Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning, Dog up and fed. More sleep for me?

    Groceries and then home. Laundry today. Nice to have tomorrow off as well (car maintenance).

    I do not know what my weigh in will be tomorrow, but I have had a good week. Kept in "green" all but one day and that is a nice change.

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning...

    Sara- I'm with you, more sleep definitely needed...I only have one day off as I am taking off next Saturday... can't afford to miss the pay...

    Talking to Mom, last night...Gpa is really bad... he is so confused... he said he fell the other day and Mom was there...Mom was not there...he doesn't know what his walker is for... On a good note, Gma did quit her job... but, she is not ready to leave her home, so she will not go to Assisted Living...I've been ready personal stories about people affected by the same disease...Patricia Richardson's (actress) Dad had same disease and he began showing signs, after open heart surgery...Gpa started showing signs, after pace maker was implanted...7 years the point that her Dad began using cane/ walker, they believe he had disease 3- 5 years (as there is no real test to diagnose disease, they can't determine exactly when the disease began) Gpa has used cane for at least 3- 4 years... in saying this, I am starting to think that it may be more progressed than we realize...

    Sorry for the downer so early... just a lot on my mind...

    Going to try for a bit more sleep..
    Have a great day everyone!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning All~~

    Sara - I am glad for you that you have three days off from work. Very nice feeling I bet.

    Dawn - I feel confident that your family will soon find the best care and living situation for your grandfather. I am thinking of your grandmother though. This has to be really tough on her. I don't know her situation, but often spouses have a guilt factor, and they may put the needs of their ill spouse before their own. I hope that your grandmother is able to find what's the best for her at the same time getting your grandfather the best care for him. She has to think long term. I hope she can stay in her house if that's what she wants.


    Today 245.2
    ATH 247.6
    Goal 185
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - thank you... right now, I think Grandma's upset and doesn't really know how to deal with this disease... she is giving up her independence and she truly doesn't want to, but feels she has to...I think she is confused, honestly... hopefully, Mom will figure out something about home health care, soon and it take stress off Grandma...

    Super lazy day, today... just too much on my brain... it's a very nice day out, I can't make myself get out...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Dawn - I hope that you get/got outside for a little while. I forced myself to go outside!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - I just took the dogs out... they loved it, too!
  • tamaroo55
    tamaroo55 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined. I feel tired all the time and not fitting into my looser clothing. Watching the weight get higher. I nwwd to stray getting healthinsurance again. Difficult making good decisions. I eat when i am sad, happy , stressed and bored. I want to make a change and stick to it. Any advise?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Dawn, things have a strange way of working out.

    Picked up dog meds /got dog food and treats. Stayed most of the day inside watching dvd, but nice and sunny so I did get out. Vet was talking to owner about getting dog's weight down. Hard to do when nobody has time to take them on walks. Snacking / feeding on the side - I am also guilty..... Dog would not eat this morning and considering her nickname is Pig - it worried me as she is on medication so I asked the vet when should her next dose be (she eat everything at noon....), will stay up a little later to get her her last meds and then back on schedule with any luck.

    Tamaroo - start with small steps, what is easiest for you to do? Drink more water, get a little more exercise?

    Pita bread pizza is waiting havent made it in awhile hardest part was sauteing mushrooms.

    Will be catching up with Lana under the Palm Tree soon.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - thank you... hope Miss T is back to eating, soon... is it side effect of med?

    Think it is definitely a good night to be under Palm Tree...

    Have a good night, everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Dawn, dog's tummy was upset, she was eating grass this morning on our walk.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - mine have been doing that a lot, lately... but, not been sick.. guess they really like it... hope Miss T feels better, soon..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning,

    Down 1.6 since last week - tom and better eating choices. Lets hope this is a trend.

    Dog is up and eating. I will go back to sleep and eat before dog walk. Car at maintenance so will take banana and string cheese - if they give me longer than 2 hours they can shuttle me home.

    Dog gets allergies and so maybe the stomach has to do with allergies. She is a happy camper today.

    QOTD: What will be working on this week?

    AOTD: Walking breaks and more water.

    Wave to all who follow. It is Monday - so make it the best day you can.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Sorry, I was kind of MIA over the weekend. Just so busy. Did not stick to my guns as much as I would have liked over the weekend. :( Scale was up slightly on Saturday after my good WI on Friday. Haven't checked since. Back on track today. Did have a couple of days that were more active, but definitely took in too many calories yesterday.

    Sara - congratulations on the great WI!

