AndySantiago Member


  • Having a shake is completely fine to have after a workout! You will lose weight as long as you are in a caloric deficit (taking in less calories than your body needs to maintain your current body weight)
  • I always have a shake before I go to bed as my last meal of the day. Nothing will cause weight gain unless you are taking in to many calories to maintain your current body weight. However, if you have a shake late at night and wake up early in the morning and see you gained weight don't freak out because it is probably…
  • Make sure you are eating whole-some quality foods (potatoes, brown rice, beans etc.) foods like these are full of fiber which will help curve your appetite so you don't feel hungry. Hope this helps!
  • You are either consuming to many calories or taking in to much sodium within some of the foods you are eating which increases water retention in the body
  • Fruits basically strawberries & bananas cause those are my 2 favorite. Also good sources to keep your carbs low is Quakers Rice Cakes (I get chocolate for the flavor) and Pringles Fat free chips