Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- good to hear Miss T is back to her old self! Have a great day!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Cubicle neighbor at work it is her last week! Will celebrate with hot chocolate - have the calories.

    One thing about an upset stomach (sinus infection) is that I got to drink 3 extra mugs of water/herbal tea and the coffee that did not help.

    Pita bread pizza for dinner, broccoli instead of onions.

    Nice long shower and will crash out with Miss T under Lana's Palm Tree so Lana can tell me about her day.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Another late check in. Busy day at work. Busy night of homework - both kids and mine.

    Pretty good eating day, except for a couple of sweets I couldn't resist. I need to not buy things and think "I'll just eat one piece." Better to just not buy it at all!

    Frustrated with DH as he is not following a good plan at all. Evidently he is not serious about dealing with his weight and his blood pressure. I have already told him he will be visiting a doctor very soon.

    Also frustrated that our "cash only" system the last two weeks for groceries and gas didn't pan out. Far too many swipes of the debit card a the grocery store and gas station. We have some cash left but it needs to go back into the checking account to cover some of the debit card swipes. Sigh. It is a work in progress. Will try again with this paycheck. Just really wanting to stick with a strict budget so we can have the extra money to pay toward our car.

    Off to drink more water and do more homework!

    Sara - glad to hear Miss Tillie is feeling better.

    Good night,
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    Wow - I almost forgot to check in here today. The days just blend together.
    Another treatment day, followed by another walk, though a bit shorter: 3.8 miles total.
    Another nap. I think the naps will become de rigueur.

    Sara - Cubicle neighbor leaving is a good thing, yes?

    Annie - controlling budgets is tough. Cajolling/reining in/"controlling" spousal units is even tougher.

    Sherry - Congratulations on your good weigh in. It is nice to hear that you and your siblings all get along; I know about the cleaning out of the parents' home. Oy!

    Time for some cereal and then to bed.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning.

    Lana - naps are so wonderful. Enjoy them. You are just racking up the mileage - is the walking allowed/encouraged with your treatments? I have often had oatmeal for dinner just because it was easier.

    Neighbor at work was me at my last job (for the first 6 months of it) in that I talked to myself and the computer and did irritate my neighbors - I did not call out to coworkers 3 cubicles away for help though! She has an interoffice transfer so she has work which is nice.

    Oatmeal is ready and I need to scoot, will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    Good morning All~

    Sara - Will the cubicle get filled with someone else with same job, talking and cursing to themselves and yelling out for help? Crossing my fingers for a quiet neighbor for you.

    The entire MSK team is vocal about getting exercise to 1) counteract the radiation tired feeling (LOL), 2) keep my increasing weight down, and 3) get my system a little pumped up to help to ward off lymphedema in my arm.
    Walking is the only exercise I can get myself to do, and the weather here has been gorgeous with Central Park blooming beautifully - oh the cherry trees!

    I ought to make a batch of oatmeal tonight. Good idea!

    Waves to all who follow.

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    Today - 244.4
    ATH - 248
    Goal - 185
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good morning! Realized I am more than halfway through my week since I am taking Friday off! :) Checked the scale today and I am back where I was last Friday, so that is good after having a gain this weekend. Today and tomorrow are very low carb days, so will be interesting to see if the number on the scale goes down for Friday's WI. Saw picture on Facebook from 3 years ago that made me sad...I was definitely thinner then. Probably in the 140s rather than 154.4.

    Lana - you are doing great with your walking. I am sincerely hoping our weather perks up soon so I can get out and walk more. I almost went last night while it was still light, but the breeze was pretty cold and so I stayed in and did my homework.

    Sherry - congrats on the good WI!

    DS from college comes home tonight. He has an advising and registration day at the local State University tomorrow. He is transferring there next year and will live at home. He may be home through the Easter weekend as he does not have classes on Friday or Monday. Hoping for a nice quiet weekend without any drama.

    My mom actually got a call from my nephew who is in inpatient drug treatment. She said he sounded like he was trying to say all the right things - but even so, she feels his heart is in the right place and he is trying. He's only been there a few days, so time will tell. My sister told my mom that when she first talked with him, his highlights were sleeping in a bed and eating. He said he's eaten more food in the last few days than he can remember eating in a long time. How sad is that? 21 years old. And we actually bought him a bed/sheets/blankets/pillows for Christmas, 2015, when we found out he didn't have a bed. But that was lost when he got kicked out of his apartment, I'm sure. I hope he can associate staying clean and getting a job with having a bed and food.

    Time to get some work done. Make it a great day!


    Today's weight: 154.4
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145

  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Tamara--I find I'm more vulnerable to emotional eating when I haven't slept well. Consider looking at your sleep quality and read about how to improve it.

    If you can find something that is emotionally rewarding or settling for you, maybe try that as a diversion when you get the urge to eat emotionally? Maybe walking the dog or cat makes you feel good because you're interacting with your pet. Maybe knitting settles you down because of its repetitive nature. Try to identify something you can do for 10-20 minutes at a time to see if that relieves the emotional state that prompts snacking. You can always eat something afterward if it turns out you are actually hungry not just stressed.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    *blink, blink-blink*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Cant decide dinner, so oatmeal it is. With hot chocolate and fig newtons (2) afterwards.

