tlflag1620 Member


  • Yes, likely water. Have you had a high sodium day within the past 2-3 days? This is why I like to weigh daily. It helps me pinpoint exactly what caused those inevitable jumps in scale weight and watch them come off (admittedly that's the fun part... I've dropped five lbs in the past 4 days... Obviously water I was…
  • My diary is open, and tho I don't normally log anymore, I did log today just to give an idea of a typical day. I base my meals on meat, eggs, and cheese, and also get protein from nuts.
  • Yes, I eat carb (tho like I said, pretty low). I was never much for logging my food >:) and since going into maintenance I really haven't bothered, but just for fun today I went ahead and logged what I plan to eat today (my diary is open). Ignore the 1400 calorie per day goal; I never updated my goal since losing the…
  • I routinely eat at least 100 g of fat per day and right around 100 G protein. It's not as much as you might think (I get 50-80g of carbs per day, so yes, low carb, but not super low). That said, my maintenance is 1900 (without exercise), don't know about peaceout_aly.
  • In for finding out what the problem with cane sugar is.
  • Ha! Yes, transposed numbers - 14:10 split (14 hours fasted, 10 hours eating)... I must be tired (10 hours sleep? I'm lucky to get six, and they're usually interrupted by teething toddler :'( ). Went back and fixed it!
  • I weigh daily and record it on Mondays. If you find the fluctuations bother you/make you panic/feel bad, then weigh weekly. The catch with that is that if you happen to weigh in after a high sodium day (or for females, the wrong day of the month) you may get a faulty high reading. For instance I weighed 149.8 on Sunday. I…
  • Your metabolism never stops. If it did you'd be dead :D I like IF because I'm not much of breakfast person anyway, and it allows me to eat more when I'm actually hungry (also I find when I do eat breakfast I tend to be hungrier durning the day). It's really a matter of personal preference. If you like eating breakfast and…
  • I don't typically eat breakfast. Makes me feel hungrier the whole rest of the day. I will sometimes eat "breakfast" for lunch tho. On the rare occasions when I do feel hungry soon upon waking, I will have a few eggs. That breakfast is least likely to leave me hungry two hours later.
  • I eat LCHF to help me feel full. Still nursing my youngest (17 months old). I wouldn't suggest dropping calories or carbs too quickly, whatever approach you decide to use, as this can trigger supply issues. Make sure you get plenty of fluids (dehydration will drop your supply in a hurry!). I start my day with eggs, focus…
  • How are you determining your intake? If you aren't using a scale to measure your foods, then you are likely eating more than 1600-1700 calories a day. Which is fine, so long as you are losing weight. When you have a good deal to lose there is more "wiggle room" for errors in logging. That said, once you get closer to goal,…
  • Plan out your day so that there are some calories left over for something sweet after dinner. Otherwise, chewing sugarless gum or having sugar free mints after dinner can help. Possibly brushing your teeth after dinner, going for a walk, taking up a hobby that will keep your hands busy and mind occupied.... Having a cup of…
  • The initial observation was all fine, well, and good. The insistence the the "only reason" to eliminate anything is for medical conditions, and that a life without bread is "torture" was made by ndj1979. And was rather hysterical and deserved to be called out. If he doesn't want to eliminate foods, and that works for him,…
  • 2.5 lbs per week is too aggressive without medical supervision, and OP isn't heavy enough to warrant that. No need for special foods or expensive teas either. Being too aggressive is a fine way to crash and burn, regain any weight lost, and end up right back to where you started (or heavier).
  • But, but, but... If you don't have a medical reason to eliminate thin mints, you need to incorporate them or else you will be suffering!! The humanity!! /snark
  • I didn't see where the OP demonized bread (or gluten), nor where she attributed all of her success to eliminating bread (other than mentioning that it is one of those foods she has trouble moderating, personally). She appears well aware of how calories work (from her follow up posts). There is a tendancy in these forums…
  • 35 lbs in 4 months is pretty aggressive (about 2 lbs per week). I don't want to discourage you, but I think you'd be better off losing the time limit (what happens in four months? and what if you "only" lost 20 lbs in that time frame?). If I were you, I'd enter my stats into MFP, set the desired rate of loss to either 1 or…
  • I simply wished her well and shared that I felt better eliminating bread too. You're the one insisting that she shouldn't eliminate anything, even stuff that she says she feels better without, and that she says interferes with her ability to maintain a calorie deficit (due to her inability to moderate it). I believe her…
  • Well done! I was in maintenance over the holidays too. As of this morning I'm back to my starting weight, which is the upper end of my maintenance range. I'd like to drop back down to the lower end before January is over, but I'm not sweating it. Had surgery the beginning of December and haven't been to the gym since :(. I…
  • She also mentioned that she cannot moderate bread (among other things) and that since she knows this about herself, she has chosen to eliminate, rather than fail to reach her health goals simply because she happens to like something that she can't moderate. Why is it so important to you that she incorporate bread @ndj1979…
  • That's true, but she also mentioned her "tummy feels better". Not sure how losing weight would make your stomach issues magically dissappear, but eliminating something that was causing distress sure could.
  • She also mentioned, further down, that she is "less tired, more comfortable, and feels healthier" since replacing the breads with fruit and veg. Why is that not good enough reason?
  • Ummm... In her first post. " tummy feels better..."
  • I didn't know my eczema was related to wheat consumption until I eliminated wheat. OP did say she feels better (I'd have to go back and look, lots of people chimed in about gastro issues improving when they eliminated bread, I think she was one of them). That's a good enough reason. At least, IMO. Had I followed the…
  • So far? 3 years and 6 months. I love bread, but my body apparently doesn't agree with my mouth. I love bread a lot less than I love having hands that aren't chronically itchy, cracked, and bleeding. Now, yes, you would categorize this as a medical reason. And it is. But if I hadn't eliminated bread as part of a LCHF diet…
  • True. I wasn't aware that I had a medical reason to eliminate wheat. Until I eliminated it. My eczema vanished in six weeks. It was wonderful. OP- congrats on your loss. I don't do bread either (or pasta, or other wheat based products). I can handle a small amount every once in a while, but too much brings on an eczema…
  • Large pan seared pork chop (10oz?12?... Not sure, I don't track), pile of green beans with butter.
  • Stress can make you sick. Whether you're "positive" about the stress or not. Pessimism does not equal stress. And optimism does not equal a lack of stress. These things are not mutually exclusive. And let's not confuse pessimism with depression (depression is an actual mental illness; not all pessimists are depressed, tho…
  • I stopped counting calories when I started eating LCHF. Lost 50 lbs and have been keeping it off without logging or counting for three years. Make no mistake, obviously I was eating fewer calories than I was burning, and am currently eating at maintenance, even though I'm not formally counting. But, like you described, I…
  • I eat LCHF. Lost 50 lbs and have kept it off for three years running. It also morphed into IF (16:8). I never was much of a breakfast person, and I find LC filling enough that I just eat two large meals, and occasionally a small snack. But if you are just starting out, simply logging what you normally eat for a couple…