Serial Starters



  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    edited May 2017
    Last night I cooked chicken and mushrooms. It was good. My husband really liked it.

    Today I am feeling tired. It's raining really hard and that makes me sleepy. Tonight we are going out to eat at a pizza place with my dad. I have my day planned out so I can eat some pizza tonight and not go over my calories.

    Not really much going on today but that. Maybe I'll walk around the office a few times to stay active. The more active I am the less tired I get.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna in toaster - more water today as it is between warm and hot.

    Lana - cboys try outs are coming up soon. post pictures on the bulletin board of candidates you have found so when they clog traffic in NYC it wont be such a blur.

    Wishing all a good evening. Hope to fly by before lights out.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Way too much sugar today. Topping off a pre-Cinco de Mayo margarita. Meals were good, but too many treats around. Stayed away from pop. And got in a 2 mile walk tonight! Eyes were quite a bit better today but still not nearly normal. Tonight left eye is kind of dry and gummy again. But seeing some improvement.

    Sleep well, everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Woke up around midnight, it was so hot inside after taking dog outside that I opened the window and turned fan on. I am doing it again now for awhile. It will get so bad heat wise that I wont be able to, so taking advantage.

    Someone I know on WW is saying they are doing more and more Pink Book (need to find the book to get the name of it ) and are more protein based. Shame, the program worked for 40 years and this latest tweak could only happen after the originator died. It is beginning to sound more like a "diet" than a lifestyle. There is a WW meeting nearby on Thursdays, but honestly have donated my extra income to my dentist......

    Having said that - string cheese/hard boiled egg/ sweet potato, and banana for snacks. Chinese chicken salad on menu but they have a limited amount, so I will be flexible as they have Chicken barley soup as well.

    Dawn/Missy, stop by when you can. Wave to all who follow.

    Off to finish breakfast and get ready for work.TGIF
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Run by wave...
    Try to stop by later...
    Have a great day
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    It's Friday which is when my eating habits start to go down hill for the week. Tonight is D&D night so there will be a lot of snacks. I do horrible on the weekends because I get so bored. I need to get through the weekend without over eating.

    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, the scale is down .8 from last Friday (but up from Wednesday). Kicking myself for the sugar and treats this week, but glad I kept my meals reasonable and got in some walks. Today's weight is 154.4.

    DH says we are going out for Cinco de Mayo, so supper will not be good - I mean, it will taste delicious but probably not be the healthiest. I see a margarita in my future!

    Beautiful weather here today. Hoping to sit outside at lunch and soak up some sun. Planning another 2 mile walk tonight.

    Eyes are so-so today. Left eye is just feeling a bit gummy. And both are a little watery.

    Better get some work done!


    Today's weight: 154.4
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited May 2017
    "DS (with all the drama) posted to Facebook today saying maybe it's time to cut out the toxic people in his life and re-invent himself. Stated you should surround yourself with people who truly love and care about you, not just people you have known a long time."--Annie

    Annie - May I suggest you encourage your son to consider NOT airing his views on FaceBook, in order to keep his privacy!
    Using FaceBook as a rant board can harm him--but he may never know this. He will present a negative picture to any and all who can see his page. Language is so imprecise and people will misunderstand.

    There is everything right with the idea of cutting out toxic people and surrounding yourself with good people. However that view should be kept to himself or saved for personal conversation with people.

    Social media is not the place for baring one's soul, even though others do it commonly.

    One should learn to self-protect and keep some things private.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning All~~

    Sara - By "Pink Book" do you mean The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck, PhD? If so, it is not a diet. It is a cognitive behavior program. Her father was a/the pioneer of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. With The Beck Diet Solution, you must choose a weight loss program to use with it, and many folks choose Weight Watchers. It has no weight loss food/activity program of its own.

    I left my copy of it back in my office at the theater. Darn. I might be able to retrieve it in two weeks or so.

    One of the good lessons I easily remember off the top of my head is to always eat sitting down, preferably at a table. I seem to recall that one should also foster eating mindfully by not doing anything else during the meal except pay attention to the meal (accommodating family conversation at dinner, I think). No reading, watching TV, or futzing with one's phone or computer.

    I think there are roughly 40 days of Beck, one subject per day. Some are simple, some are complicated.

    Weight Watchers was incorporating some of these ideas a few years ago back when I was still a meetings member.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Considered doing OT tomorrow and it went in one ear and out the other - always can use extra $$ but I am too tired.....

    Annie - one more reason for DS to behave on FB - potential employers check it out and if a person is "extreme" they could lose a potential job......

