Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hey Dawn,

    Forget what I wrote - I didn't do a very good job. Kathryn has the right advice.

    Please forgive me for the clumsy advice in my post-- Sending you lots of positive vibes~~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good evening,

    Dawn - I agree with all that has been said - I wanted like crazy recently to go to a buffet and allow myself at least 2 plates worth - but then remembered what it felt like at my heaviest. I know you are down to like your last 15 pounds or so and they are the hardest. Just want to make sure you are not throwing in the towel completely - One of my favorite quotes from WW was - Just.dont.stop. How is your job going??

    Will see eye doctor tomorrow for last time, will ask for referral to see if they have the new insurance. Not a fun process getting new doctors.

    Pizza leftover last piece in toaster. Dog is all happy fed for know.

    Ali and Missy are awol with those NASA hunks after watching the eclipse.......

    With any luck will stop by before snoring starts.

    Be good to yourself.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thank you every one...I really appreciate all of you...I don't want to give up, completely...I just feel, I'm stressing over my weight and if what I'm eating is good or bad...I struggle with making "good" choices...

    As I'm writing this, I just realized, the only time I made "good" choices, was the old point system at WW... it's kinda like, I need to know my limit for the day... if I had 30 points, I would stay on point, almost every single day...I could eat whatever I wanted, but was more able to stay on track...

    Trying to make better choices while shopping... but, I truly can't afford to eat "healthy" yes, I can make salads... but, produce is just ridiculous and, it goes bad before I eat it all...

    I almost always stay within my calories... or less than... it's just getting my Macros in check...

    I eat a lot of chicken...I do eat too much pasta... I'm not a big bread eater... yet, I find days that I eat it 3 times a day (without realizing it until it's too late)

    Ever since I worked nights, I started gaining and it just hasn't stopped...i thought for sure, my eating habits would before, I would eat and go right to sleep... now, I'm at least active (sorta) after I eat...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - job is going really well... still having little struggles here and there... much less stress... although, I'm having lots of stress at home...I love SO to death... but, some days, I don't know how I do it... men cause the biggest stress (for me anyway)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Fell asleep too early, so came online, got up before snoring started, have to brush teeth.

    Dawn - do you eat a lot of sandwiches - hence the servings of bread? Is pita bread or tortillas to make wraps an option? Variety and less starch.

    Glad to know you are doing well at your job. Must be a relief.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I eat half PB sandwich for bkfst, most days.. or, if I eat eggs, typically have toast... some days, I have sandwiches for lunch... not very often I have bread for dinner, but does happen at times... many times, I don't eat bread (if I have a homemade burger, I won't eat bun)...the days I don't have sandwiches, I grab a snack at gas station (nuts, trail mix, Fritos and bean dip)...the grocery store has a salad bar/ pre made salads, but they are not cheap...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Dawn, one thing I learned fast, junk food is the cheapest food in the store...... How are your fruit/veg in a day? Pre made salads for me are good for 2 reasons, portion control and they weigh the salads and it gets to be almost double the price of my pre made. Give me an idea of a normal day's diet and lets see what we can do.

    I went online at advice of nurse (we all knit) and found the closest dr practice is not a good fit, so I found a couple options with both possible med groups and will see if I can get any recommendations.

    Time to take Miss T to sleep.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Good morning Ladies~~

    Up early to get to airport to go to NC.

    Dawn - Fruits and veggies can be $$$. Balance with apples and bananas, which seem to cost less. Sara has really good advice--stick with her!

    Sara - what a huge pain to have to switch up all of your doctors and such. I remember you wrote that some new ones are either far away or really inconvenient to get to. I wish you the best in working it all out to your best advantage. Hugs.

    Might not see you all until tomorrow, depending on how today goes.

    Waves to everyone who stops by today~~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Did some research on a website called healthgrades that help to see if dr has qualifications especially good for specialists. Yelp tended to have whiners posting, just saying. With one option all my Dr are far away and may require an uber ride, other option I can drive myself. As they are all new doctors.... it may be a coin toss.

