Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Annie - Congratulations on super weigh in! Good for you. Keep doing what you are doing--it is working for you. Yes, stay away from the pop/corn syrup. I don't like that stuff. My DH had such trouble with it; I think he stays completely away from it now. It just makes you want more and more bad carbs.
    I'm a little lost though with remembering your College DS's story: Is he currently at local State University or at different school? I do not know Minnesota at all, sadly, so the references to the schools doesn't stick.

    Sara - What will you make yourself with the super soft yarn? Glad Miss Tillie got her whole walk in. Good girl!

    Time for a long nap. I had the most awful dream last night: I dreamt I was at work, backstage in theater during a rehearsal, and I did not have any clothes on from the waist up. Somehow, no one noticed in the dark, and I managed to grab a man's shirt off of a costume rack and put it on. Gah. Must be anxiety about going back, if ever.
    I was SO relieved when I woke up from it and realized it was just a bad dream. But then I couldn't get back for more sleep.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lana - sorry about the bad dream. Wishing you happy dreams instead!

    Backstory - DS is currently attending a small private college that is about 30 minutes away from home in a neighboring town. Will be transferring to State University in our city and will live at home. I work for the State University System and he will have 16 credits of tuition waived each year he attends the State U.

    Day turned a little south with pizza for lunch. But supper will be burgers on the grill and brussels sprouts. Lots of water.

    Kind of headachy and backachy today. Weather is turning as rain moves in tonight/tomorrow.

    Didn't get a walk in - but I did take DS shopping for a couple of new shirts. Got myself a new top along with new necklace and earrings. Lots of styles of shirts still don't look good on me. It's no wonder I don't buy much or I just buy the same styles.

    DS is going out with friends tonight, so will save Easter egg coloring for tomorrow. I think tonight I will attempt to make tender Italian sugar cookies with Easter-egg colored icing to serve after church on Easter.

    Heading to Good Friday service soon.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Oatmeal on tap for dinner. Just is easiest and dishwasher is running, so I cant hear stove sounds......

    Worked a project for Sup and printed about 400 claims that hope to get paid. Kept me busy and out of trouble.

    Love those nude/seminude dreams, just consulted one of my dream interpretation books, no too helpful.

    New neighbor at living space I think is a younger man, polite, we shall see.

    Time to crash with dinner and Miss Tillie under the Palm Tree. Wishing all a good evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all... sorry I haven't been around... whatever is wrong with my wrist, has been making it difficult to type for very long periods of time...

    I got a call, yesterday that Gpa was admitted to hospital... today, I got a call that I needed to come home... he said he was ready to go...I made it and he's still here... but, I don't think it'll be long... he won't be going home... if he leaves hospital, he'll go to hospice care...I can only hope he goes soon... he wouldn't want to be like this...

    Sorry for the sadness...
    Will check in some time...
    Hope everyone is well...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn, sending good thoughts for you and your family. Do you have a wrist brace and do you have health insurance to see a Doctor?

    Dog is up and fed. Will go to the Thrift Store in a nearby town (20 minute drive) as the thrift stores in my area are dodgy. Nice that I have lost enough weight that it is easier to find 14/16 pants than 18/20 pants.

    Will stop by later - wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Sara- thank you for good calls thru the night, so that is a good thing.. sort of...we don't want to let him go, but don't want him to live life as he is... Will go see him, soon...
    No Insurance... can't afford it... so, I just self diagnose and suffer...I do have a brace that I thought was helping... but, since switching positions at work, the brace almost seems to make it worse...I almost think that it may be a cyst...I have a small knot, next to the bone, and I've known people that have those and they are cyst... really not sure, but boy does it hurt and make things difficult...
    Have fun thrift store shopping! It's always nice when you go down in pant size! I have to stay out of our thrift store, spend way too much money on things I don't need (our shelter is funded by a thrift store that is on our property... yikes)

    I'm going to go... rest of house is quiet, but I'm sure Mom will be up soon and call Uncle to check on Gpa... he's stayed at hospital, last 2 nights with Gpa...

    Everyone have a good day...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Annie - if DS studies at State, it sounds to me that half his tuition will be waived, which would be amazing in this day and age. College is very expensive, so this is really good!

    Sara - I'm hopping in your car to go shopping. I'm just coming for the ride; they never have tall clothes to fit me, but maybe I'll find some pretty knick knack!

    Dawn - The sooner your grandfather can be signed up with a hospice entity the better because they can withdraw certain medications that keep the ailing body alive, and a person can then peacefully pass away. Don't know how this would work with your grandfather's conditions. Hospice can operate (they and their doctors become the primary medical care) regardless of where the person is at any moment (hospital, home, nursing home, assisted living), at least in New York State that's how it is. Hugs to you.

    Waves to Missy and Sherry and anyone who pops in to say hello~~

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - right now, they are discussing Rehab... but, only if there is improvement by Sun (tomorrow) so far, there is no real improvement... if none, then he will go to Hospice... as far as meds to help keep him alive, I really don't know if he is on any... there's not much on his board...I just don't know... uncle said he slept a little, last night... he never stops moving... ever... he has an alarm on his bed, because he constantly tries to get out of bed... they can't even give him a sedative, because of side effects... one being,if racing heart and they don't want that because of pace maker...I just want him to be at peace... it breaks my heart...

    Will be heading to hospital, soon..
    Have a good day
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited April 2017
    Between errands -will wait for you in the car Lana - you are always welcome.

