It depends on the day. On leg day I love leg press. Shoulder day, lateral raises, Arm day it's incline bench curls
Bulking now, in a 12 week cycle. After that 4 weeks of maintain, then cutting.
You are right about the gray areas in eating clean. Much of my diet comes from my personal theory of learning from prior generations. I am my fathers genetic clone. I take after him with every physical attribute with my body. He is 76 with several health issues and takes a long list of meds every day. His diet was not very…
The way I always understood Clean, is not full of preservatives, or fed with hormones.Healthy foods that won't be contributing to a triple bypass later in life. Is there really such a thing? I cant say for sure. For example, a Big Mac, is high in calories, contains carbs and proteins, but is it healthy? Is it Clean? I…
I had gastric bypass a few years back, and found those are what work best with a re-routed digestive system
Is there a single "RIGHT" way to eat? Your diet really should be what works for YOU and helps YOU achieve YOUR goals. My diet for ME is primarily low glycemic complex carbs, eggs, chicken, turkey, beef and fish. Once every few weeks I enjoy a "Cheat Meal" which is eating whatever I want. In March on my 50th birthday Im…
Love lifting and have for over 30 years
If you can get around the polygraph. Most natty competitions use that as well
Don't forget guys my age who are getting TRT because their bodies no longer produce enough testosterone. When I compete in July, obviously I won't be going Natty.
My malabsorption is a direct result of a surgery I had a few years back.
Its highly unlikely that you can take any gear and be able to compete in a Natty competition. They do urine, and Polygraph testing in competitions sanctioned by organizations such as NANBF. I cant say for sure, but I am pretty sure they do blood tests as well. The closest thing would be things such as creatine, which adds…
Im also carving up for mass. I feel very full all the time, but I do feel fine by using low glycemic complex carbs. My carbs of choice are: Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Oats, and at times Russet Potatoes. I stay away from breads and pasta
I never said Im not using supplements.
My bad, its 1.85 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
The Bodybuilders I know including some who compete in the Olympia use a protein ration of 1.85 OZ per pound of body weight. I dont care about your studies, I am going with what actually works. 1 oz per pound of body weight is not going to produce any significant gains
Well, I am working with a coach who has been very successful in my region prepping people for competition. Im working on adding mass. In case you were not aware, to get big you have to eat big. I also, had some in depth discussion with nutrition experts who I had meetings with during the Olympia last September. I guess my…
It happens in the gym. Nothing to be embarrassed about. He prevented you from getting a possible serious injury.
So that means all Naturopaths are bad or unreliable? Thats like saying there is one way to train, or one way to eat for mass. You sound so condescending its making me laugh.
I had pain in my right arm for 2 years from a fractured radial head. My Primary Care and Ortho were both unsuccessful in relieving the pain. They just pumped me full of muscle relaxers. It took 3 months of treatment from my NP, and I am pain free with NO MEDICATION. Yeah, she earned my trust.
I trust her more than my primary care who is in bed with the pharmaceuticals. Nothing wrong with exploring natural remedies.
I make my own version of sludge. 1-2 scoops whey protein mixed with water to a little thinner than a pudding. add oats (i use a cup). Microwave for a minute stirring halfway. Then add 32 grams of natural peanut butter.
It was actually recommended by my naturopath, because I am doing TRT, which is not unusual at my age. The reason for high amounts of protein is to build muscle with a malabsorption issue. Basically the more I take in the more my body absorbs while I am bulking on a 10 week cycle.
Im actually in contest prep for a show in July. Working very close with a coach. Right now while Im on a 10 week cycle, eating crazy amounts of protein, then that will normalize before I start cutting.
Im in, Lifting 6 days a week for contest prep
Honestly, NO. Im too focused on what I'm doing, and even between sets my mind is envisioning whats next in my workout.
I make a bowl of sludge right before bed. I take a scoop or 2 of protein powder, add enough water to a little thinner than pudding. Then I add a 1/2 cup of oats and microwave for a minute, stirring half way. After its nice and warm, I add 32 grams of natural peanut butter. Its very filling, and the peanut butter slows down…
I have lifted on and off for over 20 years, with time off from injuries. The last 4 years, I have fortunately been injury free. Currently I am bulking for significant gains, and also have a mal absorption issue, which requires a bit of over kill on the protein.
I had the same problem when I first started lifting. When I started routinely changing up my workouts, I started to see gains on a regular basis. The human body adapts to routine, but if you can keep your body guessing whats next instead of allowing it to expect things, you should be pleased with the results
Rather than a name change, a gaining weight forum with a separate Bodybuilding forum would be great. I know I'm not the only one here who is a bodybuilder and passionate about it.
I eat clean the Majority of the time, BUT I allow myself routine cheat days and cheat meals. My cheats are always planned out ahead of time so I am able to meal prep accordingly.