Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Didn't dare look at the scale after the Easter treats and foods this weekend. Started fresh today. Skipped the coffee. Made my breakfast based on fast metabolism diet. Will do the same for lunch and supper. Off work today but had to come in for a 2 hour meeting. Will be helping DD with homework this afternoon and possibly doing some of my own. Will bring DS back to college sometime later today, as well.

    Easter was nice. Got a 2 mile walk with dog and averaged under a 16 minute mile! That's a step forward after my back and hip flexor issues this winter. Wore my smallest pair of capris yesterday afternoon. They gave me a good muffin top but the top I was wearing hid it. Goal is to wear those without a muffin top.

    Trying not to stress about doctor appt tomorrow. Appt isn't until 10:15, so will not fast for bloodwork. I simply want my heart meds refilled. Weight will be up from last year, but it is what it is. I doubt doctor will say anything and neither will I.

    Now, to stay out if the kids' Easter candy and possibly get another good walk with dog. Lots of water!

    Will check back later.

  • shaneozouf
    shaneozouf Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a bit of a serial starter, I'd like to break that habit though and fully get into it. My biggest problem is that I tend to lose the ability to post over the camping season. Which is a bit like grabbing a double edged blade, by the blade. Not only does Camping tend to provide the worst possible food, but tracking is also difficult because of lack of reception. . . Oh woes me.

    Anyone feel free to send me a friend invite. I'm trying to build up friends so that I can stay committed.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good news...Gpa is doing much better..I know it's not permanent... but, after the last 4 days, the fact that he's improving at all is a blessing. He fed himself breakfast, this morning. First time in days, he's been able to feed himself. He is going to nursing home for at least 20 days for rehab, then depending how he's doing, he may get to go home...he will still need 24 hr care, but I think Hospice will come in and help...he actually agreed to going to the home. We thought he would fight it. It's less than 2 minutes from their house, so that's a huge plus...

    Back to work, tomorrow... I'm so exhausted... dreading going back, but gotta do it...

    Scale is down... huge surprise... need to keep myself on track (always so tricky)

    Everyone have a good evening..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen Lasagna in toaster.....

    Dawn! What good news. Rehab will give the Dr's a great idea of what is your grandpa's best options. Phew huge sigh of relief. Love your scale news. Good girl

    Lana - you know we love details, so what will you be working on in your next chapter of Serial Starters?

    Hard boiled egg and string cheese back in the menu was a good move for me right now.

    Looking for comfort tonight. With Miss T and hot chocolate under Lana's Palm Tree - foot massage please.....

    *dog smiling at Cboys - she has it so easy.....
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Evening check in

    Did well until mid-afternoon when I took DS shopping for new tennis shoes. We stopped at a new Irish Pub for a snack and there went my diet for the day. Grrr. And just in time for doctor appt tomorrow.

    Lots of water. No supper needed. Back on track as of now.

    Dawn - great news on your Grandpa and the scale!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    One more food I will not settle on = granola for my greek yogurt. I had been buying a cheaper granola and found it had more sunflower seeds than anything else. So for now I am buying better granola.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thank you all... such a relief Gpa is doing better... he is still very confused and that will never get better... but, at least he is getting help and, may be able to go home..

    Annie - you may have ate something not on plan... but, at least you didn't continue to spiral downward with bad dinner choices... tomorrow's a new day...

    Sara - I know what you mean about needing comfort... such a stressful weekend for me... just wanna spend the entire week in bed...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed and waiting for oatmeal.

    Dawn - hospital stays can be confusing by themselves - new medicines, you lose a sense of time, too many people in and out. Your grandfather when he is settled into a routine may be less confused - but glad he is doing okay.

    Annie - hope your Dr apt goes well.

    Lana - how is your world?

    Missy - how is the new job going?

    Good chance of rain through Thursday, so dog walks are a coin flip. Dental cleaning this afternoon. Losing some of my "easy" work and doing something else. There can be easy work in this new work file as well, so the less I complain the better.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale was at 153.8 this morning, so not as bad as I feared after the weekend. Crockpot oatmeal this morning - made especially for my daughter who has her MCA standardized testing beginning today. I probably should not have eaten it as it has dairy and a small amount of brown sugar in it (which is against my fast metabolism diet) but I figured it wasn't the worst choice.

    Lots of rain today. DH just surprised me with a new umbrella. We couldn't find any at home and I believe we probably threw them out as they were all getting broken. He knew I had to head out to the doctor and out at lunch, so brought me a new umbrella to get me through the day. :) He's a keeper!

    More later!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Annie - you do indeed have a DH who's a keeper. That was a very thoughtful thing to do! Cheers for the good weight number and I like the No Muffin Top goal. You know--it's a nice change from always just looking at the scale number. Thumbs up!

    Sara - My world is now very tiring. I went for treatment today, then walked from the hospital over to the Park, then through the Park, popped out at the bottom near Whole Foods, bought some milk and ham and two items from Field Roast to possibly share with vegetarian friend James. Then took subway home. Phone says 2.7 miles.
    Crashed out for a long nap.

    Dawn - Sara's right about grandfather and getting him home where he can sleep and orient himself better. In my father's last year on this planet, we rapidly learned that the hospital was the WORST place for him. It made him a mess mentally because of the sleep deprivation.

    Waving to Missy - Zooming all around the beach on her bike. The Cabana Boys never know where she is going to pop up next~~

    I think it's time to face the laundromat for small load of clothes. Now where is my wig?

    Lana, praying that Miss Tillie doesn't have the good wig~
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Whew! Survived my dr appt. Scale said 155 which was a gain from last year, I'm sure, but he didn't mention it. He did ask me about if I'm getting any exercise and I told him I am getting back into some regular walking now that back/hip are feeling better.

