

  • I struggle with breakfast as well, not so much because I'm not hungry but more because I just never have enough time. I stick to a ton of fruit, including cuties, watermelon & honey dew. I also make a batch of vegan protein pancakes or waffles at the beginning of the week and munch on those for the mornings I am feeling…
  • Hi! I know this is from about a month ago, but I also have around 100lbs to lose also and I'm looking for people for support with meals specifically. :)
  • I get the same thing, especially at night. I usually try to drink lots of water with and in between meals. Also, try switching up what you are eating. I look at my diary at the end of every week and see what things I could have eaten instead of what I chose. I am a sucker for cheese, but it's so high in fat and calories…
  • That is awesome! Congrats girl! It's so hard quitting smoking and this is my millionth attempt at that too, but this is the longest I have ever gone but I absolutely replaced cigs with food so I really have to get back to a healthier lifestyle! Thank you for the suggestions :)
  • I do the same thing! I weigh myself every day. It started out as a doctor's recommendation because of sodium issues, but I don't log it all the time either. I only log once every two weeks.
  • One of my favorite things for lunch is taco salad using Trader Joe's taco seasoning. I cook the meat at the beginning of the week and I weigh everything out and it comes out to around 320 cals and it's super filling I also sub sour cream for Greek yogurt. I'm so picky and I actually love it! I also do shrimp and gluten…