Things that aren't worth the calories........



  • Soda, not worth the calories. Unsweetened tea for me please :) Also mayo and ranch.. Not worth it. CHEESE however... Worth it every time!!!
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Fizzy drinks/Soda and Nuts!
    I know they're good for you but Nuts are so calorific,.......why???
    For a good handful of Nuts, i could have a small Meal! Lol
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    astrose00 wrote: »
    Anyone saying bagels cannot live in the northeast (especially NY and NJ), lol! Fresh bagel shop bagels are so worth it. I haven't had one in months but will set aside maintenance calories for one about once a week.

    I have a friend that brings me bagels from NY sometimes. I will definitely make room for one of them the next time. I don't eat bagels otherwise because nothing even comes close to a lovely fresh NY bagel.

    Yesterday I found out that commercially made lemonade isn't worth the calories. 260 calories for a tiny bottle that was way too sweet. Making it at home next time!
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    I tend to cut out more and more stuff that seems not worth it: Nut butters, rice, honey, full fat soy milk, pasta, margerine, these fake soy nuggets, fried stuff, oils in the pan (I use a non stick one), soda, also chips/snacks. I rather have a big plate of steamed brocoli with some tofu than a small portion of fries for more calories in front of me...
  • lovabee
    lovabee Posts: 30 Member
    I agree on the soda. I never have any because I hardly taste any difference between normal and diet soda. Fruit juices are another one for me as are most alcoholic drinks.
    My mom used to buy low fat cheese which was horribly chewy, I'd rather go for real cheese.

    I also cook without using oil most of the time using a non-stick pan. Saves a bunch of calories.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited April 2015
    likehlikeo wrote: »
    I rather have a big plate of steamed brocoli with some tofu than a small portion of fries for more calories in front of me...
    No, ....not me! The fries would win every time. Lol

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    runem2011 wrote: »
    In my opinion, when calorie counting nothing should be off limits, it's when you start depriving yourself of the things you enjoy, that you just crave them more. Just work them into your days allowance. I even add sweet treats before I've eaten them, I've found that if I see them logged in my diary I am less likely to actually want them as my mind thinks I've already eaten them, but I know if i do eat it its already allowed for.
    It works for me. :smiley:
    Hope you all have a fantastic day, add me if you like, anyone :smile:

    If it's not worth it, then it's really not deprivation.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    regular soda for me. also granola.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    Any Starbucks drink, nutella, butter, junk food/fast food, fried things, white bread, ice cream, candy.

    Pizza and Pasta r the only "bad foods" I allow myself
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • RougeSara
    RougeSara Posts: 60 Member
    Nuts...I love them and they're good for you but jeez. Their calorie content is obscene. And seeds too.
  • cosmiqrecovery
    cosmiqrecovery Posts: 171 Member
    Cadbury cream eggs made your list? I cry.

    Mostly bread though. I've been off bread for ages aside from one day when I was feeling too nauseous for anything else. Especially if it's on a cheeseburger or something. I'm after what's INSIDE the bun. Never looked back after I found out my favorite burger place did lettuce wraps.

    Also milkshakes that aren't made with real ice cream. I'll still pound back a Sonic milkshake on a bad day.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I couldn't really think of anything.. I guess grocery store cupcakes. I bake, and mine are way better.
  • ginny92802
    ginny92802 Posts: 66 Member
    I hate drinking calories, so soda and especially juices. For the sugar and cals I can think of many other things I would much rather have, most of which involve chewing.
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    All soda, except Sprite. Gottdang. Generally get 20 oz every two weeks or so. Last time I tried a Sprite Zero and four sips in threw it away. Gotta have my partially hydrogenated pixelized cardabudilated high fructose corn syrup.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    Soda for sure. Pretty much all fast food. It taste like hell and just sits like a rock in my gut making me feel awful.

    And definitely though super sugary high calorie coffee drinks. I used to work at a plus size store in the mall and women would come in and complain about how we changed our sizes and they fit smaller now and they know it's the clothes and not them because they are on a diet.....and then they would take a big drink of a venti mocha frappachino with extra caramel and whipped cream.....hmmmmmm.
  • krknobbe10
    krknobbe10 Posts: 110 Member
    I would say almost anything that makes me hungry shortly I after I eat it and doesn't hold me over until my next meal unless it is a cookie or something I have after I ate my main meal like protein and fiber which helps keep me full until my next meal. Having something sweet to top off a meal is fine with me as long as I eat it in moderation :) My sister is a registered dietitian so she has taught me moderation is key and then I don't feel so deprived and completely waste all my hard work on over eating sweets and stuff.
  • Custard slices are definitely worth it!
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Ice cream - so many calories for such a small serving, and I'm not a big ice cream eater anyway.

    Cream sauces - Have never liked these, not wasting what could be enormous calories eating it.

    Chips - because I have no self control and that family sized bag is going down.

    Cheap bakery anything, specialty coffee drinks and Frappuccino's, and convenience-store chocolate bars. I love cheese, but I'm skipping it where I can. I both love and hate you.
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member

    Oh, I forgot! Gluten free replacements of gluten-containing items. I've had celiac disease a long time, and have had a lot of GF items over the years. GF bread won't sop up the egg yolk just so, nor will the toast from it soak in butter correctly. GF pizza crust is just sad and there's no crispy crust with cheese clinging to it waiting for you at the end of the piece. There's no such thing as a nice, crunchy GF baguette. Just not worth the calories.

    Not to mention that gluten free replacements are usually higher in calories than what they replace.