    Dawn - bananas can be frozen and are a good treat in summer - apples that are ugly are sometimes cheaper, make applesauce- can also be frozen and makes a good gelato of sorts.

    Lana - safe good travel. Stop back in when you can.

    BBQ at work, eye doctor apt. Young lady who drives me heard me say that I take my knitting which made her think she could work on her crochet project while waiting. Long appointment and luckily only once a year. Hopefully these long appointments are only connected to the medical group I have now. So maybe that will be an improvement.

    Will lurk from work - wave to all who follow!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - good luck with the doctor search. i dont envy you on that. its taken me too long to find doctors that i like.

    Lana - safe travels! enjoy yourself. (PS - you give great advice!)

    *waving to all who stop in*
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok so my friends and I have decided to workout together everyday with the exception of Sundays. So much pain, but like they say, "no pain no gain." I have, however, been over my calories the past few day, but only by a few. Any workouts my friends and I should try?
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2017
    enichols - i always like the variety they have on They are available through netflix too.

    Dawn - have you tried to sit down and pre-plan meals? do you do any meal prep for the week? doing those can make a huge difference. how do you measure portions - by eyeballing it or by measuring or weighing? is it the fact you are trying to track macros vs. just points that is giving you trouble? then just focus on one macro - lets say protein. then shoot for your daily amount. once you get used to that, then add keeping track of carbs or others. one at a time. baby steps.

    you dont have to go for perfection. no one has perfect meals and perfect days. my nutrition reports look like a pretty wild roller coaster ride.

    for myself - i eat a lot of chicken and a little bit of beef or pork, but i also eat a lot of non-meat meals with lentils & beans. i will use quinoa & bulgar & other grains or cauliflower rice instead of pasta & rice. i use spiralized squash or zucchini or carrots instead of pasta. top it with a plain marinara or toss with a spritz of olive oil and a little parmesan cheese. sometimes i use a "fake" pasta called Miracle Noodles. i try to avoid bread but if i eat bread, its sprouted grain bread or tortillas. i eat a lot of greens but not much dressing at all. if i have dressing it is a light homemade italian in a small container and i dip my fork in the dressing then into the salad so i have the flavor. buy bagged salads instead of the fancy premade ones or a saladbar if sold by weight. my snacks tend to be fruits, raw nuts, or popcorn. i keep at least one protein bar in my purse at all times so if i am out and get hungry, i can eat it instead of caving for fast food or junk food. the bars that are my favorite with best flavor and biggest protein bang for the calories are Quest and Detour.

    fresh fruits are my favorite treats but for sweet treats, sometimes i will peel, slice, and microwave an apple sprinkled with some cinnamon & nutmeg and maybe a little stevia. Or dip grapes in plain yogurt, set an inch apart on parchment on baking sheet to freeze, then keep in freezer in a tub so I can grab a couple if my sweet tooth hits. i also freeze any overripe bananas (peeled), then can put them in blender with a little milk for "ice cream" or a "milkshake"- there is no end to the flavor combos you can make with those by adding frozen berries or peanut butter or a squirt of choc sauce or whatever you have on hand.

    i have an Aldi's market near me and their prices are very reasonable, especially on produce plus i scour the ads for who ever has it on sale. i dont buy organic because that tends to be more expensive. i read ingredients to stay away from added sugars. and i read nutritional labels to make sure i am not eating empty calories. one trick I do is smaller plates and the rule of one less - simply eat one less spoonful, one less item, one less handful

    there are a ton of meal prep ideas and instructions also tons of healthy recipes on Pintrest. meal prep is a life saver for me because the meals are ready to roll and portion controlled. plus it makes cooking/cleaning so much easier.

    if you are within your calorie count, then up your activity.

    I have gone from 216 to 160 by doing the above mentioned things & a few others. like i said before i go more by the way clothes fit more than the scale. (i am up 4 pounds this week but i know its pms and sodium intake)

    whatever you do, dont obsess about it. just do your best and try to be consistent, not perfect.

    whew - didnt mean to overwhelm you with a novel.... just dont want you to give up!
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Have fun Lana!

