constancesimmons Member


  • Total geek here. In love with Marvel (the comics primarily, but also loving the new movies), pretty much all sci-fi/fantasy books (Harry Potter among them), all sci-go TV shows (major Browncoat and Whovian)...strangely though, I tend to like action movies more than just about any other where movies are concerned. My…
  • I mostly do volumes, but I also read online a lot. I can't afford to buy as many as I would like, and wouldn't have room to store them all anyway. I have several stories by issue and lots of volumes anyway though. Currently, I'm reading everything from House of M through to Civil War (across all series: X-Men, Iron…
  • Loved that show! I wish I could eat like hey do. I think that was the point. They ate like so many girls wish they could, but can't. Hahaha
  • Jealous! I have to wait til tomorrow!
  • It really is! I miss the gym on Monday and then think, oh well, I'll just start again next week. I need to stop thinking in week long blocks because one week turns into a month and then a year and I've put things off so long that when I jumped back into MFP last month I was the heaviest I have been in years. One day at a…
  • I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time. I have a bad habit of having an off day that then turns into an off week. Remembering to go one day at a time and just keep moving forward is a struggle but a must. By the way, I love X-Men! They were my introduction into comics when I was a kid and still hold a special…
  • I think all Whovians here can agree with that! I love this thread. Im a Whovian, Browncoat, Whedonite (I've seen nearly everything by Whedon and love them ALL), Sherlocian, Trekkie, Nathan Fillion fangirl, and huge Marvel fangirl (both the comics and movies)...and those are just the most popular of the fandoms I'm in. Lol.
  • I listen to the Dr Horrible soundtrack at work all the time! Hahaha. I love it. I've been trying to get my roommates to watch it for eons now!
  • I know what you mean! I spend way too much time sitting around watching TV or reading and not near enough time doing anything active. That, and the fact that I live right across the street from a gas station and have easy access to crap foods 24/7 makes it really hard to lose weight. I'm hoping the goal of getting ready…
  • I'm with you! Total nerd and comic geek looking to lose about 50 lbs. LOVE Doctor Who and Sherlock, but I've always had trouble getting into Supernatural. Just too serious. I like my shows a bit more light hearted (I'm a huge Buffy fan, for example). I've never played WoW though I havE gotten into Guild Wars a but lately.…
  • Love this thread and had to share my two cents. Kamala Khan (Ms Marvel) gives the best description of Logan that I've ever seen in these panels.