gelsdon Member


  • I agree with everything Suzaka says... I hit a point where the darn scales stopped moving. My advice is weigh yourself once. Week at the same time on the same day every week. I do first thing on a Monday. Log it every week. I also note it in a spreadsheet and make noted of wjen events are coming up. Helps me to have mini…
  • The best thing I have done recently is spend an hour with a nutritionist. I found it highly interesting. I think we do have to make changes to get what we want with health. For me it was finding the things I'm willing to change (cut down on sugar) and the things I am not (coffee). Good luck !
  • Thank you for your experiences... That helps me a lot... I think going 'cold turkey' was a bad idea... I want to try cutting it down... but some things (like coffee) is hard... where fruit teas might be easier... One step at a time maybe? :-). Again - thank you for the support.
  • A friend said to me he likes to save the bad calories for booze. Which although not a perfect mantra... Has some merits. I think it's all a balance. If you have a good healthy mix most of the time... Then a few weekend drinks should be fine. If you are hitting the take away on the way home too... That's when the calories…