TheSemideus Member


  • You look pretty lean In your face tbh so yea you’ll have no probs bulking. Stick to the MyFitnessPal recommendations for a bit brother. Make sure you gets your carbs. For muscle. CARBS CARBS CARBS of course protein but carbs are so important for muscle growth. In terms of training if you’d like any advice. Periodisation.…
  • Hey mate, so look there’s SO SO SO many variables in terms of calorie intake and macro nutrient requirements. I also appreciate there is a sea of misinformation and it’s overwhelming. Initially you need to take a step back and realise what your ACTUAL goals are. I get your looking to bulk up. But STOP right there for a…
  • Hey brother I’m also a UK lad! Add me and we can help each other!
  • So the idea of keto is great however it’s really not a sustainable nutrition plan for the everyday individual. Most don’t even know why there going keto only because it’s the current in trend lol. There are many benefits to a ketogenic diet however it’s not a magic bullet to make u an overnight success. Most people go keto…
  • Add me! I’m always here to help anyone who needs 🤩
  • And no offence to your trainer but what a cop out. Do more cardio?. That’s the laziest way out a pt can take. If I was you genuinely I’d take your money elsewhere. Have you vetted his credentials? Where did he qualify? Has he any nutritional qualification? Did he take a 6 week intensive online course? Basically pal it’s…
  • Ok. You’ve hit a point in your life where no results have become apparent. The first thing I would tell you to do is invest in a Fitbit preferably blaze or better. It will be the best bloody investment you can make. People can argue and chat shiz about how accurate they are but if you leave the device to what’s its had…