Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi Lana! Hi Sara! Hope you had a good day!

    Annie - hope you can get the therapist situated with DS... that's gotta be so frustrating... good luck with the diet...I have tried, just can't stick to certain diets... that one would be hard for me... hope you can stick to it and get great results!
    Any good news on your nephew? Good thoughts for him, as well...

    Sherry - glad you had a good day! I'm sure, working with students can be trying at times...

    Today was not a very good food day... co worker brought Taco Bell...I get it so seldom, I just can't turn it down...I did stop myself from eating as much as I really wanted... so, I guess that's a plus..

    Gotta find something not so terrible for dinner...
    Have a good night, everyone...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good evening,

    Our department did well last month so today was free cookies - I split one with someone and tomorrow is pizza day. Not sure if I will partake or get a seriously small piece.

    Sherry - bamboo clover circular 8 and 6 sizes - 6 is dinky so I may cast onto straight needles and transfer. Co worker warned about twisted stitches and I said that was the least of my worries. Co worker has the interchangeable sets (she got many at thrift stores), not sure I need that many sizes and thrift store is the only price I can afford right now, but Lana and her knitting group talk about the circular interchangeable needles as well.

    Chicken fried rice (brown rice no egg - got lazy) with extra broccoli for dinner.

    I could give up coffee, but no tea? Not so sure.

    We are all trying our best and we post, that is sometimes the best we can do.

    Wishing all a good evening. Will meet up with Lana in the sun under the Palm Tree - Tillie misses the cboys so we are on our way.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    It was a good day. Stuck with it. Massage felt great. Eyes felt pretty dang good today. Until tonight. Skin around eyes are seriously itchy tonight. It's not the eyes themselves. Wondering why? Am I allergic to my house? My pets? My kids? (Haha) :)

    Nephew was supposed to have two calls today with possible inpatient treatment facilities, both in MN. I know there is one in FL they are also contacting. Hoping someone has an opening for him very soon. Nephew is staying with a friend. Sounds like he is being pro-active about being in contact with parole officer and drug testing. My sister has said he is scared right now and more willing to look at treatment. His father (sister's ex) wants to wait for court to order inpatient treatment but that hearing isn't until the end of May. Sister wants to "strike while the iron is hot" and get something done now. But it all depends on if anyone has availability.
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    Well it's only 8pm here in Montana...but I am snuggled into bed to read. Had a rough afternoon....I have a 13 year old son who is giving us a run for our money...great kid but just gets himself into trouble sometimes. Stressful. I really think he will be OK in the end. But boy did I want to have more than my one glass of wine...and I wanted to eat ALL THE CHOCOLATES. instead I am in bed. Or I could have gone for some of Arnes taco bell!! Yum.

    Asalner....hope they find a spot for your nephew. Positive thoughts for your family.

    Tilliesmom...enjoy your new needles. I love knitting in the round. I am make socks right now on size 1 double points. A bit tedious but love the self striping yarn I got.

    Will check in tomorrow. Thanks for being so welcoming to me.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sherry - fly by Taco Bell delivery for you... good for you, staying strong... hope things settle down with your son... teen years can be so trying...

    Annie - good for your Sister being pro active....I think it's better to try to get a jump on what the court may order..
    End of May is long enough that he could slip easily, instead of getting the help he desperately needs... hope they can find a place...

    I am so ready for Spring to be over... so many storms and tornados... so far, no real close tornados... but, boy the storms are so loud and upsetting... pup is lying between SO and myself... she won't get much rest, tonight (along with SO or myself)

    Hope everyone has a safe evening...
    - Dawn
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Sherry - fly by Taco Bell delivery for you... good for you, staying strong... hope things settle down with your son... teen years can be so trying...

    Annie - good for your Sister being pro active....I think it's better to try to get a jump on what the court may order..
    End of May is long enough that he could slip easily, instead of getting the help he desperately needs... hope they can find a place...

    I am so ready for Spring to be over... so many storms and tornados... so far, no real close tornados... but, boy the storms are so loud and upsetting... pup is lying between SO and myself... she won't get much rest, tonight (along with SO or myself)

    Hope everyone has a safe evening...
    - Dawn

    Stay safe!

