sam_ibrahim13 Member


  • Starting weight unknown but I'd say around 90kg I'm now about 63kg. Loving the gym and lifting weights!
  • Don't put to much stress on yourself! Try not to think about the weight now. Focus on your babies and try to get the diet right. I was in the exact same position last year. Felt terribly unhappy but just tried eating better (more to boost energy than anything) I've lost all my baby weight now, I was shocked if I'm honest…
  • Sorry I haven't responded to your questions I'm finding it hard to read through the thread with all the information regarding macros. I've been on MFP for years and logged on and off for a long time. Only been logging for a month properly now, I'm off to see how to open/share my diary
  • Thanks for your responses, I am logging everything "accurately" I.e weighing and measuring but sometimes I eat 1400 sometimes 1500, so on average I'd say 1500. I'll keep going and try to find more time to exercise. Thanks everyone
  • I'm no expert, I would say that seems quite a low amount of calories to be eating. Are you exercising?
  • Hi! Agree with PP. I'm 6 weeks postpartam with my second and I have 10lb till I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight, I put on 28lb during this pregnancy. I'm finding just eating only healthy choices and bf'ing I'm losing weight. There is no time for me to exercise yet. When they get older and into a routine you will find…