Hello again

MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
Hi MyFitnessPal!

So, one way and another I've been hanging around here trying to lose weight for about two years. It's been... up and down :pensive:

I hit close to my goal on my 30th birthday, crammed into the party frock I'd been dreaming of for months.... and then hit the birthday-Christmas-New Year-never-stop-eating-and-drinking-waaaaaargh wall. Hard. Since then, I've just been failing - new job stress, trying to buy a flat, and general greediness have left me, if not right back where I started, then close enough to make me pretty annoyed.

My Dad suggested a drastic solution - the Dukan Diet. He's like me with food - serious lack of self-control around certain foods - so he gets where I'm coming from, and why a simple mantra of "eat less, exercise more" is simply NOT enough to get me there. He explained that the rigidity of the diet, especially in the early phases (always the danger zone for me), just helped avoid those "do I, don't I, and if I do, when does it stop" moments - you just CAN'T, he said, so you just don't. It's certainly worked for him - he's already shifted over a stone. In about a month So I'm giving it a try, and I couldn't think of a better place to keep accounting for myself than here on MFP.

I'd be really interested to hear from other Dukan-ers (Dukanists? Dukanites?) about how they're doing, and interesting things to do with protein :wink:

Anyone who wants to let me know about the health considerations of the Dukan, appreciate it but unnecessary - I've taken them under advisement and am content that the potential risks are minimal in my personal case :smile:

So hi all! Time to shift some flobber!


  • catcalls99
    catcalls99 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I lost a lot of weight on the Dukan Diet and even interviewed Dr. Dukan for an article I wrote. http://livingwithbeth.com/interview-dr-pierre-dukan-creator-dukan-diet.

    The diet definitely works, but it's really hard for the first few weeks. Once I got past those challenging weeks, it wasn't difficult for me at all. I've been heavy my entire life and have tried many different diets, so this was like a miracle to me.

    One thing I've found, though, is that I can't go back to eating a normal, carb heavy diet, or I start to put the weight back on. I'm really fine with that, though. I've adapted a lot of recipes to be Dukan friendly, and I'm used to this way of eating now. Hope this information helps. I know other people who have tried the Dukan Diet and not been able to stay on it, so it's not for everyone.
  • MerinneW
    MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks Catcalls - good to know, and an interesting read! I'm slightly concerned about not being able to go back to 'normal' - but I suppose normal is what got me here in the first place, so maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be! Hopefully I'll eventually find a way to be which is good for me and doesn't feel like a 'diet' as such. That's the dream anyhow! Thanks for your advice :smile:
  • catcalls99
    catcalls99 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to help. You also mentioned the health considerations. I eat at least 3 eggs a day (breakfast) and don't count calories or fat grams. I had blood work performed last fall, and everything was excellent, including cholesterol and triglycerides.