    Dawn - hospice is twofold - allows a certain list of medication not allowed up until "hospice" is signed off but it also sends a team of people to care for him (nurses etc) - all to keep him in the most comfort possible. Not staying in bed is a real tough one - they may medicate to get his symptoms in control. Hospice is such a blessing.

    Wrist- do you have a new computer mouse? That alone caused a cyst on the side of my wrist. Chances are you cant get a new one (mouse) at work, but can you bring one in from home that works better or you? Ice and rest if nothing else.

    Details on thrift store shopping later. Got 2 beautiful orange bell peppers for pizza (chicken sausage and bell pepper) and fried rice (tomorrow and for this week in freezer.

    Lets think about what will do to keep next week from going too far off track.....

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Back from shopping- Lana they had Tall sizes in jeans!!

    I got 3 tops, 1 pair of jeans, a sweater "set" , a skirt and an costume jewelry necklace ($3.00 donation I added) -- out the door $30.00 . Bought sweater set, one of the tops and necklace to go with the pink rose in the skirt. Jeans are the pencil kind from knees down, will have to get used to that. They are washed and hanging up or hanging to dry. They open at 9am and I will see if a couple of people I know want to go next time.

    Nice when in between sizes and I dont want to buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Pita bread pizza in toaster, chicken sausage, orange bell pepper and broccoli, hot chocolate and fig newtons (2) for dessert.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale was up 1.2 lbs today. :( Back to 154. Didn't feel like I ate too badly yesterday. Too many carbs today between cookies and bread. Got groceries, baked cookies, colored Easter eggs. Spent most of the day on my feet. Getting ready for our Easter tradition of watching The Ten Commandments on ABC! Sitting down with a rootbeer beer.

    Have to decide what I'm wearing for church and then Easter gathering at my in-law's. Weather will be sunny but cooler (60 degrees for a high) and windy. I think a dress for church but pants for the afternoon as we will be outside for an Easter egg hunt. Something lighter but long sleeved. Will need to iron DS's new shirt. Purchased wine for tomorrow. Our favorite wine was on sale, so we bought two bottles. :)


    Today's weight: 154.0
    All time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145.0

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Up with dog and paper. Dog is finished and I will dive back under covers.

    Groceries, making food for meals /snacks. Quiet day here. Knitting and napping with any luck.

    Wishing all a good Easter.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Morning -
    Very good night, last night...Gpa pretty much slept thru the night and still resting... first time in 3- 4 days.... unfortunately, they can not give him anything to help him rest, because of disease and his heart... so, it's been a constant battle, trying to get him to relax... guess his body finally won out over his mind, and he was able to sleep... blood sugar is scary low, but he hasn't eaten but a few bites here and there, since at least Thur... waiting on breakfast, now... hospice is coming to talk to family at 11:00...I may be able to sit in and listen, but not say anything... they are only going to do what makes him comfortable...we are all ok with that... just want him to be at peace..

    One good thing about being at hospital... lots of walking... not such good food choices... although, I do have a NSV...i put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn since last year (they were very uncomfortable, then) and they fit pretty good, yesterday...I was able to wear them all day and be comfortable... plus!

    Gonna go for now...
    Hope everyone has a great day... not too much Easter candy...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Dawn- love your NSV! Glad you Grandfather is sleeping and fingers crossed eating.

    Groceries- done
    Hard boiled eggs - in sink, done
    Roasted Vegetables, carrots and beets - done
    Sweet potatoes - still in oven.

    Meals today include premade salad, eggs with fried ham and sweet potatoes with carrots/beets.

    Couple trips to the garbage bin and get a cup of coffee, then I am in for the day knitting/napping.

    New Shower Curtain rod like the ones in hotels may be installed today.

    Will lurk during the day.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- thank you... was very surprised with NSV..sounded like you found good deals at thrift store... love thrift shopping

    Gpa had a really good breakfast... not sure about lunch as I left hospital for a bit... but, he was ready to eat when we left...
    Family is going to look at nursing homes, tomorrow...I hate the thought of him being in a home, but it's only way he can get 24 hr care...he is still insisting he will be gone by next week... as incredibly hard as that is to hear, if it means he's not suffering, I will be ok...

    Will go visit him a bit and then, have to head back home...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Dawn - glad you got to spend with your grandfather. Nursing homes for someone with 24 hour needs is the best bet as hospital staff is spread too thin.

    Missy! Why do we eat the ears first?? (because it is the easiest...).

    Did get a nap in and raining hard so the morning/mid day easter egg hunts were okay.

    Jane Austen movie time, will make fried rice after dinner to freeze, so 4 meals in freezer with 2 frozen lasagna. Nice to be ahead of the game a little.

    Wishing all a great evening (early).
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    ....Happy Easter All~~

    Sara-- good to hear about your clothing finds at the store~~

    Missy - Is that you on that bicycle in your photo! Wow!

    Annie - Hope you are having a great day~

    Dawn - Excellent to hear about your NSV with jeans. Hoping for the best for your grandfather.

    I walked over 3 miles today, and I lived to tell about it! It was in the high 80s in the City today.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning, Good news and bad news

    Good news - weigh in is "0" change - keep doing what I did last week with hard boiled eggs and stick cheese.

    Bad news - It is Monday. Woke up and for a moment was wondering if it was Sunday. No such luck.

    Eat breakfast and curl up under covers with dog.

    Wishing all a great day. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Indeed it is MONDAY ! :s

    Off and running for the usual appointment. Then I must do some laundry--usually a killer day at the laundromat. Maybe I should put it off until tomorrow? There will be less people tomorrow. That's it; decision made. Will walk home for exercise instead.

    Weight is not good. Serial Starting again today.
