

  • I love Almond milk. Personally haven't tried soy. My children still prefer regular 2%milk so I typically buy both.
  • Oh I love that idea!! I've been using organic honey nut granola. Lots of calories, but Total is a great idea!! I just need something to cover the Greek yogurt texture... Apparently I have a texture issue LOL
  • Soda, not worth the calories. Unsweetened tea for me please :) Also mayo and ranch.. Not worth it. CHEESE however... Worth it every time!!!
  • Big peanut butter fan but haven't tried pb2 yet. This weekend I'm adding that and pink Himalayan salt to the grocery list. I don't think either one are too budget friendly but should be worth it!
  • I'm planning to run my second 5k in May. First one was a year ago in November. I didn't train or plan for it but was in better shape at that time. Wasn't prepared for running in the cold!! Time was 41:48..... Only goal this time is to do better!!! So I'm with ya!!
  • Center for sure!! Same goes for pizza!!
  • You go girl!!! Looking awesome
  • I would love to find a great smoothie recipe. I don't like berries but an energy packed banana pinapple would be ideal!! I tried quinoa but didn't prepare it right i guess. Couldn't stand the texture!! I hear that Himalayan Pink salt is very healthy for you. Not big on salt period but wondered if anyone had heard that?
  • I do the same workout. Don't have a heart rate monitor so I had done what first user said. Used circuit training- general, 20 minutes.