Critcrittle Member


  • They look so good! I had never heard of those....I am definitely going ot have to give that a try!! Thank you :D Thank you (: It is definitely discouraging when at first you only hear negativew feedback! I'm still not quite where I want to be....but I feel like I am getting a little better...Time will tell (:
  • Thank you all! I was getting a lot of negative feedback before I read these comments! It's motivating to have people give me advice versus telling me I should try something else, ha!
  • I decided to do this after speaking with a dietician that I work with! I don't work with her as often as the other NPs at my job, so I am only able to get some info from her a bit at a time, unfortunately. After talking to her I decided this would be a good choice for me because I have a big goal to reach and I want to be…
  • @psulemon Do you have any reccommendations on what foods/snacks I could potentially add to my diet in place of some of the things I apparently need to cut wawa coffee -___- ha.
  • Thanks for all the advice. The ketogenic diet was actually reccommended to me by a dietician. It's someone I work with at the clinic where I am employed. She has given me adequate information, I am just trying to adjust to the new diet and learn different ways of making it work well for me without over struggling (like I…
  • @yarwell Okay ^ that is actually really helpful! Thank you!!! The dietician who was explaining it to me, told me I could eat pretty much any fruit. It's not my own personal dietician though, it more like work conversation, haha. I have cut out bagels...and al bread really! This is literally only day three for me so far…
  • Thank you! I will check it out!
  • Thank You! (:
  • Yes, I understand what I CAN eat. My question was in regards to CARBS. "How do you differentiate between what carbs are okay and which one's aren't?"
  • While food is obviously a good option - If you are going to replace a meal with a shake, I would go with IdealShape Meal Replacement Shakes. I actually drink these for breakfast (I'm not a fan of eating when I wake up but I know it's essential!). They actually taste good. You just mix them with water and it fills you up. I…
  • You look fantastic!! I'm stoked to have you in this group! (: I haven't forgotten to post my picture....this week has just been super ridiculous, ha!!
  • I started a group (: Feel free to send a request if you want to join!