    We talked about my eyes and he prescribed a different allergy medicine, Singulair, which is for asthma but also for seasonal allergies. It does not contain an antihistamine. So, I will try for 30 days and let him know what I think. Otherwise I think he'll have me stay on the Claritin.

    He will put in a lab slip for me to stop in another day for a fasting blood draw for glucose and cholesterol. Both of those have been fine in the past. He also wants to check my thyroid to be sure it is not low. Apparently 20% of women end up with thyroids that stop working and my eye issues could be a symptom of that. Who knew? It could account for difficulty losing weight, as well. But I doubt it will come back abnormal.

    Treated myself to a mocha coffee but otherwise sticking to my plan today.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Checked on Gpa after his first night at nursing home... he did ok, but having an off day, today... didn't know his youngest daughter... it's just going to be an uphill battle

    Lana - sorry days are so tiring... good you are able to walk home from treatments... nothing wrong with long nap...I coulda used one, today...

    Annie - oatmeal can't be so bad... better than donuts or some other junk food easy to grab for breakfast...

    Really don't have much of an appetite, last few days.. so much stress and a bit of depression... hope to bounce back, soon...

    Have a good evening all...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Annie - good doctor appointment. Hope the Singulair helps out!

    Dawn - Sending you some hugs and cheerful vibes to give you a boost. I understand about the stress and the depression. Hoping grandfather will settle in in a few days, get some much-needed rest, and feel a bit improved.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Dental appointment first time in long time where there were no "5" spots, so Amazon shopping for me - no food.....

    Tomorrow off for hair/nails - jewelry family comes twice a year to work and will be there Thursday, so if I am meant to have it, it will still be there.

    Got acknowledged by company for chemotherapy hats. Not everyone in my department gets acknowledged so..... I am working with my supervisor on a project that can have huge positive long term effects.... so glad to be part of something that will help us. Running out door for dental appointment so I wrote a very concise message to supervisor, ending with I will not be back until Thursday!! So all the pieces are in my desk or will be in my email and we just have to wait.........

    Fried rice for dinner - too lazy to think of anything else.

    Dawn - Grandfather may take time to get the pieces in his head to work together - sometimes after such a hospital visit the patients just arent the same. Nice to know he is in a good place. Start eating easy for your stomach food: soup, cheese / crackers, eggs and toast (not fried eggs). Find the comfort you can.

    Annie - love the umbrella story! Glad your Dr visit went well.

    For me it involves Miss T - Lana - she isnt the shoe chewing kind of dog, so your wig is safe with her. Does that mean you have a "bad" wig ??

    Will meet up with Lana under her Palm Tree later.

    Skinny Taste had a recipe on FB where you made cabbage rolls (ingredient wise) but it was not "rolled up". Something to consider.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hey Sara -
    What does this mean? >> "Tomorrow off for hair/nails - jewelry family comes twice a year to work and will be there Thursday, so if I am meant to have it, it will still be there."

    I looked for the skinny taste recipe. Was it "Un-stuffed Cabbage Bowls"? 338 calories per serving? That recipe?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited April 2017
    dvd's did not get my attention on amazon, but clark's shoes did...... order placed. . It looks like the same one

    I have tomorrow off for my hair/nail apt. A vendor comes to my workplace twice a year selling jewelry (tomorrow and Thursday) and I will not be at work tomorrow, and I like to buy their items. Probably a good thing that I dont have 2 days to look at their stuff - make more sense? Hope so.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - Yes, thank you! I now can understand what the deal is with the jewelry being available for purchase at your work place. Well, maybe there will be one special piece on the second day that was meant for you and you can scoop it up.

    I love love love stuffed cabbage but never make it. Prepping here in Manhattan is dreadful, but if I can just toss it all together instead of rolling and making individual little stuffed leaves, I just may make it. Cram it all into the big French Oven and have some to freeze! Thank you for mentioning the recipe! Yum!

    Time for bed~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and not eating yet. She is my shadow. Maybe when I sit down to eat.....

    Will take knitting to my 2 appointments. Maintenance appointment possible today as well. It has been rescheduled to today so we shall see.

    Lana - cabbage rolls are so labor intensive that this "deconstructed" version sounded a heck of a lot easier. May consider if for myself as well. Says it serves 4, so 2 in fridge 2 in freezer. Hmmmm.

    Will fly by later. Wishing all a good day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - A lazy thought crossed my mind inspired by the mention of the Cabbage Bowls recipe: until I have the energy to actually shop and cook this, it occurred to me this morning that when I order Moo Shoo Pork from the Chinese restaurant, I could freeze some of it. All my life, I have always just kept all the leftovers in the fridge (always enough for 3 meals).

    Not enough sleep last night. Dragging......

    Will be snoring on the beach later....

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Yesterday ended up feeling like a train wreck. I think the relief of getting through my doctor appt made my brain want to celebrate which equaled lots of eating junk. Too many treats around my house and too much bread.

    Today is a new day and I'm on track for what should be my low-carb day. Egg-whites for breakfast, turkey jerky for snack, protein and veggie for lunch, and not sure about supper yet. Lots of water. I even resisted the coffee DH made this morning because I knew I didn't have any sugar-free creamer at home.

    Tweaked my back yesterday and it's still irritated today. Ibuprofen on board.

    Day 50 of no pop. Didn't break down and have any for Easter, so still pop-free. It may change this weekend if we go to the movie theatre.

    At work. Looking like a fairly quiet day. Might squeeze in some homework. I can't wait for the semester to be over!

    Sara - enjoy your day of pampering.

    Lana - I like to freeze leftovers for later but DH never does. But he's terrible at eating leftovers anyway. :)

    Dawn - hope your grandpa is doing okay.

    Happy Wednesday!
