Couch to 5k - Starting 02/23/15



  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Week 5
    Day 1: 2.17 miles/26:00 minutes (11:59 pace)
    Day 2: 2.27 miles/26:00 minutes (11:59 pace)
    Day 3: 2.09 miles/25:00 minutes (11:58 pace)

    4 more weeks to go! I signed up for my first 5k of 2015. It's on May 9 in the town I teach in - it's actually a fundraiser for the PTO! Since it's on the coast it'll be mostly flat ground but I've heard that the wind is the real challenge.
    I'm hoping that by the end of C25k I can get down to at 11:30 or under pace. That's my new goal.

    Cool! I am doing my 5k on the 16th!
  • I'm planning to run my second 5k in May. First one was a year ago in November. I didn't train or plan for it but was in better shape at that time. Wasn't prepared for running in the cold!! Time was 41:48..... Only goal this time is to do better!!! So I'm with ya!!
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 2015
    Week 6
    Day 1: 2.38 miles/29:00 minutes (12:11 pace)
    Day 2: 2.35 miles/28:00 minutes (11:55 pace)
    Day 3: 2.51 miles/31:00 minutes (11:57 pace)

    Woohoo! 3 weeks to go. I'm feeling stronger. Anyone else still out there?
    I've run a total of 39.88 miles in 6 weeks (18 runs). I'm glad I've been keeping track - it really shows how much work I've put in.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Week 7 is done. 2.6 miles in 26 min plus another mile during the warmup and the cooldown :) Last week to do!
    I take my phone with me every time I run outside and have MapMyRun to measure the distance and it shows 56.2 miles since I started to do c25k, but I did some runs on treadmill and I have no records of them.
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    Week 7
    Day 1: 2.52 miles/30:00 minutes (11:54 pace)
    Day 2: 2.48 miles/30:00 minutes (12:06 pace)
    Day 3: 2.48 miles/30:00 minutes (12:06 pace)

    I'm going to be repeating Week 7. I'm disappointed because I didn't want to have to repeat any weeks but I think it will be best for me if I do. I'd like to get to a 11:45 pace before I move on.
  • cat_lady77
    cat_lady77 Posts: 203 Member
    Great job to all you who started this earlier! I just started last week (I'm on W1D3 tonight).
    I forgot to record the distance for my Day 1 but I think it was around 1.5 miles. Day 2 was 1.74 but I did a little extra because I paused half way.
    I got signed up for a Warrior Dash 5k in about a month & I feel SO unprepared! It's not really for competition, more for charity & fun but I think others who are on my team are probably in much better shape.
    Any tips are appreciated! Message me or add me as a friend :smiley:
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    karla24687 wrote: »
    Great job to all you who started this earlier! I just started last week (I'm on W1D3 tonight).
    I forgot to record the distance for my Day 1 but I think it was around 1.5 miles. Day 2 was 1.74 but I did a little extra because I paused half way.
    I got signed up for a Warrior Dash 5k in about a month & I feel SO unprepared! It's not really for competition, more for charity & fun but I think others who are on my team are probably in much better shape.
    Any tips are appreciated! Message me or add me as a friend :smiley:

    My biggest tip is to stretch after you run. It helps. A lot!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Week 7 is done. 2.6 miles in 26 min plus another mile during the warmup and the cooldown :) Last week to do!
    I take my phone with me every time I run outside and have MapMyRun to measure the distance and it shows 56.2 miles since I started to do c25k, but I did some runs on treadmill and I have no records of them.
    Week 8 is done and I graduated from c25k! I already moved to the 8 week plan to prepare for 10k, which involves three days of running, a day of swimming, and two days of strength taining.

  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    I lost my motivation after kinda failing Week 7. I'm re-starting tomorrow at Week 3. This time I'll be following the program with distance instead of time. I'm aiming to run 4 times a week.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    I lost my motivation after kinda failing Week 7. I'm re-starting tomorrow at Week 3. This time I'll be following the program with distance instead of time. I'm aiming to run 4 times a week.

    Glad you are restarting! I was wondering what happened to you and where is everybody.... :)