    I am hoping for spring weather....we had snow flurries yesterday and some places got several inches....but we never have to worry about tornados. Here's hoping we all have some nice weather tomorrow!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Sherry - I love your colorful happy photo!

    Dawn - I hope the storms ease for you soon. I want spring to last because New York City summers stink--literally.

    Annie - Good luck with your FM Diet. Maybe get some good decaf? With my old strange heart problems, I now make coffee that is 1/6 caffeinated French Roast and 5/6 Decaf Espresso Roast. Just the smell and flavor get me going in the mornings.
    I hope you and DH do well with this.

    Sara - Tillie took the Cabana Boys for a walk somewhere....I'll have to tuck myself in tonight.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited April 2017
    Lana - had to give dog flea meds so I am in the dog house tonight which means I will also be tucking myself in.....

    Sherry - rain predicted Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday again......we have had drought for so many years that we dont remember we can get hit with rain until end of May - we are 10 inches over normal for the year that may be part of it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Paper lady has been here at 3am both days this week. May just set alarm and go back before starting. Dog is taken care of food and meds.

    I have spray for her areas she chews and so at the moment things are quiet. Flea meds from vet takes care of fleas so well, that I have not had the problem I had when I first got my cat in the 1980's and did not know about fleas - that was an ongoing nightmare....

    Will lurk from work and wave to all who follow. Back for more sleep here.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Okay, up for 2nd time lunch is made, oatmeal on stove and I changed into a lighter top last days of 70's for awhile 60's to upper 50's for next 5 day forecast and we are in wind warning for next day or so. May just refill hot water bottle while I wait for oatmeal.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Great news! I received word last night that my nephew will be going to an inpatient program either today or tomorrow! He will stay in MN. Such an answer to prayer!

    Cloudy, cooler, with possible rain today. Eyes are feeling a bit better this morning, but I think it's time to see a doctor. Just trying to or optometrist? I'm thinking an optometrist can take a good look and prescribe stronger drops, if needed. Sheesh! DD asked me again today if I'm even wearing makeup! Which I am, although lighter, neutral shades than usual and no eye liner.

    Realized I haven't reported in awhile that this is Day 36 of no pop! Checked the scale this morning and I'm at 155.4, which seems to be where my body wants to sit right now. I should have checked Monday before I started this new diet to see the change. As I said before, I don't think it will last because now today DH could not stand to eat the breakfast - which was egg whites mixed with spinach, garlic, onions. He's not a "first thing in the morning" eater and on this plan you are supposed to eat within 30 minutes of waking up. And he didn't like the flavor or texture of the eggs. :( I told him I think it's time to look into doing something else as so far he has not liked half of what we have eaten. It is not sustainable if you don't like the food and recipes!

    Better get some work done. Will check back later!


    Today's Weight: 155.4
    All-Time High: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Broke down and called my dad and stepmom's optometrist. Have an appt for 7:40 a.m. tomorrow. I had held off putting any eye drops in my eyes in case I would see someone today. But since it won't be until tomorrow, I just put some Alaway in! Hoping the doctor can give advice and possible a prescription tomorrow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Survived the night... yay... wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be...

    Lana- I love Spring... just don't like the storms that come with it.. and, they usually last until end of May...

    Annie- so wonderful your nephew is getting help...I hope it is a good place and he gets the help he needs... good thoughts for him and you to get relief from allergies...I know how miserable they are... even more so now that I'm working with cats...

    Sara - fleas are such a pest... it seems the stuff I use, only lasts a couple weeks instead of the 30 days it's supposed to... so frustrating...

    Another cold and rainy day....
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    - Dawn
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Almost forgot to check in! Long day~~

    Annie - glad to hear about nephew. Sorry to hear about the diet and DH. I hope that you both can give at least a week. I looked around online yesterday, and I couldn't find a lot about it, except that it is a lot of cooking prep and dishes to wash. In the long run, most weight loss programs do come down to calories in and exercise, so I hope you can have success with it even if you don't "do it" 100% correctly.

