catcalls99 Member


  • Congrats on getting a month into the Dukan Diet! I lost 45 pounds on Dukan, and the first month was the hardest.
  • The Dukan Diet is a book by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French medical doctor.
  • Glad to help. You also mentioned the health considerations. I eat at least 3 eggs a day (breakfast) and don't count calories or fat grams. I had blood work performed last fall, and everything was excellent, including cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! I lost a lot of weight on the Dukan Diet after being heavy my entire life and trying all sorts of different diets. I have Dukan recipes and information on my weight loss on my blog, in case you're interested. I never had to log what I was eating since there's no calorie counting on the…
  • Hello, I lost a lot of weight on the Dukan Diet and even interviewed Dr. Dukan for an article I wrote. The diet definitely works, but it's really hard for the first few weeks. Once I got past those challenging weeks, it wasn't difficult for me at all.…