    Busy week at work and at home. Food is pre-planned for the next few days. Thank goodness DH is willing to prep and pre-cook things. Hoping to see the scale go down a bit more before next week's doctor appt. However, it won't be enough. I'll definitely show a gain when I'm there. Hoping if I don't bring it up, she won't bring it up.

    AOTD: Also hoping for walking breaks and staying out of sweets.

    On a positive note, today is Day 41 of no pop!

    Applied for graduation today with my A.A. from local community college. Long story short, I attended a 2 year technical school back in the early 1990s and got my AAS degree. They were not accredited at the time, so when I wanted to transfer credits to pursue my Bachelor's, I learned I would have to start over. :( Many years later, I have finally finished my A.A. Graduation is May 12th. Thinking about starting my Bachelor's this fall. I decided not to walk for graduation, but I will take the day off to celebrate! Drinks and appetizers are part of the plan for that afternoon.

    Enjoy your day,
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Annie good job 41 days!! and great WI Friday. Prep work and planning are so important with good results.

    Like you, I have enough graduate classes for a 2nd MA , but also had transfer problems. You deserve a wonderful celebration for your graduation.

    Sinus headache in the works, so waiting for tylenol to work - strong tea coming up.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited April 2017
    AOTD: Getting walking in, which is a challenge now, but not impossible. Mornings are my strongest time so......
    That's my plan.

    Annie - applause for all of your hard work and your graduation on May 12! This is wonderful!

    Waving to Dawn and Missy and Sherry~~
    Welcome to any new folks or lurkers....

    *flopping onto lounge chair*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    When my appointment was finished today, I decided to try to walk some of the way back home from MSK. I made it to the east side of the Park, then through the Park (what a gorgeous day!), and out the SW corner; stopped at Whole Foods for an (overcooked) chicken, and I walked home. Phone says I clocked 3.2 miles! I calculated that by hand, and it is correct!

    I told a 2.5 hour nap afterwards, but I did it!

    Countered it with a bowl of leftover pasta for dinner. Will do better tomorrow with the starch.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Got nap in and headache is better. Frozen Lasagna for dinner, tea kettle on for hot water bottle (eyes) and later hot chocolate.

    Lana - great job walking!! Did you take chicken home with you? The many things that can be made with chicken......

    Nice to have a 3 day weekend (I get one for Memorial Day next month as well), but have to set up things for work tomorrow.

    Wishing all wonderful evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara/ Annie - Great WI..Stress and TOM are always fun when trying to lose weight...

    Sara - I don't know if allergies make tummy upset...but, I do know allergies can really mess with ya.. poor pup... hope she's not too miserable...

    Annie- congrats on Graduation and no pop! You deserve to celebrate that day!

    Lana - Awesome walk! Beautiful day for it!

  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    MIA this weekend as my 3 brothers and I all gathered in our small hometown in Montana to clean out our parents home of 60+ father passed away 2 years ago and my mother has moved to a near by bigger town where one of my brothers lives to a retirement apartment. So very very long hours of work...we started the weekend by gathering for a big fund raiser for Montana State University (of which we are all alumni) was so fun...but lots of food and lots of beer. And then the weekend had more food and beer and wine.....sigh... I eat when I am stressed and nothing like a few days of packing and moving stuff to cause a stress response. I did weigh in on Friday and had a weight loss of 4.2lbs. Hoping I haven't undone all my work with this weekend. All the same...a good brothers and I get along and we don't fight or carry on about "stuff". We were raised by loving parents who loved each other....and thus the 4 of us have healthy relationships with one another. We know is special to be able to do these big emotionally charged tasks ( my dad's funeral, my mom's move, settling my dad's estate etc) without strife and fighting and bad feelings. We make it fun....wear the silly hats we find, laugh at and with each other, drink wine out of our grandmother's tea cups, sneak things that none of us want into each other's cars and luggage. It's the best. And I am thankful. ....thank you for listening to my ramblings.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning, back to work. Taking a day off usually gives me more than enough to work on. Gifting little chocolate bunnies......Found the heavy tortilla chips for a potluck Thursday at Safeway. I will get a couple of chips and leave the rest of the potluck alone - too many calories.

    Sherry - you are very fortunate that such a stressful time is not double burdened by family drama. Great weigh in as well. Maybe all the moving will counter the wine/food? How did the student training go? Are you full time/part time working?

    Lana, you are doing so well with your walking. Considering the nap you took, are you walking too much? Or is the nap from the treatments.....

    Dawn, dog is back to her regular inhaling of food which is a relief.

    Oatmeal on stove- lurking from work.