enichols147 Member


  • Ok so my friends and I have decided to workout together everyday with the exception of Sundays. So much pain, but like they say, "no pain no gain." I have, however, been over my calories the past few day, but only by a few. Any workouts my friends and I should try?
  • Hello all! I am back in school now and have kind of restarted my weight loss journey. All the food people brought after the funeral really overwhelmed me because I don't like wasting food. Wish me luck and I'll check in as much as possible in between my studying.
  • These are sold online and at some stores I believe. I got mine online. You keep it on everyday no charging necessary because the battery lasts for about 6 months. You can buy the batteries in bulk at Wal-Mart for about $6.
  • I said the same thing about buying a fitbit, then I found out about Misfit and bought one immediately. I'm a college student and can't afford most stuff that comes my way, so I bought the cheapest one($10). It tracks my sleep, steps and certain workout (running, biking, tennis, etc). It syncs with my S Health and MFP, so…
  • Since I'm still in school I had to go to class today. Luckily this is my last week, so I can relax a bit
  • I want to thank you all for your kind words during this dark time. I'm taking it day by day.
  • So today at around 3am my granny passed away. I haven't dealt with death since my mom died when I was 5. I don't know how to "take the good and positive" out of this situation so to speak. I'm with family and I got out of the house to take my mind off things. It's hard because I talked to her yesterday evening and she said…
  • Tess I'm one step ahead of you. I'll be going to the store to stock the hotel room for those late night cravings
  • Hello all! I have some good news. I have lost 2lbs in the past 4 days! My appetite hasn't been the same as it usually is, but it isn't a bad thing. Thanks for the advice on the Vegas stuff. I can taste the victory in my weight loss journey!
  • I'll be getting alot of walking in that's one great thing
  • Ok so I'll be going to Vegas this weekend and I am in need of ideas to not pig out and stuff my face
  • Tess, I actually started losing the weight after I find out that I was a couple of points away from being prediabetic. Diabetes runs in my family and I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I started logging everything I ate for a week, then reduced my sugar and sodium intake. I portion out my meals and exercise 3-4 times a…
  • Hello! I'm new here. I have been on a roller coaster with my weight loss journey. So far a few months ago when I thought I was losing weight I ended up gaining weight lol I have no idea how it happened. At that point I was at my heaviest (about 238lbs) now I've lost about 20lbs on my own, but it's getting harder. I don't…