Hello Ellemarie, and welcome :)
I would add more veggies and totally cut out the fruit during the weight loss phase of your plan. Broccoli, leafy greens, salad greens, cauliflower will all add bulk and nutrients without adding too many carbs. Are you trying to keep your carbs below 50 gr/day to get into Ketosis? If so, definitely cut out the fruit. Right…
Go with your stock in a carton. Simmer with some veggies until they are soft. Feel for you 'cause I've been there.
I like the Paleo Pro Plain Naked protein powder because it is just beef and egg protein. 25g protein/serving at 125 cals. If the cals are very important you could reduce the serving size.
Your macros %'s are pretty close to what I have been hitting for over a year now. I just ingest more cals as I am at a healthy weight. I get all of my sugars thru my food, and not sweeteners (refined, artificial, or otherwise). Now roasted beets are a wonderfully sweet treat :)
That was going to be my comment. It is possibly due to Ketosis. As your body burns fat instead of carbs for fuel, it releases ketones that do exit your body in the moisture of your breath. As a matter of fact, much of your weight loss is via your breath :) Drink more water. A mild, natural, mouthwash may help. Gums and…
Like 17JayR mentioned. You can set your macros by grams. Set protein at X, carbs at Y (100 or so would be a good max to start with) then fats will be Z based on what you set your P and C's. Follow that ratio for a couple of weeks and adjust carbs as necessary after you give your bod some time to get used to your intake.
To achieve a decent rate of weight loss while following a Primal/Paleo lifestyle, the most important factor to consider is your carb intake. Maintaining between 50 and 100 gr of carbs / day should result in a decent rate of weight loss. Next in importance is protein intake. 1 gr of protein / lb of lean body mass is a good…
That depends on your goals. For rapid weight loss, nope gotta keep an eye on those cals. For general health not so important so long as your energy levels are high and you are satiated with what you are eating. For me the macros are much more important than the cals. If I hit my protein goal, stay under my carb limit, and…
I stay pretty much at 55% fat and 25% protein and I'm rarely hungry. Tonight's dinner was 8oz of NY Strip (the rest may be part of breakfast), 9 asparagus sprears, and half a Sweet potato. When I was in weight loss mode I wouldn't have had the sweet potato. I would have ate more veg instead.
Hi and welcome. Yes, it does get rough in the general forums. Some folks really seem to get off on trolling any post paleo/primal/low carb. There is a lot of good information in the forums, just be ready for the trolls. I've lost 90 pounds eating primal and have been very successful at maintaining my healthy weight. Even…
Another week, another set of macros. Weight = 162. Weight gain/loss this week = 0 lb. Total weight loss = 89 lbs. Macros for the week = Carb/Fat/Prot - 20/55/25%. Daily avg cals = 1861. Is anyone interested in my continuing to post these?
Sounds like a very nice picnic. Good variety of nutrient dense foods :)
Hi Kelly, welcome to your healthier lifestyle :) The first few days can be tough as your body breaks it addiction to carbs. Just know that you will come out on the other side feeling pretty darn good with plenty of energy. Also remember that feeding your carb cravings during this time will only prolong your discomfort. For…
No, but spewing ignorance and making ad homenim attacks is. If you were actually interested in the science, I would try to help you with your ignorance, but it is obvious that your main interest is in being a Troll. So it's really not worth my time. There is not harm in eliminating grains. The few nutrients that my be…
It is interesting that someone posts a success story about how her body reacted to cutting grains and instantly the haters come out to play. My N-1 experiment Cut all grains and processed sugars. During the weight loss phase of my journey kept carbs below 50 gr/day. Also eliminated most vegetable and seed oils. Fats used…
Woot on the steak. I know you've been jonesing for it :)
Awesome job dreena222. I've been grain and processed sugar free for over a year now. I am now at a healthy weight, have tons of energy, and feel great. This is even after having major surgery in January.
It's another beautiful N. Texas Saturday. Hope everyone is having a healthy, successful, sunny Primal/Paleo weekend.
Good Morning SooFab, welcome to the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, it is pretty awesome isn't it?
Riced and mashed cauliflower is a tasty dish in its own right. I don't consider it a "fake" food as it is just cauliflower. The cauliflower takes flavors well and allows your seasonings to shine. The fact that it is low carb and nutritious is a nice bonus.
Awesome job fliss. Today I completed Day 5 of both the 30 Day Plank Challenge and the 28 Day Squat Challenge :)
If you have a weekly "Cheat" day during the weight loss phase of your plan, how are you going to manage your weight once you achieve your goals? The habits that helped us gain our weight in the first place will return us to this same place unless broken. It is much easier to change those habits now while you are focusing…
Hypothyroidism is related to weight gain, low activity levels, and just overall feelings of sluggishness. Following a Paleo/Primal lifestyle will help lose the weight, increase activity, and feel better. It may not get your thyroid hopping, but can help reduce the amount of synthroid you will need to be taking.
Weight loss, and health in general, is 80% diet and 20% exercise related. So your main focus should be on your diet of nutrient rich foods that pretty much eliminates empty cals and maintaining a calorie deficit. That being said, squats are an awesome exercise. They increase strength and endurance. Use a wide variety of…
For dinners I cycle between skin on chicken, fish, pork chops, shellfish and the like. I keep the proteins mixed up to keep things interesting, also makes shopping easier. A protein and at least a couple servings of lower carb veggies makes for a filling and nutritious dinner. Lunches are often bone broth with veggies and…
My Sweetie is also not at all interested in giving up her sugars and grains. I just add a roll or maybe a little pasta to her dinners at times to keep her happy. She also has her ice cream and snacks. I just keep them separate from the main pantry.
Sounds like an Etsy Ulu page could be a money maker :)
The salad in a jar is a great idea, no muss no fuss. This would also be a good time to use the Julian Bakery Paleo Wraps. They are made from coconut meat and are real handy for making a handheld food like a burrito. Just hold the sauce until time to eat so they don't get soggy. A Paleo Wrap, a little nut butter, cooked…