    Dawn, I am a part of this thread for a reason. I give up, then I get angry with myself, so I get back at it. I am not one that can stick with macros. What works best for me is weighing and measuring my food, prepping food ahead of time, and sticking to my calorie goal. This may not work for everyone because it is a lot of work. I am mindful of what I am eating, and I do allow myself fun foods. For example, one night a week is pizza night with my kids. It's our thing and I am not going to compromise that. It is a huge learning process to figure out meal prep and recipes that are quick, easy and delicious. Once you get the nutrition down, you've figured out half the battle. Don't give up!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi Ladies... quick post as I am back from lunch...

    One day meals:
    Breakfast - 2 eggs 1 slice toast (or
    1 slice bread PB)
    Lunch - 6" Turkey sub (Subway)
    (Or nuts/ trail mix)
    Dinner - baked/bbq chicken or pasta (spaghetti)
    Other side (pasta or potatoe)

    Usually snacks - protein bar or something quick
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Hi everyone. I'm just doing so-so. Some good choices, some bad choices. My back/leg felt pretty good for a few days (didn't have to take an Advil) and then I went for a walk last night. It wasn't even fast! And last night/today I've got a lot of irritation and some pain. I'm so discouraged.

    I'm just about ready to visit my doctor even though I wanted to lose a few lbs before I did so.

    Will continue to work on tracking and stretching/doing PT exercises.

    DH and I are still on the house hunt. There is one he wants to see that looks pretty nice, except it is a split-level. I really don't like split-level houses. I fell in love with a 2 story that is just too much money for us. Love the house, love the neighborhood. There are so many boys in the neighborhood who would be great playmates for my 7 year old. So tempting to put in an offer but I know we'd regret the house payment. I never should have gone to two open houses! Wish we'd managed our money better so we had $$$ in the bank to put more down!

    I'd better scoot. Hope you're all having a good day.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Eye dr apt was a mixed bag glaucoma # is good, but the flashes in my eye is the gel in the back of my eye shifting and it can shift safely - need to see dr in 3 weeks again and have a list of "if this happens", to call them. I sat there and thought "if I dont bend I will break". Just tired of bending lately.

    Dawn - I dont see a lot of fruit/veg in your menu - make them your snack breaks?

    Will try and hug dog as much as possible tonight - I get that look "are you done yet?".

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - there isn't much fruit and veg...I think, I'm going to have to buy some to keep at work... before I get any at home, SO has eaten it all...the only thing I'm safe with, is pre packaged "healthy" foods... if it says it's good for you, he won't touch it... but, fresh fruit and veg are fair game...

    Kathryn- pre planning just doesn't work for me...I do it for a couple weeks(ish) then it all falls apart...I do "eyeball" my portions... but, at the same time, I do "one less" myself... my calories are usually pretty good.... that's why I am trying to figure out my Macros... trying to get my Fat down, at least...

    Vanessa - pizza night with the kids, is way too important to give up! Enjoy that!

    I will figure this out...I just get frustrated... this happened, last time I did WW...I got to my goal weight, got my pin, got all the congratulations and, the weight just came right back... almost immediately... still staying on track....I got so discouraged I quit... and, here I still am, 7 years later...

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - hope trip went well... enjoy your time in NC...

    Sara - glad glaucoma test was good... big hugs to Miss T...

    Annie - house hunting can be so fun and so frustrating, all at the same time... hopefully, you will find one you absolutely fall in love with and, is within your price range...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Dawn - also asking where is your calcium? Think of greek yogurt with chopped fruit.... There are foods like and

    I have gotten them at grocery store.

    Something to think about.

    Lana - check in when you can. Hope your trip went well and the ooey - gooey food stayed away.

    Eyes still dilated, will take dog out once more and then lights out.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I have gotten the Balanced Breaks, before...I really enjoy them...the store I shop at, does not carry them... so, I have to go to Wal Mart, to get them... which I truly try to avoid...I have found PB3 at Dollar General... no calcium... but, 3 different proteins...

    Hope your eyes are back to normal, tomorrow... I've never had mine dilated, but I hear it's no fun...