    Lana - 1) the position that lady had will not be filled, but that doesnt mean someone wont sit there and that person is "out" until the end of the month..... what an early Christmas present. 2) walking and getting out side also helps if the weather has been yucky. Glad Central Park has been obliging. At one point to save money (20 years ago) I would walk home to where I lived at the time through the State Capitol which was so pretty and took like 5 blocks that it helped make the walk not so long. Keep up the good work.

    Will meet up with Lana under Palm Tree soon. Miss T lays at my feet waiting to go.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning.

    Potluck at work, taking tortilla chips - picnic theme. I brought lunch. Will take a couple of tortilla chips and leave well enough alone.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale continues to go down! 153.8 this morning! I haven't seen 153 since Thanksgiving. I guess what I'm doing is working. Now to see if I can continue. Will try to make long weekend mostly on-plan. Easter dinner certainly will not be, but will not overdo it. Hoping I can get some walks in this weekend, too.

    Day 44 of no pop!

    Last day of work for this week. Looking forward to sleeping in the next couple of days. Will find time to color Easter eggs with the kids. We may catch a matinee movie on Saturday. Monday is also a day off, although I am going to go to work for a couple of hours in the morning for a big all-staff meeting. I want to hear what is said first-hand.

    Will check back later. Have a great day!


    Today's weight: 153.8
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey there Girls~~

    I confess, I asked the Cabana Boys to start Happy Hour early. It's been a long week, and today was LONG with amazing BC group support meeting. Lots of troubles aired, as usual, but one lady came in--10 year survivor. She cheered us up! She is 70 and gorgeous and such a positive spirit.

    IPHone says I walked just over 3 miles today. Yay!

    Annie - I am amazed and so happy for you that is has been Day 44 without pop. What are your plans about pop for after Easter? I do feel slightly rude asking, but it's under the general thing of Be Prepared! and Planning is Everything. Said by She Who Rarely Plans.
    And CONGRATULATIONS on the great number on the scale! Super!

    Sara - Just checking: the cubicle next to yours is not more desirable than your cubicle? Is it time for a land-grab?
    You never know......

    Lana, hoping for a foot massage soon......

    Today 244.6
    ATH 248.2
    Goal 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna in toaster oven.

    Lana - if I took her cubicle I would be closer to the 2 chattiest offices in the area - no thank you!! Glad you have a BC support group, excellent walking.

    Dog is not doing her normal walks it may be too cold..... made it with 4 calories to spare today.

    Annie - good job with 44 days of no pop!

    Found there are 3 consignment/thrift shops on one street so if I go on Saturday it will improve the chance that I might find jeans and maybe something else.....

    Hook me up with one of those foot massages too!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited April 2017
    Something to consider - leaving memo on cb board

    Making a Basic Piña Colada (Easy Method)
    Put 1 cup of crushed ice in a blender. ...
    Add 1 oz. of coconut cream to the blender. ...
    Add 2 oz. of white rum to the blender. ...
    Add 3 oz. of pineapple juice to the blender.
    Blend the ingredients together. ...
    Pour the piña colada into a glass.
    Garnish. ...

    Here is another one.....

    Peach Fuzz recipe. Add limeade to a blender half-filled with ice cubes. Pit and slice to medium ripe peaches, and add, with the vodka, to the blender. Blend, pour into a margarita glass, and serve.

    Okay now you know what may be served under Lana's Palm tree tonight with foot massages....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    Oh my!
    I had a Pina Colada AND a Peach Fuzz!
    Two hour nap!

    Now waiting for Chinese food delivery. I ordered two things to make it cover 3 days.

    Why does it feel like Friday? I must remember that tomorrow is still another day of things to do before weekend!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited April 2017

    Good morning,

    Fruit/veg box came in - what was I thinking? Mandarin oranges - I thought it said 1 not one pound.... Have apples and onions/sweet potatoes for week. Carrots and Gold Beets round out package.

    Rained so hard at lunch yesterday that I could see the people slowing down on the freeway! That takes doing. They dont show rain tomorrow which makes Thrift store shopping more inviting. Easter egg hunters may get wet though. :/

    Had tortilla chips and a little egg salad from potluck and left well enough alone, gave rest of chips to coworker. Not safe in the house.

    Knitting baby hats with yarn so soft that I wondered what I could make myself, fellow knitter gave me an idea that may not take too much yarn and be very comforting without killing my budget...

    Oatmeal almost done and I need to scoot. Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work. TGIF!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    Flying through.......


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Another pound gone on the scale this morning! 152.8 for the official WI! I guess we will keep doing this plan and I will try my best not to ruin it over the weekend. Eating steel cut oats with strawberries for breakfast. May have one cup of coffee.

    Day off. Stayed in bed until 8:30. :) Need to get to the bank and probably get some groceries today. DS has piano lesson this afternoon and we have Good Friday service at church tonight. We may color Easter eggs, as well.

    Might be nice enough for a walk outside today.

    DS in college got all registered for next year at the local State University. Surprised us by expressing interest in an Information Systems major. So, still Business but related to IT. We'll see if it sticks...

    Lana - I have been thinking about the end of Lent and pop. I think I am going to try to stay way from it except an occasional treat at the movies or a restaurant. It is saving me money and calories. Possibly inches, too. ;)

    Time to get the kids in the shower.

    Will BBL!


    Today's weight: 152.8
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good job Annie!!

    Dog took full walk today so I blame the weather.

    Sounds like another oatmeal dinner here.

    At work bbl