offer tons of support to one another!

    You got this!!
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I am also pregnant. Due November 27, 2015. This will be my fourth baby. Each and every pregnancy I had were different. I did pretty well on the third and I want to do the same for this one. I lost 80 pounds after it (and gained about 15 pounds back).

    I've been eating whatever I crave before it gets out of control (And I definitely don't want that. I overeat when I'm desperate.). My first pregnancy, no crazy cravings. Second, BROWNIES, BROWNIES, and more.......BROWNIES. Third, no junk food at all! This one, it's all about steak.

    Congrats to you both!
  • DianeRenee
    DianeRenee Posts: 5 Member

    Congratulations to you as well! My baby is due November 4th, 2015! Same month!!

    I have noticed I was craving steak around the time of my missed period. I'm guessing now maybe it was my iron levels. Since I started my prenatals I haven't craved it since.
    MmmmMmmm brownies are good all the time :smile:

    Best of luck to you and look forward to hearing more about this differences between this pregnancy Vs. your others!

    Cheers! (Of water of coarse)
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Hi Diane :)
    I am not currently pregnant but I do have a 8 yr old and a 2 yr old. When I got pregnant with my 1st we were 19, I didn't listen to anything anyone told me and I wish I did, as far as eating well and things to get my body back. Well I paid the consequences, I blew up! For some women what you eat can have a huge effect on your body, during and after. Anywho, with my second pregnant (6 yrs later) I was more cautious because I didn't want to gain a ton of weight like I did with my first. Eat well balanced meal, do not beleive the myth about "eating for two" No, you're just eating for your self. BUT, eat well enough to provide enough nutrients to pass on to your growing baby in there. Inevitably I gained 40 lbs this time but it was mostly all in my belly, as opposed to my whole body like the 1st time. Of course you can have what you crave but in moderation. With this last pregnancy I craved oreos every single night! I would eat 4 oreos and a small glass of milk before bed almost every day lol. Try to stay active or go on walks if you can and have the energy for it. Every body and pregnancy is different, this is just my advice based on my experience :) Good luck and congrats!
  • nadinestrother
    nadinestrother Posts: 11 Member
    Hey ladies! So I just MYF about 7wks ago to lose those last pesky 5-10lbs and found out earlier this week I'm pregnant with our 4th (and last…lol)! We're beyond excited, but while I know every pregnancy is different, I'm hoping for a fit & active pregnancy this time around. Looking forward to giving and receiving support & motivation along the way!
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    This is the best support team I could find on short notice.

  • MrsVin86
    MrsVin86 Posts: 33 Member
    I am due September 30th!! I spent most of my first trimester eating what I craved and only gained a couple of pounds, which is the norm! But now that I have my energy back in my second trimester, it is time to get serious and start eating better with more exercise :) I would love to be a part of your support team if you will be a part of mine!!
  • MegaLoveBird
    MegaLoveBird Posts: 26 Member
    @DianeRenee‌ and anyone else,
    I would love to join as a sort of accountability buddy/support system. I do believe I'm just a few weeks along and I can't take a test until next week, all my symptoms point to prego. This would be Baby #2. First pregnancy I gained @65 lbs. and I don't want that to happen again so I'm going to be aware and proactive about my nutrition and exercise levels. Even if the test comes out negative, I still want to be healthy so when/if it's our time to be blessed with another baby my body will be ready.
  • MegaLoveBird
    MegaLoveBird Posts: 26 Member
    Super bummed, my test came back negative. I really thought with all the symptoms I was having that it would come back positive. It just wasn't our time.
    However, the more time passes the healthier I hope to be.
  • DianeRenee
    DianeRenee Posts: 5 Member
    So of course I have been distracted with work and my pregnancy. Sadly I haven't been on in months. I have gained about 22lbs and have 10 1/2 weeks left to go.
    Sadly I am causing my fiancé to pack in the sympathy weight! So I think since I am cutting my weight close to the max I should gain (35lbs) I should trying to not eat junk anymore at least.
    Damn these cravings!!
  • DianeRenee
    DianeRenee Posts: 5 Member
    So I maxed out at 153! I gained a total of 33lbs by 34+5 weeks of pregnancy. I ended up going into preterm labor. I have zero complications during my pregnancy so they really don't know why. My daughter was in the NICU for 8 days with minor respiratory issues, feeding issues and jaundice. She is 100% healthy and perfect now!!
    I am down 29lbs mainly from breastfeeding, running around getting errands done, and I moved too. I still want to lose another 19lbs (which was my goal before pregnancy)
    Hopefully I stick with MFP.
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