Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Ooo boy! Cold and rainy here today. Had to face a pair of jeans. :( These are my "big" jeans and they are tight. There is no denying what is going on here. I think I'm finally going to face the scale this weekend and stop making excuses. I was afraid of this very thing and now it has happened. Why am I so scared to see the scale back in the 160's? It's just a number - but I guess it represents how much I've let myself go and slide again. Trying to remember how excited I will be when the number goes back to the 150's and then the 140's.

    I have got to start getting to bed sooner. I'm not doing anything worthwhile at night - just watching TV and looking at stuff on my laptop. I may have an easier time staying on track and losing weight if I am better rested.

    Good plan for the day. Tracking everything and getting some exercise tonight!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Ali - Oh you must be so happy your mother came through and is now "pink"!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    enichols - so sorry to hear of the loss of your granny. i'm sure it feels as if the rug has been pulled right out from under you. take your time, work through those emotions, do what you need to do for you. we're here if you want to talk/vent. <<<<hugs>>>>
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning...

    Hope everyone is doing well... cool morning... possible rain this afternoon... airing the house out a bit, until it warms up this afternoon...

    Had my appeal hearing for Unemployment, this morning... was over the phone and, thankfully, no one from shelter was on the line...I was so worried about that...I know I won't be approved...I'm not too worried... yes, that extra money would be good... but, since I am working, I'm not going to stress about it...I guess, I just felt I needed once last chance to prove what a jerk the boss is... I've ran into a couple girls, they say things are really bad down there... makes me so sad for the animals...

    Annie - I am exact same as you...I keep telling myself I need to do something, get back on track...I have been stepping on scales, but I definitely don't like the number I see...I really don't think I'm doing horrible...I track every day... according to MFP, my weight should be going down, but I'm higher than I've been in quite a while....I just don't get it... less movement, is a huge thing... I've got to do something about that...

    Sara - stay cool! I'm sure we'll be crazy hot, again... it is August in Mo... usually miserable...

    Ali - hope your Mom is getting better and better...

    enichols- hope you are doing well... right now is the toughest time... enjoy the memories, cry if you need to... don't feel bad if you smile or laugh, she wouldn't want you to be sad...

    SO called last night, to ask if I could let his coworkers dog I pulled in my own drive.. so, I took care of my pups, loaded up my girl and, went back out... the favor, also included making trip this morn... it's less than 10 minutes away, and I would do almost anything for a pup... feel so bad leaving her... she had such a sad look when I left... they will be home, tonight... so, she will be happy

    No plans for today...I'm slightly motivated to do some organizing... that feeling won't last... need to find something to eat and see where that leads me..

    Waves to all...
    Have a great day
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Almost forgot... does anyone use a step tracker on their phone that links with MFP? I was using Pacer and it just stopped... now, it looks like I get no exercise at all...I don't get much, I need those few calories I earn from my steps...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Ali - so glad to hear your mother got through it all ok and is on her way to recovery!

    Sara - how often do you eat oatmeal?

    Dawn - i know it has to be hard sometimes to work there. i know everyone at my vet clinic was so kind to me & family when we lost our George (my avatar). they see the sad, the bad, and the good. one tech told me all in all the good outweighs the bad.

    For anyone looking for more motivation to stick with healthier lifestyle -
    You make a bet that you will lose a certain amount weight in a certain period of time. If you do, you get a payout that is larger than your bet. May end up doing this to get money to work on Jeep.

    Found more issues with my Jeep. Had to order a bunch more parts. Eventually will have to replace the motor. This is getting to be a mighty expensive toy.

    Could not stay asleep last night. Kept waking up over and over. Finally just got up and stayed up. Am getting drowsy at work now.

    Have the Cboys keep the noise level to a minimum. *snuggling pillow on lounge chair to take a nap*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    kathryn - oatmeal for breakfast and if I am lazy too hot or too many calories in day - for dinner.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn- I would say, good does outweigh the bad... and, the Dr's I work for, aren't quick to euthanize...the other day, a couple ladies came in with a dog with lymphoma... they did not want to put her down, but couldn't afford cancer specialist/ chemo or, what to do...Dr C did not suggest euthanasia... she gave them a choice of meds, that may or may not prolong her life and, she will be comfortable...the dog still eats, drinks, plays, just has trouble breathing thru nose and has lumps, but not in much pain...the ones I have seen put down, other than the cat, were in really bad shape and it was the right thing to do...the cat, may have had issues, but looked healthy.. it was the owners decision, Dr just followed their wishes... just made me sad... but, most of the time, they are treated and sent home...I see more vaccinations and wellness checks than sad stories... plus, I get to love on kitties and pups... that makes it worth it
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    I want to thank you all for your kind words during this dark time. I'm taking it day by day.
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Since I'm still in school I had to go to class today. Luckily this is my last week, so I can relax a bit
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - i have a fitbit Alta that syncs with MFP. I used to use the S Health (on samsung galaxy) but I cant carry my phone into a lot of meetings and offices due to security so i would never get credit for most of my steps. A co-worker uses Map My Walk with MFP. Am sure if you looked for a pedometer app, there would be a ton of them. does MFP have a list somewhere of what things they sync with?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - yes, there is a list and that is where I found Pacer...I tried S Health... it was pretty much the same as MFP and I was spending a lot of time logging both... seemed too much to me.. I don't really think the other Apps are right for me...I have Googled free step Apps, but they don't sync with MFP...I would love to get a Fit Bit... just can't afford it...I cleared out some things on my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled Pacer... it is working, for now... thanks for the suggestions... think I just need a better phone...hahaha
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - Glad you got it working again. I couldn't afford a fitbit either but I had joined Pinecone Research a while back. You earn points for each survey you take. I used those points to get a fitbit and extra wristbands (and a crock pot LOL)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn- thanks...I think I just put too much stuff on my phone, is definitely good... and, crock pots are the best!
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    I am so tired. Exhausted. Think I need a vacation.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I am so tired. Exhausted. Think I need a vacation.

    I know that feeling....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    I would love a vacation. A cruise! I want to be on the water. Haven't been since 2013. Too long. The Staten Island Ferry does not count.

    However, I do not wish to resemble a beached whale, so I must lose some more weight first. A mid-goal reward?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Stopping by before Youtube, knitting and lights out.

    Lana - mini goal reward? Hmmm - is this a blank check time or is there limitations to $$$? Books, tickets to a play, horse carriage ride in Central park?

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Lana - hire someone to make meals for you??
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    I am so tired. Exhausted. Think I need a vacation.

    I know that feeling....

    Me too....