gingerkelly93 Member


  • and have you still been loosing within those levels? So reassuring thank you- I know a silly q. but not really sure how ketones work in relation to food, exercise, fasting while sleeping etc.
  • This is so true and I really want to commit to this long term as a change, it's almost like a re-education for me about health. Flipping everything on head about calories, low fat choices, and all this new scientific studies coming out is just validating it for me. So strange to tell myself cheese is okay after being the…
  • Yeah we have salad bar which has cheese, cold meats, dressings etc so even if main meal options are carb-heavy thre would be cold options for me! Yes adjusting to low carb alcohol choices is going to not be so fun as usually can't drink vodka without cranberry to wash it down. Yeah I'll be working in quite an activity…
  • That would be my perfect goal area really somewhere from 140lb-150lb depending on muscle levels. Now getting educated about carbs I certainly won't be going back to being mindless about them but realistically I know i won't be able to accuratley measure them as I won't be purchasing and cooking for myself/ keep them as low…