    My old Weight Watchers leader used to say that we don't have to be A+ Weight Watchers; we just have to keep at it as best we can, and we will likely get passing grades and slowly lose the weight.

    The Cabana Boys are cheering you on!

    Waves to Sara and Dawn and Sherry and Missy and any new peeps who might pop in~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Went to put frozen lasagna in toaster, none there- I ate them already. Frozen fried rice to the rescue.

    Pizza for lunch to celebrate our department success. I had a chocolate biscotti with my coffee instead. It was cheap pizza that smelled worse as it sat. I have gotten picky from WW , it has to be worth it.

    Made an appointment to get a paint finish applied to my car (every 6 months) for Monday so I will take Monday off. I have an early appointment and will take knitting and reading or if it takes longer, they can shuttle me home.

    We have a picture to take at work for Supervisor who is leaving, so I am making sure my hair looks okay - not sure about makeup yet......

    Dog is doing better, and it is time for her walk. I put our bedding in washer (helps with flea control) so we get a nice warm blanket later...... Crawling to lounge chair next to Lana - looking forward to drinks that are worth drinking.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    A quote to think about-

    You are what you eat, so don't be Fast,Cheap, Easy, or Fake. - unknown
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    I cam first thing this morning to say good morning....and in my true to self ADHD fashion I got distracted....any whoooo.....hello hello!

    Hope you all had a great day. Mine was a little blah at the front end....I have been in a bit of a funk emotionally lately. Just some pressure of life....*sighs and gives side eye to the IRS* .

    But then I got a cut and color and feel much better....brightened my outlook considerably. I may have to pay a stupid amount of taxes this year but I am going to look damn fine doing it!

    My daughter Grace and I worked on designing her high school graduation announcements for this june. My baby is 18..and going off to Montana state in the fall.

    Good day with food....had a little spot where I wanted all the food. Just all of it. But started working on the tax stuff again and then the graduation items and it distracted me a bit.

    Off to bed.....gonna be teaching the student nurses tomorrow so have to be well rested....they keep me on my toes.

    Hopping there are not tornadoes and that it's warm and sunny where ever you are tomorrow.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning, rain here until probably Sunday - just started as I was taking dog out for first pit stop.

    Finding if I dont eat all my calories I get from walking- I am still okay and not starving. Maybe that is what will help.

    Sherry - training is exhausting as you work out of 2 brains (the one with the knowledge and the one trying to translate the knowledge to help train). Hope you take good protein snacks- egg/nuts/cheese/humus.

    Picture at work and hair is obliging - it doesnt always- I can hide the white streaks by having a tousled hair look. Too lazy/cheap to get it done sooner. This month budget is so tight it was not a choice.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow. I second Sherry - no tornadoes today.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    at work, dawn if you get the paper, see MUTTS in the comic strip section - lets hope that is not in your area.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    edited April 2017

    Trip to eye doctor went well. Prescribed steroid drops for two weeks and then back to the OTC drops I had been using. He'd like me to keep using the OTC drops until June when the worst of allergy season should be over. First drops are on board giving weird taste at back of throat. I failed to read directions first and apparently I am supposed to put the drop in the eye, apply pressure to inner corner of eye to keep the drops in my eye, and then keep my head back and eye closed for 1-2 minutes. Oops! I'll do it right the next time. Eyes burn a bit from the drops but that is a common side effect and should go away. Please don't tell me these drops will cause more problems!

    Scale was very kind today = 154.4! That is the lowest number I have seen since early December. I'm going to log that in MyFitnessPal!!! Not quite following the exact plan today - rather than having an egg white scramble with spinach and mushrooms this morning I just had one whole egg. Snacks, lunch, supper will be the same as yesterday. DH and I are talking about how we can find foods that fit the criteria for this diet without making all of their weird recipes. It is a lot of prep and dishes!

    Nephew is dropped off at treatment facility. My sister said he cried when she was getting ready to leave. He is scared...and who wouldn't be finding yourself in that place in life? I'm sure he never thought anything like this could happen to him...even if that's the road he headed down.

    Time to get some work done since I got to work late. Beautiful day here today. Enjoy!


    Today's weight: 154.4
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145