    Lana - In the end it is up to us to do the behavior both with food and what we attach to our food. I just get the feeling that WW is becoming just another diet, which I hope is wrong.

    Large lunch means oatmeal for dinner. Put on a dvd and crash in lounge chair with dog.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - you do have me curious now about what Weight Watchers is up to. Maybe in the not too distant future, if and when my money situation becomes more stable and predictable, I may rejoin, just for a while, to get a change of scenery and some inspiration. For me, it's always been just a little too expensive.

    You have a good evening with Miss Tillie Sara.

    Waves to anyone lurking or stopping by later.

    Back to packing for the trip south tomorrow. I will see you all once I get there and get settled.


    *flopping onto lounge chair to enjoy the Friday Happy Hour by the pool*
  • Vonny_Vr
    Vonny_Vr Posts: 35 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    So nice to see that we share a lot of the same struggles :) I have had a really good week in terms of eating and even when I am stressed, I am not reaching for the sugar.
    Will be having a glass of wine this evening and that's okay. I have decided to stop the daily scale battle that adds stress to my life and just weigh weekly- feeling a lot better about that and was down 5.4lbs last week. Monday is my weigh in with a friend and if any of you want to weigh in with me on Mondays, I am totally down . In it for the long haul this time and staying strong.

    Way to go Lana! Celebrate those successes and have a fantastic weekend :)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    "DS (with all the drama) posted to Facebook today saying maybe it's time to cut out the toxic people in his life and re-invent himself. Stated you should surround yourself with people who truly love and care about you, not just people you have known a long time."--Annie

    Annie - May I suggest you encourage your son to consider NOT airing his views on FaceBook, in order to keep his privacy!
    Using FaceBook as a rant board can harm him--but he may never know this. He will present a negative picture to any and all who can see his page. Language is so imprecise and people will misunderstand.

    There is everything right with the idea of cutting out toxic people and surrounding yourself with good people. However that view should be kept to himself or saved for personal conversation with people.

    Social media is not the place for baring one's soul, even though others do it commonly.

    One should learn to self-protect and keep some things private.


    Couldn't agree more! FB is not the place to share all your personal issues... people truly don't think...they just blurt it all out, heck with the consequences...
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    edited May 2017
    I agree with all of you about DS. Yet another thing he needs to learn...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good morning,

    Cooler temps this morning. There is still overtime at work and if I had known before yesterday.... I could have planned around it. Decided I was too tired from the heat wave we had. Extra $$ is nice with my dental visits, but rest is more important.

    Trying to figure out what to make for dinners. Still not sure, hope to find out before I go shopping.

    Lana - safe trip. Check in when you can.

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited May 2017
    Lana - wondering what you plan to do when you get to house.

    In for the day - bought makings for fried rice with parsnips as the extra added vegetable. Didnt buy as many salads and checked to see how they looked - will think of what to do for the other lunches - soup for example.

    I am working another persons workfile which is half things I recognize and half I dont, so my brain is tired.

    Hoping for a quiet day here - knitting and with any luck nap.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna for dinner - read lazy. Got nice nap with dog this afternoon.

    Just read the list of potential "pre existing" conditions that would not be covered in the "new" insurance and I am wondering who does not have one of these?? We shall see. Appreciating my company insurance even more.

    If it doesnt open - its not your door. - unknown ..... something to think about.

    Miss T will be under Lana's Palm Tree waiting to hear about Lana's trip. Bowls of dog food and treats by her chair. There is table of goodies for us too.......

    Wishing all a great night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sara - you often mention fried rice... do you have a recipe that you follow... every time you say it, it sounds so yummy...

    Lana - hope trip was uneventful and you survived safe...

    Last couple days was pretty good, food wise... nice salad, full of goodies... surprisingly filling to me...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Grandpa began Hospice a few days ago, at Dr's recommendation... she knew him prior, and said he was declining rapidly and knew he would not want to be like this... she also recommended he stay in nursing home, at least for now...I really wish they would bring him home.. not my call...
    The thing I always knew would happen when Grandparents passed, is now happening. Mom and 2 siblings aren't speaking. Her youngest brother, uses Grandma's car to take her to see Grandpa, not even a mile away. The siblings are upset, as he is not on insurance. This is not the time to have such petty arguments. So upsetting. So disappointing. I'll never understand why families begin bickering at times like this. This is one reason I am grateful for being an only child...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Dawn - I got my recipe from WW - but any basic fried rice recipe will work - I use lower sodium soy sauce and dont always add scrambled eggs......

    It is not unusual for families to fight dealing with your grandfather's illness. Try and stay out of the line of fire.....