trl2550 Member


  • My body seems to WANT to be fat. If I lose weight, I gain it back twice as fast as I lost it. I am determined not to let that happen this time. I want to lose the weight and keep it off, even if my body wants me to be fat. Haha :)
  • Eating out. I love food. All kinds of food! When I eat out I don't want just a Boring grilled something, I want something amazing. As long as I eat at home I'm okay... So trying to stay home more (saves money too)!
  • Ignore your hubby's comments and hang out with those of us in the same spot! You can do it! :)
  • Omaha NE
  • I'm nosy like that too... So it's hard for me not to weigh every day. Maybe I'll succumb to it eventually, but trying to hold off for the first week to hopefully see some result and then be motivated! :)
  • Hi I'm 46 (augh) 5'6" and the heaviest I've ever been at 170. I want to lose 40 pounds and get back to where I looked and felt great! Just getting started in this weight loss journey so feel free to add me to keep each other motivated!
  • I am not a morning person! After work works best, but I have to go directly after work or I don't go back out once I'm home. I have found that working out after work also relaxes me and gives me a lot more energy for my evenings!
  • Had a horrible year putting on weight and I am done with it! I don't want to buy new clothes, I want to fit into the smaller clothes I already own! I'll be 47 in June and I cannot keep going in this direction! Committed!
  • Hi also a newbie. Trying to hold off being 47 in a couple months. Also a sweets addict. This last year has been horrible!! I gain and gain and never lose. Need to lose 40 pounds and it seems impossible.