tiffanyfoundit Member


  • today I flexed and realized how much muscle gain i had since starting more weight training. Which obviously makes sense but still! Very exciting. I made the before and after pic my profile pic . from mid October to to this morning!
  • There's lots! What kind of workouts do you do? I usually just browse that hashtag and find them that way Mine is . some of my faves are healthyisthenewskinny, fitgirlsguide, elisesbodyshop, plankingforpizza, em_wizzfit, popsugarfitness, nana_health to start
  • Im totally good for new friends! I lost a bunch over the past few months!
  • I just worked my way up to 1500 ! I need new friends again !
  • Noosa yogurt has good protein for yogurt Peanut butter Cheese - babybel, string cheese Beef jerky Almonds Nuts Eggs Random deli meats
  • I mean a lot of food on thanksgiving isn't even that bad for you. I hella eat turkey all the time and I'm just gonna eat the proteins and good veggies first then dig into the less healthy things. But also I'm definitely going for a run and maybe some other work.
  • Once again thank you for all the insight. I'm going in not knowing the models at all for these certifications so this is really helpful . Cost wise have you found your certification (whichever one that may be) to be a good investment?
  • I'm hoping that's where the background in communication and PR will really come in handy! I did a lot of studying and application of marketing and PR for different projects with companies so I think I could use that to market myself pretty well.
  • Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. What don't you agree with? (@leadfoot_lewis)
  • Thanks for the insight everyone (Edited bc it keeps deleting most of my response) I'm interested in getting my certification because I'm looking for a career change. (Accounting in the hospitality industry is killing me... I have never been more miserable ) My background is as a college athlete (goalkeeper in soccer if it…
  • thanks for all the insight everyone!! I'm interested in getting my certification because I'm looking for a career change. (Accounting in the hospitality industry is killing me
  • I try to always leave some space for some sort of treat. But I've also adjusted what is treats are. A lot of my deserts are bananas (or apples) and peanut butter and some dark chocolate chips Even if its ice cream its a little serving instead of a giant bowl. Its all about balance ! Find what works for you! For me…
  • Extended relief midol And then I do whatever I'm feeling up to. Sometimes its just a run or I don't go full out on my HIIT. It really depends on how bad the day is.But I find that as long as I go out and get something started by the end of my workout I can fully push myself and my cramps are way better.
  • I love old navy sports bras. They're my favorite
  • Body Fit by Amy on YouTube Lots of different impact workouts
  • Would love more active friends. People keep rotating out of my friends list so fast its a bummer.
  • BodyFit by Amy And HasFit
  • I'm 5' 6" ~ 139 lbs (varies between 137-140) and I'm 23. My maintenance is at 1700 (I eat below that usually during the week, and usually right at/slightly above on weekends) I don't typically eat back my work out calories (only because I don't think the burn calculators are accurate enough for me to eat any of them and I…
  • OP update :: So far all the ones I'm testing seem to give me the same time/distance data. With only a tiny variance in calorie burn. I really like Runkeeper with the challenges and goals and things but I'm also on a free trial of the premium which I won't be able to pay for. I haven't had a chance to actually run through…
  • I'm going to download a few and try and em out. Maybe run them simultaneously to see what they say
  • They have an app too! It's honestly super great. I love em. And then I take the stuff I like and make my own circuits too. I love her energy !
  • Yeah I have to swap those out usually cause they hurt my knees. They're a real killer.
  • What's a shuttle run?
  • @troytroy11 thank you! I'm figuring it out and trying to find new ways to push myself everyday. Sometimes you hit a wall, and you gotta keep pushing through til you figure it out again. @Sweet13_Princess I never even thought about Netflix! That's an amazing idea ! I'll check that out.
  • @DancingMoosie yeah, I don't know if the library here would... but all the video ideas gives me something to look up on youtube, which is where I found most of my workouts. It may not be an entire series, but usually there is a half hour clip or something like that which is something. I like running alone, but I used to…
  • @tiffanylacourse just got into a size 2 jeans and extra small dress & comfortably (yay NSV!!) but I don't think I need to push myself any further along that road, minus belly toning - which is more of an eating thing, I think. @DancingMoosie A lot of the videos that I have been doing since starting this thread have been…
  • Anyone can add me ! ✌
  • Depends on what you are tracking/what you do. For me, tracking my every step was NO GOOD. I already was working out a lot and I was starting to get crazy tracking all my movements throughout the day. So then I was trying to even more and I was exhausted and burnt out and was more focused on steps instead of the quality of…
  • i could never make ear buds work. my brother got me some of those really nice big headphones for Christmas and they are awesome and I am never getting earbuds again. I never have to worry about what them slipping off.
  • @Sweet13_Princess I will check that out too. I am becoming a huge fan of workout videos. @Wicked_Seraph I think it is just working out in general. I don't seem to have anything to work towards and I have hit the goals I wanted to, so since I am not actually working towards something I've gotten bored. And I was running out…